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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《新拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《新拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


在厦门保春制药厂发生了一起命案,名叫祝四萍的被害人是工地上的外来务工人员,刑警队长姚大维在祝四萍的前男友龙小羽的房间搜出了带血的衬衫。经过化验比对,姚队长将嫌疑人锁定为龙小羽。此时,龙小羽已经不见了踪影,而制药厂董事长罗保春因心脏病突发身亡,保春制药厂之后宣布破产。做模特的女儿罗晶晶伤心不已,她并不知道这个时候自己的男朋友龙小羽已经潜逃。  韩丁是名大学刚刚毕业的律师,他接到第一桩案件的委托人是罗晶晶。由于父亲工厂破产,她邀请韩丁将父亲生前转移到自己名下,目前已经被查封的老宅通过法律手段赢回。因为罗保春有转移财产之嫌,因此案件最终败诉。韩丁对罗晶晶的遭遇有了一丝怜惜。韩丁在与罗晶晶的交谈中也了解到了她和男朋友龙小羽的一些感情状况。在他回到北京后的一段时间,无意中又看到了在北京某个商场做模特谋生的罗晶晶。韩丁向安珀提出了分手,并转而向罗晶晶发起了表白的攻势,他邀请罗晶晶住到自己在北京的家中,两个人确定了恋爱关系。韩丁在偶然的情况下发现了来到北京寻找罗晶晶的龙小羽,龙小羽被姚大维抓获后韩丁从罗晶晶的口中得知了龙小羽准备携罗晶晶逃往新疆的情况。  在罗晶晶的请求下,虽然在法律界有着很多阻力,但是韩丁最终同意担任龙小羽的辩护律师,两个人来到厦门住在了罗晶晶的好友程瑶的家中。韩丁在看守所见到龙小羽,并从他那里得知了在事发当晚所发生的事情。原来龙小羽为了摆脱祝四萍的纠缠而准备用钱来了断两个人的关系,在四萍的央求下,他和四萍最后一次发生了关系。当龙小羽出门后却发觉手机忘记在房间中,回到房间他看到祝四萍已经身中数刀,因此慌忙逃走。韩丁听后便在接下来的时间里细细的询问了他和罗晶晶、祝四萍等人的关系。韩丁了解到祝四萍和龙小羽本是一个村的老乡,两个人从小青梅竹马,一起在戏班子中长大。龙小羽的母亲和别人私奔后,父亲也在他读高中的时候因病去世,是四萍靠工厂工作的薪水来供龙小羽读书,直到龙小羽大二那年,四萍的母亲生病,龙小羽退学一起帮助照顾四萍的母亲。后来两个人又来到了厦门打工,在同村的工头张雄的带领下,以碰瓷的方式认识了罗晶晶。原本祝四萍和龙小羽计划是接近罗晶晶,然后龙小羽靠假结婚来获得经济上的利益,但是四萍没有想到龙小羽真的爱上了罗晶晶。韩丁也同样了解到了罗晶晶和龙小羽两个人彼此之间的爱恋,从愈加深入的谈话中他发现龙小羽为人并不真诚,甚至可以说他是一个无耻而又自私的人。  在安珀以及同事老林的帮助下,韩丁和罗晶晶搜集到了很多有利于龙小羽案件的线索。韩丁始终担心,如果龙小羽真的无罪释放,那么一定会危及到自己和罗晶晶的感情,但是他依旧努力的为龙小羽搜集证据,并不因为私情而忘记律师的职责。由于张雄的工程出现问题,在被羁押的过程中,他向狱友透露了自己向祝四萍行凶的经过,而这件事情被他的狱友反映给公安局,作为韩丁辩护的最好证据。经过众人的努力,最终龙小羽被宣布无罪释放。由于罗晶晶和韩丁在一起,给了龙小羽不小的打击。韩丁不希望罗晶晶因为自己帮助龙小羽辩护成功而强迫爱上自己,他尊重晶晶的选择。罗晶晶选择和龙小羽回到了厦门,韩丁为此难过。而龙小羽狭隘的心理也让他仇视韩丁。  张雄的老婆在北京的事务所中找到韩丁,在她极力的请求下,韩丁仔细看了她准备的材料。随即发现案件还有一些并未调查清楚的真相,他决定接手张雄的案件,为其辩护。韩丁在厦门的看守所见到了张雄,张雄也将自己与祝四萍和龙小羽的关系向他做了说明,他承认自己是在气急之下用水果刀戳了祝四萍三刀,但是都不在要害部位。韩丁清楚地认识到了案件的问题所在,祝四萍最致命的是第四刀,既然张雄不是行凶者,那么不能排除龙小羽作案的可能,况且至今为止还没有找到凶器以及龙小羽给祝四萍的那张银行卡的下落。他将情况告知了姚大维,并请求重新查办案件。  龙小羽此时在厦门通过融资,成功的当上了公司的总经理,他极力想告别穷苦的日子到来了,他认为自己用金钱就能为罗晶晶带来幸福。他以100万的价格准备收买老林和韩丁所在的事务所,让他们阻止韩丁对自己的调查,但是老林将事情告诉了韩丁,这让韩丁意识到了龙小羽必定和这个案件有关。龙小羽此时开着豪车带罗晶晶来到自己和四萍的家乡,看望四萍的父母,并对乡亲们澄清自己的清白,但是四萍的堂兄祝七贵始终对他的言辞不做理会。姚大维这个时候在罗家老宅的屋顶找到了那把作为凶器的水果刀,并在上面查到了龙小羽的指纹,随即下令逮捕龙小羽。  龙小羽在自己的家乡被突如其来的警方办案人员押解上了警车,这让罗晶晶受了不小的打击,韩丁在龙小羽被带走的同时来到了晶晶的身边,在他真挚的话语和劝慰下,晶晶不再难过。四萍母亲在这个时候突发疾病,送往医院后因为病重而身亡。祝七贵在韩丁和罗晶晶临走前告诉他们案件的实情让他们感到惊讶。原来案发前,祝七贵由于赌球欠下了债务,正准备去四萍的房间找她寻求帮助。他在门外听到了龙小羽和祝四萍的谈话。龙小羽走后七贵去找四萍,正在说话的时候张雄来到四萍的房间,无奈七贵躲在了床下。在四萍身中三刀后,她依然清醒,七贵坚持送她上医院,她却痴情的要等龙小羽回来。龙小羽回来取手机,四萍逼问他是否依然爱自己,在得到否定的答案后,她用水果刀结束了自己的生命。龙小羽看到后,拿起水果刀匆忙逃了出去,这一切七贵都看在眼里。随后,七贵慌忙捡起地上的那张银行卡,匆匆走出了工地。祝七贵又将祝四萍与龙小羽计划骗取罗晶晶钱财的事情告诉了晶晶,这让晶晶感到伤心。  龙小羽再次被释放,晶晶不再跟他有任何瓜葛。  韩丁回到了北京,无意中在商场看到了穿着婚纱做模特表演的晶晶。两个人隔着玻璃橱窗互相对视,彼此心照不宣的被幸福打湿了眼眶。因为他们知道自己经历过爱情的残酷后,现在收获到的便是最珍贵的幸福。



A murder case occurred in the Xiamen Baochun Pharmaceutical Factory. The victim named Zhu Siping was a migrant worker on the construction site. The criminal police captain Yao Dawei found a bloody shirt in the room of Zhu Siping's ex -boyfriend Long Xiaoyu. After the test comparison, Captain Yao locked the suspect as Long Xiaoyu. At this time, Long Xiaoyu was disappearing, and Luo Baichun, chairman of the pharmaceutical factory, died of a sudden heart attack, and the Baochun Pharmaceutical Factory announced bankruptcy. Luo Jingjing, the daughter of the model, was so sad that she didn't know that her boyfriend Long Xiaoyu had absconded at this time. Han Ding is a lawyer who has just graduated from the university. He received the client of the first case was Luo Jingjing. Due to the bankruptcy of her father's factory, she invited Han Ding to transfer her father to her name during her lifetime. Because Luo Baochun was suspected of transferring property, the case was finally defeated. Han Ding had a hint of pity on Luo Jingjing. In the conversation with Luo Jingjing, Han Ding also learned about some emotional conditions of her and her boyfriend Long Xiaoyu. For a period of time after he returned to Beijing, he accidentally saw Luo Jingjing, who was a model in a mall in Beijing. Han Ding broke up to Aper, and turned to Luo Jingjing's confession offensive. He invited Luo Jingjing to live in his home in Beijing, and the two of them determined their love relationship. In accident, Han Ding discovered that Long Xiaoyu, who came to Beijing to find Luo Jingjing. After Long Xiaoyu was captured by Yao Dawei, Han Ding learned from Luo Jingjing's mouth that Long Xiaoyu was going to bring Luo Jingjing to Xinjiang. Under Luo Jingjing's request, although there were many resistance in the legal community, Han Ding finally agreed to serve as Long Xiaoyu's defense lawyer. The two came to Xiamen to live in Luo Jingjing's friend Cheng Yao's home. Han Ding saw Long Xiaoyu in the detention center and learned what happened from him from him. It turned out that Long Xiaoyu prepared to break the relationship between the two people in order to get rid of Zhu Siping's entanglement. Under the sake of Siping, he and Siping had the last relationship with Siping. When Long Xiaoyu went out, he found that his mobile phone was forgotten in the room. When he returned to the room, he saw that Zhu Siping had a knife in his body, so he hurried away. After hearing, Han Ding asked him about his relationship with Luo Jingjing, Zhu Siping and others in the next time. Han Ding learned that Zhu Siping and Long Xiaoyu were originally fellows in the village. The two grew up in the drama team since the childhood. After Long Xiaoyu's mother eloped with others, his father died of illness when he was in high school. It was the salary of Siping's work to work for Long Xiaoyu to read. Xiaoyu dropped out of school to help take care of Siping's mother. Later, the two came to Xiamen to work again. Under the leadership of Zhang Xiong of the same village, they met Luo Jingjing in the way of touching porcelain. Originally, I wish Siping and Long Xiaoyu's plan to be close to Luo Jingjing, and then Long Xiaoyu rely on fake marriage to obtain economic interests, but Siping did not expect Long Xiaoyu to fall in love with Luo Jingjing. Han Ding also learned about the love between Luo Jingjing and Long Xiaoyu. In the deepening conversation, he found that Long Xiaoyu was not sincere, and he could even say that he was a shameless and selfish person. Old in Aper and colleaguesWith the help of Lin, Han Ding and Luo Jingjing collected many clues that conducive to Long Xiaoyu's case. Han Ding is always worried that if Long Xiaoyu is really innocently released, it will endanger his feelings and Luo Jingjing's feelings, but he still works hard to collect evidence for Long Xiaoyu, and he does not forget the lawyer's duties because of his private feelings. Due to Zhang Xiong's project problem, in the process of being detained, he revealed to the prison friends that he had gone to Zhu Siping's murderer, and this incident was reflected by his prison friends to the Public Security Bureau as the best evidence that Han Ding defended the best evidence of Han Ding's defense Essence After the efforts of everyone, Long Xiaoyu was eventually announced that he was not guilty. Because Luo Jingjing and Han Ding were together, it gave Long Xiaoyu a lot of blows. Han Ding did not want Luo Jingjing to forcibly fall in love with himself because he helped Long Xiaoyu's defense. He respected Jingjing's choice. Luo Jingjing chose to return to Xiamen with Long Xiaoyu, and Han Ding was sad. Long Xiaoyu's narrow psychology also made him hate Han Ding. Zhang Xiong's wife found Han Ding in Beijing's office. Under her strong request, Han Ding carefully looked at the materials she prepared. Immediately, there were still some truths that did not investigate the case. He decided to take over Zhang Xiong's case and defend him. Han Ding saw Zhang Xiong in the detention center of Xiamen. Zhang Xiong also explained the relationship between himself and Zhu Siping and Long Xiaoyu. He acknowledged that he poked Zhu Siping San Dao with a fruit knife under his anxiety, but none of them were not in the key parts Essence Han Ding clearly realized the problem of the case. The most fatal thing in Zhu Siping is the fourth knife. Since Zhang Xiong is not a murderer, it cannot be ruled out that the possibility of Long Xiaoyu's crime. Moreover, there have been no murder weapons and Long Xiaoyu to Zhu Siping. The whereabouts of the bank card. He informed Yao Dawei and asked to re -investigate the case. At this time, Long Xiaoyu passed financing in Xiamen and successfully became the general manager of the company. He tried to bid farewell to the poor days. He thought he could bring happiness to Luo Jingjing with money. He prepared to buy the office where Lao Lin and Han Ding were located at a price of 1 million, and asked them to stop Han Ding from investigating himself, but Lao Lin told Han Ding, which made Han Ding realize that Long Xiaoyu must be related to this case. At this time, Long Xiaoyu drove Luo Jingjing to himself and Siping's hometown, visit Siping's parents, and clarify his innocence to the folks, but Siping's cousin Zhu Qigui always ignored his words. At this time, Yao Dawei found the fruit knife as a weapon on the roof of Luo's old house, and found the fingerprint of Long Xiaoyu on it, and then ordered the arrest of Long Xiaoyu. Long Xiaoyu was detained the police car in his hometown by the police officer, which caused Luo Jingjing to be hit by a lot. Han Ding came to Jingjing's side while being taken away by Long Xiaoyu. Under the comfort, Jingjing is no longer sad. Siping's mother had a sudden illness at this time and died of serious illness after being sent to the hospital. I wish Qi Gui that the truth of the case was surprised before Han Ding and Luo Jingjing's leaving. Before the incident, Zhu Qigui was preparing to go to Siping's room to find her for help because of her debt. He heard the conversation between Long Xiaoyu and Zhu Siping outside the door. Long Xiaoyu's seven after goneGui went to find Siping. When he was talking, Zhang Xiong came to Siping's room, but Qi Gui hid under the bed.After the three knives in Siping, she was still awake. Qigui insisted on sending her to the hospital, but she was infatuated to wait for Long Xiaoyu to come back.Long Xiaoyu came back to pick up his mobile phone, and Siping asked him if he still loved herself. After getting a negative answer, she ended her life with a fruit knife.After seeing Long Xiaoyu, he picked up the fruit knife and rushed out.Later, Qigui hurriedly picked up the bank card on the ground and hurried out of the construction site.Zhu Qigui told Jingjing about Zhu Siping and Long Xiaoyu's plan to deceive Luo Jingjing's money, which made Jingjing feel sad.Long Xiaoyu was released again, and Jingjing no longer had any extension with him.Han Ding returned to Beijing and accidentally saw the crystal wearing a wedding dress in the mall.The two people looked at each other across the glass window, and they were wet their eyes with happiness.Because after they know the cruelty of love, what they have harvested now is the most precious happiness.








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