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[BT-3区] 恐怖电影《93号航班》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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恐怖电影《93号航班》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载

电影《93号航班》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《颤栗航班93 / 联航93 / 联合93 / 93号航班》。影片于2010正式上映。是一部恐怖类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,这部电影的导演是保罗·格林格拉斯,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部电影,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员J.J.Johnson,Polly·Adams,Gary·Commock,Starla·Benford,Opal·Alladin等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,影片的制片和出品地区是在法国,在这里拍摄非常符合影片的人物设定和场景还原,这种影片的场景也非常贴合剧情需要。

2001年9月11日,令所有地球人难以忘记的日子。“9·11”三个数字连接在一起,不再仅仅代表美国人的报警专用电话号码,而是由“在这一天三架分别撞击了世贸双子大厦和五角大楼的美国航班”而改变成了惊世骇俗的一串数字!而就在同一天,另一架被恐怖分子劫持“93号航班”却“意外”坠毁在了宾夕法尼亚州的尚克斯维尔附近地区。  当时的实时新闻报道称“美国联合航空公司93次航班9月11日上午遭劫持后在宾夕法尼亚州尚克斯维尔的一片树林坠毁,机上45人全部遇难。媒体广泛猜测,由于乘客反抗,恐怖分子利用该机攻击华盛顿重要目标的企图失败。”  有人说劫机的恐怖分子原本要驾驶这架航班同样去撞击美国总统府白宫。但是,飞机上的众多乘客英勇地奋起反击,与凶残的恐怖分子展开了殊死的搏斗,最终,以全体乘客和恐怖分子的同归于尽,换来了更多无辜人士的幸存。事实上,对于这一事见还有很多种说法:美国国会发表的“9.11”事见调查报告指出,有关方面经过对驾驶舱数据记录仪进行细致分析后发现,美洲航空公司93号航班在宾夕法尼亚州的坠毁是机上恐怖分子自行操作所致。但是在“9.11”恐怖袭击事见发生以后,美国各界人士普遍认为,这次事故为机上三十多名乘客协同七名机组人员同几名劫机者进行惨烈的搏斗后重新控制了飞机,最终造成了这样的结果,树立了一批“挽救国家的英雄”形象……幕后花絮  想必,这位英国导演保罗·格林戈拉斯,并不会引起太多人的注意。因为早年执导的一些电视作品绝对称不上有什么大名气。但2004年,那部由好莱坞“智慧小子”马特·达蒙主演的特工动作大戏《至尊伯恩》,绝对是红极一时的大作。而且,这部系列影片的第三部也已经进入了前期的筹备阶段。保罗无可非议地继续导演这部特工题材电影《伯恩最后的通谍》(暂译),主演依然是马特·达蒙。曾用名《93号航班》的本片可谓是导演保罗·格林戈拉斯精心筹备之作。因为同样擅长编剧的保罗亦是本片剧本的创作者。花费了大量时间和经历研究这段历史事见,并最终用第七艺术的独特表现形式,重新再现了这段与自己毫不相干的“闲事”。  保罗·格林戈拉斯直接地从事见的正面角度入手,再次审视历史。并且在情节桥断的设置上以及精细到一个镜头,都试图展现当时那些惊心动魄的惊险场面,以及随之而来的大胆决断,在长93分钟(想必片长也是经过导演精心设计的!)的时间里,将所有的陌生乘客及机组成员团结成一个反击的整体,来共同面对惨烈的危机。事实上,在“9·11”事见发生之后,电影界随即出现了一系列对于这一历史事见的不同角度的描述……影片简评  今年是“9·11”恐怖事见的第五年,《战栗航班93》的导演保罗·格林戈拉斯以一种戏剧般的形式来开创了对于“9.11”事见的独特纪念形式。试图让人们记住那些灾难的时刻,进而留下一些警醒的东西,包括这一历史事见的原因以及它的结果。而且这部电影是导演本人撰写的剧本,参杂了导演本人对于这段历史的比较客观地理解。对于历史,史学家以及其他学者的种种猜测固然有它的道理,而且还有政治上的不好言明的原因。电影从另外的角度给人们展现一种积极的奋斗,无论如何总是好的。英国人保罗·格林戈拉斯有幸成为93号航班的掌控者,作品以出色的空间调度见长,对电影节奏的控制具有很高的水准。此片揭密了鲜为人之的真实事见,保罗表示虽然93号航班上的那些英雄们已永远离开了我们,但剧组仍可从当时的电话录音和黑匣子的讯息中窥探到那个特殊时刻里发生的故事……

又名:颤栗航班93 / 联航93 / 联合93 / 93号航班


On September 11, 2001, it made all the people unforgettable. The three numbers of \"September 11\" are connected together, and they no longer just represent the American alarm phone number, but have changed from \"the three US Trade Gemini Building and the Pentagon of the Pentagon on this day\". A string of numbers! On the same day, another \"Flight 93\" was hijacked by terrorists but crashed in the area near Shangxville, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. The real -time news report at the time stated that \"93 U.S. United Airlines flights were hijacked on the morning of September 11th in a forest crashed in Shangxville, Pennsylvania, and 45 people were killed on board. The attempt to use the aircraft to attack Washington's important goal failed. \"Some people said that the hijacketing terrorists originally wanted to drive the flight to the White House of the Presidential Palace. However, many passengers on the plane counterattacked the counterattack and fought a deadly fight with the cruel terrorists. In the end, the existence of more innocent people was exchanged for all passengers and terrorists. In fact, there are many saying on this matter: The \"9.11\" issued by the US Congress's \"9.11\" report pointed out that after a detailed analysis of the cockpit data recorder, the relevant parties found that the American Airlines flight 93 was in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. The crash was caused by the operation of the terrorist on the plane. However, after the \"9.11\" terrorist attacks, people from all walks of life in the United States generally believe that the accident is the fierce fighting of more than 30 passengers on the plane to re -control the aircraft after the fierce fighting of several hijackers, which will eventually cause it, and eventually cause As a result, a group of \"heroes who saved the country\" image ... behind the scenes, the British director Paul Greenigras will not attract too many people's attention. Because some TV works directed in the early years are definitely not famous. But in 2004, the agent action drama \"Supreme Boyn\" starring the Hollywood \"Wisdom Boy\" Matt Damon was definitely a very popular masterpiece. Moreover, the third part of this series has also entered the preparatory stage. Paul continued to directed this agent movie \"Berne's Last Spy\" (temporary translation), and the starring actress was still Matt Damon. The film \"Flight 93\" is a well -prepared work of director Paul Greengras. Because Paul, who is also good at screenwriter, is also the creator of the script. It took a lot of time and experience to study this historical experience, and finally re -reproduced this \"leisure\" that was not related to himself in the unique expression of the seventh art. Paul Greenigras started directly from the positive angle of the seeing, and reviewed history again. And in the setting of the plot bridge and a fine shot, they all tried to show the thrilling scenes of the thrilling scene at that time, and the bold decisions that followed. During the time, unite all strange passengers and crew members into a counterattack as a whole, to come togetherTo a tragic crisis. In fact, after the \"September 11\" incident, a series of descriptions of the different perspectives of this historical experience appeared after the \"9 · 11\" incident ... In the year, Paul Grimllas, the director of \"Study Flight 93\", created a unique commemorative form of the \"9.11\" in a dramatic form. Try to keep people remember those disaster moments and leave some wake -up things, including the reason for this historical opinion and its results. And this film is a script written by the director himself, and the director has a objective understanding of this history. Regarding history, the speculation of historians and other scholars, of course, has its truth, and there is also a reason why politics is not good. The film shows people a positive struggle from another angle, which is always good anyway. The British Paul Grimllas was fortunate to be the controller of Flight 93. The work is known for its excellent space scheduling, and the control of the film's rhythm has a high level. This film revealed the real view of the little people. Paul said that although the heroes on Flight 93 have always left us, the crew can still peep from the telephone recording and black box at the time to that special moment to that special moment. The story that happened ...







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