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[BT-3区] 剧情电影《烈火焚城/焦土之城/焦头烂额》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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剧情电影《烈火焚城/焦土之城/焦头烂额》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《烈火焚城/焦土之城/焦头烂额》是由著名导演丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦导演的于2010年欧美地区上映的一部剧情类型的剧情片,由梅丽莎·德索蒙斯-波林马克西姆·高德特卢布娜·阿扎宝雷米·吉拉德主演,该片主要讲述了双胞胎西蒙(Simon)、珍宁(Janine)由母亲单独抚养长大,母亲过世后,他们从遗书中得知他们的父亲依然在世,并且还有另外一个兄弟。从此,双胞胎前往中东开始了对于母亲生活秘密的探寻。  母亲娜瓦尔病倒之后没有几天,便去世了。她留下来了几份遗嘱。这一天,公证人吉恩·莱伯向娜瓦尔的两个孩子珍妮和西蒙宣读了这份被公证过的遗嘱。不过,听闻了遗嘱的内容之后,这对双胞胎姐弟的内心却一直无法平静,因为除了自己的遗嘱之外,姐弟俩得到了两个信封--这是另外两份遗嘱。其中一封是给他们的父亲的,而这个传说中的父亲在姐弟俩的心中早已过世多年;还有一封是给娜瓦尔的第三个孩子的,这个孩子是娜瓦尔的长子,但是姐弟俩却一直不知道这个哥哥的存在。  面对着这么一份复杂的遗嘱和令人震惊的家庭关系网,姐姐珍妮突然间就明白了自己母亲在临终前几周的沉默和寡言。那并不是老人家心情不好,而是她的内心里还有不能放下的牵挂和割舍不去的历史。了解到这点之后,珍妮立即搭上了前往中东地区的班机,她要在那里寻找关于家庭线索的蛛丝马迹--其中包括自己的哥哥和自己的父亲。多年以来,这样一个世界和这两个人一直不曾存在于他们的生活之中,这次的寻觅之旅,她能找到什么呢?  不过,在西蒙的眼里,这不过是母亲死后的一种后遗症;,是她留给活人的一种智力和寻找的游戏;。他根本不想去关心母亲的过往和家族的历史。在他看来,活人只要能管理好自己的生活就是对母亲最大的慰藉。但是面对从小和自己相依为命的姐姐,西蒙也踏上了前往中东的班机,他要和姐姐一起在那片陌生的土地上寻找自己的身世,在上一辈亲人的家乡寻找一个未曾被人发现和了解的娜瓦尔。  在公证人吉恩的帮助下,西蒙和珍妮在中东一点一点地拼凑起了母亲的故事:娜瓦尔出生在中东南部的一个基督教家庭,少女时代的娜瓦尔和一个外乡人恋爱并且有了孩子。但是在中东地区,未婚先孕是一件奇耻大辱。所以,娜瓦尔的几个兄长打死了她的恋人。随后,娜瓦尔生下了男婴。疼爱娜瓦尔的祖母在孩子被送到孤儿院之前在孩子的脚踝上留下了三点刺青作为记号,以期在将来母子还能相认。在自己的家乡,娜瓦尔已经是一个臭名昭著的女人,她没有办法继续在这里待下去,即使是多年之后,她的孩子也没有办法在这里寻找自己的母亲。无奈之下,娜瓦尔来到了中东北部地区求学。不久,这片地区上的基督徒和穆斯林之间的宗教冲突渐渐升了级,娜瓦尔得知儿子所在的孤儿院遭到了袭击便冒险前往探视。一路上,她见到了基督教民兵的烧杀抢掠。为了能早点找到自己的孩子,她隐瞒了自己基督教徒的身份,搭上了一辆穆斯林难民的巴士。等她赶到孤儿院的时候,这座孤儿院已经被基督教民兵烧成了灰烬,而自己的孩子也生死不明。为了给自己的孩子复仇,娜瓦尔加入了一个南部的穆斯林武装力量。随后,她被安插进敌方--基督教领导人的家中坐家庭教师。获得对方信任后,娜瓦尔成功地暗杀了这个领导人。接着,她便被投入监狱,在狱中,娜瓦尔受尽非人的折磨,包括拷打和屡次强奸。珍妮和西蒙就是在狱中生下的孩子。出狱后,娜瓦尔在曾经服务的组织的帮助之下移民到了加拿大的魁北克。  姐弟俩在文明世界里长大,对母亲的过往、历史和勇气一无所知。在西蒙的眼中,母亲是一个冷漠的人。母亲病倒的那一天,她在游泳池里游泳。一抬头看到了不少人的小腿,其中的一个人的脚踝上,纹着令娜瓦尔刻骨、难忘的三点刺青的记号。她爬上岸,颤颤巍巍地走进人群。脚踝的主人回过头来,那张脸令娜瓦尔的心脏超过了负荷。随后,娜瓦尔病倒,在立下了几份遗嘱之后,溘然离世  马娜娃表面上是一个普通的白领,跟成年孖生子女珍妮和西门定居加拿大。直至她离世,珍妮及西门收到她留下的古怪遗嘱,他们才意会到母亲并非平凡人。娜娃在遗嘱上表明,除非珍妮和西门将两封她预备好的信送到他们素未谋面的父亲及哥哥手上,否则不许为她立墓碑,不许举行正常葬礼!  在遗瞩公证人黎尚的帮助下,两兄妹将母亲的过去如砌图般一块一块拼合起来。在那峰火连天的乱世中,他们发现母亲竟是一名间谍!她更沦为阶下囚达十五年之久!当母亲的黑暗过去揭盅,父亲和哥哥的神秘身份逐渐揭开,珍妮和西门才赫然发现一个让他们痛不欲生的惊人身世  双胞胎姐弟循着母亲的遗嘱,前往中东寻找素未谋面的父亲与兄长,意外扯出母亲不为人知的过去。改编自剧作家WajdiMouawad同名剧作,巧妙游走两个时空,试图从缠绕纠结的关系中,理出命运的头绪。沧凉悲苦的国仇家恨,宿命中摆荡不息的无奈孤寂,在《理工学院》导演镜头下竟如斯动人,犹如基耶洛夫斯基经典风采再现。



\"Fire Infraction City/Cocoa City/Scorching Top\" is a drama-type plot film released by the famous director Dennis Volunnewa in 2010. Starring Maxim Gordonna Azabao Remy Gillard, the film mainly tells the twins and Janine raised by her mother alone. The suicide note learned that their father was still alive, and there was another brother. Since then, the twins went to the Middle East to start a secret search for their mother's life. After a few days after her mother's illness fell, she died. She stayed a few wills. On this day, the notary Jean Lieber read the notarized will to the two children Jenny and Simon's two children. However, after hearing the content of the will, the heart of the twin sisters has not been calm, because except for her will, the sister and brother got two envelopes -this is the other two wills. One of them was for their father, and the legendary father had passed away in the hearts of his siblings for many years; and the other was the third child to Naval. This child was the eldest son of Nawal, but his sister The two brothers have never known the existence of this brother. Facing such a complicated will and a shocking family relationship, her sister Jennie suddenly understood the silence and dignity of her mother in a few weeks before her death. It was not a bad mood for the elderly, but there was still a history that could not be let go and could not let go. After learning about this, Jenny immediately took a flight to the Middle East, where she was looking for clues about family clues -including her brother and his father. For many years, such a world and these two people have never existed in their lives. What can she find this journey? However, in the eyes of Simon, this is just a sequelae after the death of the mother; it is a game that she has left to the living person; He didn't want to care about his mother's past and family history at all. In his opinion, as long as the living person can manage his life is the greatest comfort to his mother. However, in the face of the sister who depended on himself from an early age, Simon also embarked on a flight to the Middle East. He wanted to find his life on that strange land with his sister, and looking for a family of his relatives in the previous generation. And Naval who knows. With the help of a notary Jane, Simon and Jenny put together their mother's story in the Middle East: Naval was born in a Christian family in southern Middle East. Essence However, in the Middle East, unmarried pregnancy is a shame. So, several elder brothers of Naval killed her lover. Subsequently, Nawal gave birth to a baby boy. The grandmother who loves Nawal has left three tattoos on the child's ankle before the child was sent to the orphanage as a mark, in order to recognize the mother and child in the future. In her hometown, Nawal is already a infamous woman. She has no way to continue hereStaying in, even after many years, her child could not find her mother here. In desperation, Nawal came to the northern part of the Middle East to study. Soon, the religious conflict between Christians and Muslims in this area gradually increased, and Naval learned that his son's orphanage was attacked and risked to visit. Along the way, she saw the burning and looting of Christian militia. In order to find her child earlier, she concealed her Christian identity and took a bus for Muslim refugees. When she rushed to the orphanage, the orphanage had been burned by Christian militia for ashes, and her child was unknown. In order to avenge his child, Naval joined a Muslim armed forces in the south. She was subsequently inserted into the enemy -Christian leader's home. After gaining the trust of the other party, Nawal successfully assassinated the leader. Then she was put into prison. During his prison, Nawal was tortured by non -human torture, including torture and repeated rape. Jennie and Simon are children born in prison. After being released from prison, Naval immigrated to Quebec, Canada with the help of the once -served organization. The sisters and brothers grew up in the civilized world and knew nothing about their mother's past, history and courage. In Simon's eyes, the mother is an indifferent person. On the day when her mother fell ill, she swims in the swimming pool. As soon as he looked up, he saw a lot of people's calves, one of them, on the ankle of them, tattooing Nawal's bone and unforgettable three tattoos. She climbed ashore and walked into the crowd trembling. The owner of the ankle turned his head, and the face made Nanwal's heart exceeded the load. Subsequently, after Naval's illness, after a few will, he died of a normal white -collar worker on the surface. Until she died, Jenny and Ximen received the weird will left by her, and they would go to her mother and not ordinary people. Nana stated on the will that unless Jennie and Ximen will send her two letters to her father and brother who have never met, they are not allowed to set up a tombstone for her or a normal funeral! With the help of Li Shang, the notary of attention, the two brothers and sisters combined their mother's past like a picture. In the chaotic world in that peak, they found that their mother was actually a spy! She has been reduced to fifteen years of prisoners! When the mother's darkness passed the cup, the mysterious identity of the father and brother gradually revealed, Jenny and Ximen suddenly found a amazing life twin sister and brother who made them feel painful, and went to the Middle East to find the father and brother who had never met his face. Unexpectedly, the mother's unknown past. Adapted from the drama writer Wajdimouawad's drama, clever walking two time and space, trying to ignore the clue of fate from the relationship between entangled and tangled. The grievances of the country hate, the helpless loneliness in the fate, under the lens of the \"Institute of Technology\", is so moving, like a classic reappearance of Chielovsky.







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