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剧情电影《邓稼先》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


公元1996年7月29日,中国在成功地进行了最后一次核试验后向全世界宣告,从7月30日开始,中国将暂时停止核试验。  消息传到大洋彼岸时,著名美籍华裔物理学家杨振宁教授敏感地意识到,这是中国政府和中国人民为缅怀在十年前的这一天不幸逝世的“两弹元勋”邓稼先而精心选择的特殊纪念日。作为邓稼先的两代世交和终身挚友,杨振宁不禁流下了热泪。  1958年,留美归国的邓稼先博士接受了秘密研制原子弹的任务,从此开始隐姓埋名,担任中国原子弹的理论设计工作。作为理论物理学家,邓稼先带领核武器研究院的理论设计部,在没有任何理论借鉴和技术资料的困境下,经过艰苦奋战,成功地实现了“零”的突破,为中国第一颗原子弹的诞生提供了理论设计,做出了重大贡献。  公元1964年10月16日,中国在西部地区成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,向全世界宣告了中国的军事科技实力,改变了世界政治军事力量对比,提升了中国的国际地位和威望,邓稼先功不可没。  紧接着,邓稼先又组织领导了中国第一颗氢弹的理论设计工作。公元1967年6月17日,中国成功地爆炸了第一颗氢弹,震惊了世界。随后,邓稼先又为研制中子弹和核武器小型化做出了重大贡献。  公元1971年,经过周恩来总理的精心斡旋和安排,杨振宁终于回到了阔别二十多年的祖国。他列出的最想见的人员名单里,第一个就是同窗挚友邓稼先。然而,此时邓稼先正在西北试验基地的学习班蒙受“批判”。当他接到中央通知,千里迢迢地赶回北京饭店,见到老朋友杨振宁时,却无法回答“你从事什么工作、为什么回国后没有任何消息”等简单的问题,处境十分尴尬。于是杨振宁换了一种提问方式,提出“听说中国的原子弹和氢弹是两个美国人帮助搞出来的,是否属实?”的问题,也让邓稼先欲言又止。杨振宁满怀疑虑和遗憾,离开了北京去上海访问。周总理很快得知此事后,打电话告诉邓稼先并请他转告杨振宁,“中国的‘两弹’完全是由中国人自己研制的,没有任何外国人参加。”当杨振宁在上海大厦宴会厅接到邓稼先这封信时,顿时激动得不能自持,躲进卫生间里泪流满面。他坚定地相信,才华横溢的邓稼先必定是中国“两弹”的研制者和大功臣。  二十世纪七十年代中期,为保密和战备需要,核武器研究院秘密搬迁到四川北部山区,继续从事核武器的研制工作。粉碎四人帮后,院长邓稼先因受到核辐射影响,身体已经极度衰弱,后来检查出恶性肿瘤和癌细胞全身转移,但他仍然顽强地带病坚持工作,与死神赛跑进入最后冲刺阶段。他回到茫茫戈壁滩上第一次爆炸原子弹的地方,风吹沙动,大漠苍凉,抚今追昔,世界政治格局已发生了深刻的变化,惟有忠于祖国和人民的赤子之心持之以恒。邓稼先在参与指挥了最后一次地下核试验之后终于病倒,被送进北京解放军总医院治疗。  在邓稼先隐姓埋名地秘密从事核武器研究的近三十年里,他不仅牺牲了个人名利和个人生活,他的妻子许鹿希和儿女们也承受了无法诉说的精神折磨和艰难困苦,但,她们始终都默默地承受下来,直到邓稼先被迫离开工作岗位,还原为一个普通的丈夫和父亲。然而一切似乎都为之晚矣。1986年夏天,邓稼先进入了生命的最后的旅程。他向中央和同事交代了后事,坦然地面对死亡。他让警卫员陪同来到天安门广场,向祖国和人民作最后的告别。弥留之际,他的终身挚友杨振宁来到病床前,邓稼先已处于昏迷状态;等他再次苏醒,杨振宁已经飞回美国,留下了终身遗憾。留学美国的女儿在中国驻美大使馆惊闻父亲病危的噩耗,万里迢迢地飞回到父亲身边。当她气喘吁吁地闯进危重病房,看见浑身插满管子、濒临死亡的父亲邓稼先时,父女俩都毫无控制地放声痛哭起来。  公元2009年金秋,在中华人民共和国迎来六十周年大庆之际,“两弹元勋”邓稼先的英魂仿佛又来到雄伟壮丽的天安门广场,来到庄严肃穆的人民英雄纪念碑。他独自坐在纪念碑的台阶上,满怀深情地眺望漫天飞舞的鸽群。鸽哨声中,邓稼先泪如泉涌。



On July 29, 1996, China announced to the world after successfully conducting the last nuclear test that starting from July 30, China will temporarily stop the nuclear test. When the news spread to the other side of the ocean, Professor Yang Zhenning, a well -known American Chinese physicist, realized that this was the \"two bombs\" Deng Jiaxian who died of the Chinese government and the Chinese people who died ten years ago. Special anniversary. As Deng Jiaxian's two generations of world friends and lifelong friends, Yang Zhenning couldn't help crying. In 1958, Dr. Deng Jiaxian, who returned to the United States, accepted the task of secretly developing the atomic bomb. Since then, he has been anonymous and served as the theoretical design of the Chinese atomic bullet. As the theoretical physicist, Deng Jiaxian led the theoretical design department of the Nuclear Institute of Research. Without any theoretical reference and technical information, he successfully achieved the \"zero\" breakthrough after hard work. Provided theoretical design and made significant contributions. On October 16, 1964, China successfully exploded the first atomic bomb in the western region, announcing the strength of China's military scientific and technological strength to the world, changed the comparison of world political and military forces, and enhanced China's international status and prestige. Master. Immediately afterwards, Deng Jiaxian organized the theoretical design of China's first hydrogen bomb. On June 17, 1967, China successfully exploded the first hydrogen bomb and shocked the world. Subsequently, Deng Jiaxian contributed a significant contribution to the miniaturization of bullets and nuclear weapons. In 1971, after the careful mediation and arrangement of Premier Zhou Enlai, Yang Zhenning finally returned to the motherland of more than 20 years. In the list he listed, the first one was Deng Jiaxian, a fellow friend of his classmates. However, at this time, Deng Jiaxian was \"criticized\" at the study base of the Northwest Test Base. When he received a notice from the central government, Qianli rushed back to the Beijing Hotel. When he saw his old friend Yang Zhenning, he couldn't answer simple questions such as \"What are you doing?\" So Yang Zhenning changed a question method and proposed that \"I heard that the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb of China are helpful by the two Americans, is it true?\" It also made Deng Jiaxian stop talking. Yang Zhenning's skepticism and regret left Beijing to visit Shanghai. After Prime Minister Zhou soon learned about this, he called Deng Jiaxian and asked him to tell Yang Zhenning, \"China's\" two bombs' \"was developed by the Chinese by themselves, and no foreigners participated.\" When Deng Jiaxian's letter, he was so excited that he couldn't hold himself, hiding in the bathroom with tears. He firmly believes that the talented Deng Jia must be the developer and great hero of China's \"two bombs\". In the mid -1970s, in order to keep secret and combat needs, the nuclear weapon research institute secretly moved to the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bnorthern Sichuan and continued to engage in the development of nuclear weapons. After crushing the gangs of the four, Dean Deng Jiaxian was extremely weak due to nuclear radiation, and his body was extremely weak. Later, he found that malignant tumors and cancer cells metastasis, but he still stubbornly insisted on work.The final sprint stage with Death Racing. He returned to the place where the first explosion of the atomic bullet on the vast Gobi Beach, the wind blows the sand, the desert is desolate, and the world's political pattern has undergone profound changes. After participating in the command of the last underground nuclear test, Deng Jia was finally ill and was sent to the Beijing PLA General Hospital for treatment. In the nearly thirty years when Deng Jiaxian's surname secretly engaged in nuclear weapons research, he not only sacrificed his personal fame and personal life, but his wife Xu Luxi and his children also endured the spiritual torture and difficulties that could not be talked about, but they always silently silent The land was endured until Deng Jia was forced to leave his job and restored to an ordinary husband and father. However, everything seems to be late. In the summer of 1986, Deng Jia entered the last journey of life. He explained to the central government and his colleagues and died calmly. He asked the guards to accompany the Tiananmen Square to make a final farewell to the motherland and the people. When he was dying, his lifelong friend Yang Zhenning came to the bed, and Deng Jia was already in a coma; when he woke up again, Yang Zhenning had flew back to the United States and left a lifelong regret. The daughter studying in the United States was shocked by the Chinese embassy in the United States to hear the bad news of his father's illness, and flew back to his father. When she broke into the critical ward panting, and when she saw Deng Jiaxian, who was full of pipes and dying, her father and daughter cried without control. In the autumn of 2009 AD, when the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China ushered in the Great Celebration of the People's Republic of China, Deng Jiaxian's heroic soul of \"Two Bolting Yuanxun\" seemed to come to the majestic Tiananmen Square and came to the solemn people's hero monument. He sat alone on the steps of the monument, overlooking the flying pigeons with affection. In the sound of pigeons, Deng Jia burst into tears.







小贴士:【影视自媒体解说文案请移步:夏至文案解说网 www.xiazhi.vip




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