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[BT-3区] 剧情电影《新年真好》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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剧情电影《新年真好》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


1997年春节前,四年级学生莫非从城里来到了乡下的保姆阿姨家。莫非没带作业,他拿了一架遥控飞机。莫非的遥控  飞机把全村的孩子全赢了!保姆阿姨家有一个八岁的女孩儿竹叶,会唱很多动听的歌谣。她和哥哥竹林冒着凛冽的寒风天天到山上挖药材,然  后卖到镇里的店里。莫非的飞机让竹林兄妹感到了无比的荣耀。  大志是村里的孩子头。大志的爸爸做生意赚了很多钱。大志有大大小小很  多彩炮,村里的孩子,像大毛、镢头们都讨好他。莫非的飞机钦羡着孩子们的目光,这让大志感到了失落。大志要买飞机。可莫非的飞机是奖  品。莫非能卖?大志给爸爸要,爸说现在咱条件好了,城里的孩子玩什么咱的孩子也玩什么。可是,遥控飞机实在太贵,爸爸买来了一架木头片  做的飞机。大志伤心地哭了一场。  镇上收购了他们的药材,高兴得竹叶又跳又唱。可是,生病的爸爸很快花光了这几块钱。爸爸进城打工  ,掉架子摔断了腰,在床上躺过两年了。竹叶找到莫非,请求他让她去他家做保姆。她妈就在他家做过保姆嘛!她说她会刷锅洗碗、会带小孩  儿、还会洗手绢。表姐十五,只比她大八岁,每个月带小孩儿就能挣600块,她不要那么多,100块钱就行了!莫非恼了,说她小小年纪怎么就  想着挣钱而不去好好上学?竹叶哭了。竹叶说她挣了钱就回来上学。  过年了!鞭炮的响声连成一片。贴红对联,放长鞭炮,吃年夜饭,发  压岁钱。城里长大的莫非,样样都感觉新鲜。大年初一,大人们都去看戏,孩子们再一次在湖面上放起了飞机。莫非悄悄问大志还想不想买飞  机,大志说想,但他只有100块压岁钱。莫非说100也行,谁让我们是朋友呢!大志喜出望外,立即掏钱买下了飞机。竹林兄妹大为伤心。他们  想,一定是妈妈给的压岁钱太少,莫非没钱花了。兄妹俩把各自的一元钱合在一起,让竹叶送给莫非。竹叶哭着,一定要莫非赎回飞机,那是  莫非的荣誉啊!可是,莫非没赎!  莫非要走了。婆娑的灯影里,竹叶把莫非约出来,再次请求他带她进城打工。这次莫非没有批评,他让  她抬起头来,找一颗最亮的星星许一个美好心愿。她扬起脸来找星星,莫非悄悄地把钱,100块钱,放进竹叶的手中。竹叶哭了。她终于明白了  莫非哥哥的心!莫非笑着哄她:只要竹叶能上学,100架飞机也值得!竹叶的泪水更多了。莫非说他有要求,等竹叶认字了,一定要给他写一封  信!  几百元的飞机人家只要了100块钱,大志很过意不去。既然是朋友了,他感觉应该送莫非一样像样的礼物。他把姥姥送他的那尊精巧  的玉石狮子找了出来。当他穿过夜晚水墨画似的茅竹林来到竹叶家的墙外时,正听见莫非对竹叶说话。  大志很惭愧。一夜翻来覆去,就决  定把飞机还给莫非。那100块钱,算是他和莫非共同帮助竹叶的不行吗?可是,当他抱着飞机来到竹叶家的时候,莫非已经走了。大志于是邀上  大毛和镢头,摇起船一路猛追。  莫非的木船正行走在宽阔的湖面上。木讷的竹林使劲划着船。乖巧的竹叶站在船头,再一次给城里的哥哥  唱响歌谣。



Before the Spring Festival in 1997, the fourth -year student came to the nanny's house from the city. He had no homework, he took a remote control aircraft. Mo Fei's remote control aircraft won all the children in the village! Auntie Aunt's House has a eight -year -old girl, and she will sing a lot of beautiful ballads. She and her elder brother's bamboo forest rushed to dig medicines on the mountain every day, and then sold it in the town's shop. Mo Fei's plane made the bamboo forest brothers and sisters feel extremely glorious. Dazhi is the child in the village. Dazhi's father made a lot of money in doing business. Dazhi has a lot of color guns in large and small, and children in the village, like Da Mao and the heads, please him. Mo Fei's plane envied the children's attention, which made Dazhi's loss. Dazhi wants to buy a plane. But the plane is a prize. Could it be that you can sell it? Dazhi is for his dad. Dad said that now we are in good condition. The children in the city play our children. However, the remote control aircraft was too expensive, and Dad bought a wooden aircraft. Dazhi cried sadly. The town acquired their medicinal materials, and she was happy to jump and sing. However, the sick father quickly spent these dollars. Dad went to work in the city, broke his waist, and lay on the bed for two years. Bamboo leaf found it, and asked him to let her go to his house as a nanny. Her mother has done a nanny at his house! She said she would wash the dishes, bring children, and wash handkerchiefs. Cousin fifteen, only eight years older than her, can earn 600 yuan with children every month. She doesn't have to be so much, just 100 yuan! Could it be annoyed, how could she think of making money at a young age and not going to school? Bamboo leaves were crying. Zhu Ye said that she came back to school when she made money. New Year! The sound of firecrackers was connected. Put red couplets, set off firecrackers, eat New Year's Eve, and make New Year's money. Mo Fei grows up in the city, and it feels fresh. On the first day of the New Year, adults went to watch the show, and the children forth on the lake again. Could it be quietly asking Dazhi whether he wanted to buy a flying machine, Dazhi said, but he only had 100 yuan for New Year's money. Could it be that 100 is also okay, who makes us friends! Da Zhi was overjoyed and immediately paid for the plane. Bamboo forest brothers and sisters are very sad. They thought, it must be that the mother had too little money to give it. The brothers and sisters combined their own one yuan together and gave the bamboo leaves to Mo Fei. Bamboo leaves are crying, it must be redeem the plane, it is Mo Fei's honor! But, isn't it redeemed! Could it be leaving. In the shadow of the mother -in -law, the bamboo leaves asked for an appointment and asked him to take her into the city again. This time, he did not criticize. He asked her to raise her head and find a brightest star to a good wish. She raised her face to find the stars. Bamboo leaves were crying. She finally understood Mo Fei's heart! Could it be laughed and coaxed her: As long as the bamboo leaves can go to school, 100 planes are worth it! There are more tears in bamboo leaves. Copy say that he has a request, wait for the bamboo leaves to recognize the word, and be sure to write a letter to him! A few hundred yuan of planes only needed 100 yuan, and Dazhi was very unhappy. Since it's a friend, he feelsI feel that it should be given the same decent gift.He found the delicate jade lion who sent him to him.When he walked outside the wall of the ink painting at night to the wall of Zhuye's house, he was hearing that Mo Fei was talking to Zhuye.Dazhi was ashamed.After turning over the night, it was decided to return the plane to Mo Fei.Is that 100 yuan, is it that he and the bamboo leaves can not help bamboo leaves?However, when he came to Zhuye's house holding the plane, it was already left.Dazhi invited Da Mao and his head, and chased the boat all the way.Mo Fei's wooden boats are walking on the wide lake.The bamboo forest of Mu Na paddled the boat hard.The well -behaved bamboo leaf stood at the bow and sang the song to the brother in the city again.







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