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[原版] 《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

一天晚上,两名罪犯小心翼翼地闯入布鲁塞尔的一家水族馆,偷走了一颗无价的大珍珠。当值班的保安发现珍珠原来所在的贝壳已空时,立即逃跑报警。趁警卫不在的情况下,犯罪分子在离开前小心翼翼地将一颗与真珍珠尺寸相似的假珍珠放入贝壳中。当警卫与博物馆馆长一起返回并看到珍珠回到贝壳中时,馆长最初认为警卫在编造珍珠被盗的故事,但后来他回忆起在另一家博物馆也发生过类似的事情后又改变了想法与此同时,丁丁、他的狗斯诺伊和哈多克船长抵达巴尔干国家西尔达维亚,与他们的朋友卡斯伯特·卡尔库勒斯教授会合,后者在波利肖夫湖(也称为波利肖夫湖)边缘租了一座别墅。鲨鱼,以打造他的最新发明。他们遇到了汤姆森警探和汤普森在西尔达维亚机场,发现双胞胎也正前往微积分为了执行特殊任务而租用的别墅。四人和狗乘坐租用的飞机飞往微积分的别墅,但在飞行过程中飞机发生了故障遇到麻烦,飞行员带着机上唯一的降落伞跳伞。丁丁试图让飞机安全着陆,但飞机最终在悬崖边起火。当两个当地的孩子,尼科和他的妹妹努什卡,把一根绳子扔到飞机尾部并让他们的狗古斯塔夫把它从悬崖上拉回来时,所有乘客都得救了。当乘客们向孩子们介绍自己时,他们的飞行员注视着他们,飞行员故意上演了发动机的问题,飞行员用双筒望远镜中隐藏的对讲机联系了一个名叫“海王星”的人,告诉他沙丁鱼行动不是成功了。尼科和努什卡载着他们的新朋友乘坐马车,但当他们得知其他人要去哪里时,他们警告他们湖中有一个诅咒,湖底有一座古老的、被淹没的小镇。他们都到达了湖边别墅,微积分在那里展示了他的发明,这是一种能够投射全息图像的相机。他的最终目标是建造一台能够复制物理物体的机器。 那天晚上,汤姆森和汤普森在晚餐时解释了他们的任务——他们在别墅里担任微积分的保镖,因为他们怀疑一个专门从事伪造艺术品想要在微积分制造出复制机后窃取它。那天晚上,大家都上床睡觉后,小雪听到外面有吵闹声,把丁丁吵醒了,但丁丁把噪音当作鸟叫来忽略了。噪音实际上来自别墅附近的一口井,卡尔库勒斯的管家弗利克夫人正在井里打水,但水桶里装的不是水,而是一台对讲机。弗利克夫人过着“拉美西斯特工”的双重生活,并使用对讲机第二天早上,尼科和努什卡带领丁丁探索这个国家,却没有意识到监控摄像头监视着他们的一举一动;汤姆森和汤普森与黑线鳕一起打高尔夫球,小雪遇到了蛙人他收到了弗利克夫人从微积分实验室偷来的一些计划。蛙人跳入湖中逃脱,但在侦探和哈多克目睹的情况下,斯诺伊咬掉了他脚蹼的一块。在他们让丁丁知道发生了什么事后,丁丁允许白雪和古斯塔夫闻鳍状肢。阿道克跟随古斯塔夫来到一堆废弃的轮胎处,但斯诺伊带领丁丁找到了一条埋在地下的链条。丁丁拉动链条,发现了一条通往犯罪分子用来藏匿他们偷来的艺术品的山洞的隐蔽通道。丁丁被密封在洞穴内(白雪留在外面)后,他发现了一条从洞穴通向湖的水下隧道。他潜入隧道,但在出去的路上,他被铁丝网困住了。白雪看到气泡,潜入隧道并咬破网,丁丁避免溺水并回到湖面。 回到别墅,微积分向尼科和努什卡展示了他的最新发明。他已经能够使用一块特殊的肥皂来复制任何物体。然而,效果只是暂时的,因为复制品很快就会变回一块肥皂。犯罪分子使用笑气袭击别墅并绑架了尼科和努什卡。丁丁和哈多克追捕他们,但罪犯逃脱了。他们留下了一个录音机,里面有他们的领袖“鲨鱼王”的信息,说孩子们将被带回,以换取微积分的发明,但丁丁必须亲自进行交换,并且不能报警。丁丁觉得鲨鱼王的声音有些熟悉。丁丁、哈多克、微积分和侦探们随后在别墅里进行了搜查。寻找虫子,在寻找过程中,丁丁发现了一条通向井底的秘密通道,并在那里找到了装有对讲机的桶。一名监听广播的罪犯指出,快到拉美西斯报案的时间了。弗利克夫人前往井边,打算警告鲨鱼王游客们太好奇了,但她被丁丁抓住了,并命令她返回别墅。丁丁不顾短信的建议,决定去报警,并设计了一个诡计来掩盖自己的踪迹。当他和小雪前往小镇时,他们碰巧遇到了他们的老朋友,歌剧演员比安卡·卡斯塔菲奥雷,她载他们进了小镇,甚至还指导丁丁去哪里找到警察局。虽然警察局长听了丁丁的故事,但他的双手被束缚,因为希尔达维亚和他们的敌对国家博杜利亚之间的边界穿过湖中央,警察局长不想冒外交事件的风险两天后,丁丁终于带着微积分建造的潜艇回到别墅寻找雷德·拉克姆的宝藏。丁丁计划在海滩上与罪犯会面,并让哈多克在微积分的潜艇中跟踪他,而骗子们则将他和微积分的机器带到了他们的首领处。丁丁到达了约定的会面地点,犯罪分子在那里接起了他和机器,并使用他们的潜艇将他们带到了湖中的水下城市,他们一直将其用作基地。他们带他找到了他们的主谋鲨鱼王,丁丁发现鲨鱼王是他的宿敌拉斯塔波普洛斯,拉斯塔波普洛斯重申了信息中的承诺,要释放孩子们以换取机器。然而,尼科和努什卡在不知道丁丁到来的情况下,逃离了他们所在的牢房,劫持了一个水下坦克,并用它打破了一块原本坚不可摧的玻璃并逃脱了。拉斯塔波普洛斯使用电脑重新获得了控制权坦克,但当他当他在监视器屏幕上看到黑线鳕所在的潜艇时,他使用坦克的控制装置向潜艇发射鱼雷。丁丁试图阻止他,并在此过程中与骗子发生了争斗。最终,其中一枚鱼雷击中了潜艇,干扰了其推进系统。然后拉斯塔波普洛斯使用坦克的控制装置将其返回基地。当他们等待尼科和努什卡到达时,拉斯塔波普洛斯带丁丁到他的办公室,炫耀他的艺术收藏,吹嘘说有了微积分的机器,他们可以为每件杰作制作几份副本,然后将它们全部卖掉一大笔钱然后拉斯塔波普洛斯在一盒雪茄上试用了微积分机器。起初,复制品看起来很完美,但事实证明它非常不稳定,并且会长到巨大的尺寸,几乎压碎了拉斯塔波普洛斯和他的副官,然后在罪犯将尼科和努什卡从抓获的监狱中带回来之前冲破了办公室的门。坦克。拉斯塔波普洛斯指责丁丁遭到破坏,并通过将丁丁与尼科和努什卡锁在同一个房间来报复。不久之后,他发现有警船在湖面上巡逻,于是他决定疏散水下基地,并命令歹徒将他办公室的艺术品和水下城市的其他部分带到洞穴中。然后,他开始向丁丁、尼科和努什卡所在的房间注水,并告诉他们,一小时后,上升的水将导致浮子按下墙上高处装置的开关,此时水下城市将最终,哈多克重新获得了对卡尔库勒斯潜艇的部分控制权,并将其带回水面,在那里他发现了一艘巡逻艇,船上有汤姆森、汤普森和西尔达维亚警察局长。在水下城市中,所有其他罪犯都从基地安全撤离后,拉斯塔波普洛斯和他的中尉登上了他们的潜艇,并利用它最后一次离开基地。丁丁用努什卡的发夹打开房间的锁,让他们和尼科逃脱。他们找到了一些救生衣和气闸室。就在基地爆炸的那一刻,丁丁准备打开气闸室的外门。哈多克号巡逻艇、侦探和西尔达维亚警察局长到达湖面后发现了丁丁、尼科和努什卡。西尔达维亚警方已经抓获了其他罪犯,但主谋和他的副官已经将他们的潜艇驶向博杜里安水域。丁丁和哈多克最终征用了一艘摩托艇去追捕拉斯塔波普洛斯,理由是他们不是希尔达维亚公民,因此不受限制当地警察行动的国际公约的约束。 与此同时,拉斯塔波普洛斯试图绕过他驾驶潜艇穿过一条被岩礁包围的隧道,到达边境哨所,但他意识到自己忘记放下潜望镜,为时已晚。它撞击其中一个珊瑚礁并引起 s潜艇的船体在隧道另一侧的礁石上破裂。中尉被迫将潜艇带到水面,当中尉试图离开时,他看到了他认为是丁丁的鬼魂。拉斯塔波普洛斯有一个更合理的解释——丁丁逃过了爆炸。主谋将丁丁手中的枪打落,但被哈多克接住。丁丁、斯诺伊和哈多克将拉斯塔波普洛斯和他的中尉带回巡逻艇,朋友们受到了侦探尼科、努什卡、古斯塔夫和微积分的欢迎,而西尔达维亚警察逮捕了拉斯塔波普洛斯和中尉,并将他们带到了克洛监狱当丁丁、小雪和哈多克回到卡尔库鲁斯的别墅时,他们发现几名当地人来到这里是为了庆祝犯罪团伙的恐怖统治的结束。其中一些人主动提出教丁丁跳希尔达维亚的民族舞蹈“Blushtika”。当其中一位被发现是比安卡·卡斯塔菲奥雷时,哈多克迅速撤退聚会结束后,他想找个地方安静地喝点威士忌,结果瓶子被侦探们打高尔夫球时击中的高尔夫球打碎了。哈多克一开始对此很恼火,但他和其他人一起笑了起来。

One night, a pair of criminals discreetly break into an aquarium in Brussels and steal a large and priceless pearl. When the security guards on duty see that the shell where the pearl had previously been was empty, they run away to raise the alarm. In the guards' absence, the criminals discreetly place a fake pearl of similar dimensions to the original into the shell before leaving. When the guards return with the museum's director and see the pearl back in the shell, the director initially thinks that the guards were making up the story of its theft, but later he has second thoughts after recalling that a similar thing had happened in another museum two weeks earlier.In the meantime, Tintin, his dog Snowy and Captain Haddock arrive in the Balkan nation of Syldavia in order to join their friend Professor Cuthbert Calculus, who has rented a villa on the edge of Lake Pollishoff, also known as the Lake of Sharks, in order to build his latest invention. They meet police detectives Thomson and Thompson at Syldavia Airport and discover that the twins are also heading for the villa that Calculus has rented for a special mission.The four men and dog fly toward Calculus' villa in a hired plane, but during the flight the plane gets into some engine trouble, and the pilot bails out with the only parachute on board. Tintin tries to land the plane safely, but it ends up on fire on the edge of a cliff. All of the passengers are saved when two local children, Niko and his sister Nushka, throw a rope onto the plane's tail and get their dog Gustav to pull it back from the cliff. As the passengers introduce themselves to the children, they are watched by their pilot, who had deliberately staged the engine's problems, who contacts someone called "Neptune", using a walkie-talkie concealed in his binoculars, to inform him that Operation Sardine was not successful.Niko and Nushka give their new friends a lift in their wagon, but when they learn where the others are going, they warn them that there is a curse on the lake, which has an old, submerged town at its bottom. They all arrive at the lakeside villa where Calculus demonstrates his invention, which is a camera that is capable of projecting holographic images. His ultimate aim is to build a machine that can make actual copies of physical objects.That night over dinner, Thomson and Thompson explain their mission - they are at the villa to act as bodyguards for Calculus because they suspect that a criminal organization that specializes in making forgeries of artworks wants to steal the duplication machine after Calculus builds it. That night, after everyone has gone to bed, Snowy hears a noise outside and wakes Tintin up, but Tintin dismisses the noise as bird calls. The noise actually comes from a well near the villa where Calculus' housekeeper, Madame Flik, is drawing up a bucket, but instead of water, the bucket contains a walkie-talkie. Madame Flik leads a double life as "Agent Rameses" and uses the walkie-talkie to make contact with "King Shark".Next morning, Niko and Nushka lead Tintin on an exploration of the country, unaware that there are surveillance cameras spying on their every move, and Thomson and Thompson play golf with Haddock as Snowy meets a frogman who has received some plans that Madame Flik stole from Calculus' laboratory. The frogman escapes by jumping in the lake, but not before Snowy bites a piece off one of his flippers, witnessed by the detectives and Haddock. After they let Tintin know about what has happened, he allows both Snowy and Gustav to sniff the flipper. Haddock follows Gustav to a pile of abandoned tyres, but Snowy leads Tintin to a buried chain. Tintin pulls the chain and discovers a concealed passage that leads to a cave that the criminals have used to stash the works of art that they have stolen. After Tintin gets sealed inside the cave, which Snowy remains outside of, he discovers an underwater tunnel that leads from the cave to the lake. He dives into the tunnel, but on the way out he gets trapped by a wire net. Snowy sees the bubbles, dives into the tunnel and chews through the net, allowing Tintin to avoid drowning and make it back to the surface of the lake.Back at the villa, Calculus demonstrates his latest invention to Niko and Nushka. He has been able to use a piece of a special soap to make a copy of any object. The effect is only temporary, however, as the copy soon turns back into a piece of soap. The criminals use laughing gas to attack the villa and kidnap Niko and Nushka. They are pursued by Tintin and Haddock, but the criminals get away. They leave behind a tape player that contains a message from "King Shark", their leader, that says that the children will be returned in exchange for Calculus' invention, but Tintin must do the exchange by himself and must not call the police. Tintin thinks that there is something familiar about the voice of King Shark.Tintin, Haddock, Calculus and the detectives then comb the villa in a search for bugs, and during the search, Tintin discovers a secret passage that leads to the bottom of the well, finding the bucket with the walkie-talkie in it there. A criminal monitoring the radio notes that it is almost time for Rameses to report. Madame Flik heads to the well with the intention of warning King Shark that the visitors are getting too inquisitive, but she is caught by Tintin, who orders her back to the villa. Tintin decides to go to the police, against the message's advice, and concocts a ruse in order to cover his tracks. As he and Snowy make their way towards the town, they happen to meet an old friend of theirs, opera singer Bianca Castafiore, who gives them a lift into the town and even directs Tintin on where to find the police station. Although the police chief listens to Tintin's story, his hands are tied because the border between Syldavia and their rival nation Borduria runs through the middle of the lake and the chief does not want to risk a diplomatic incident.Two days later, Tintin finally returns to the villa with the submarine that Calculus had built to search for Red Rackham's treasure. Tintin plans to meet the criminals on the beach, and have Haddock follow him in Calculus' submarine when the crooks take him and Calculus' machine to their leader. Tintin arrives at the arranged meeting point, where the criminals pick him and the machine up and use their submarine to take them to the lake's submerged city, which they have been using as their base. They lead him to their mastermind, King Shark, which Tintin finds out is his old nemesis Rastapopoulos, who reiterates the promise from the message to release the children in exchange for the machine. However, Niko and Nushka, unaware of Tintin's arrival, have escaped from the cell that they have been in, hijacked an underwater tank and used it to break through a sheet of glass that was supposedly unbreakable and escape.Rastapopoulos uses a computer to regain control of the tank, but when he sees the submarine that Haddock is in on his monitor screen, he uses the tank's controls to fire torpedoes at the submarine. Tintin tries to stop him and gets into a fight with the crooks in the process. Eventually, one of the torpedoes hits the submarine, jamming its propulsion systems. Rastapopoulos then uses the tank's controls to return it to the base. While they wait for Niko and Nushka to arrive, Rastapopoulos takes Tintin to his office and shows off his art collection, boasting that with Calculus' machine, they can make several copies of each masterpiece and sell all of them off for a large sum of money.Rastapopoulos then tries out Calculus' machine on a box of cigars. At first, the reproduction looks perfect, but it proves to be highly unstable and grows to an enormous size, and almost crushes both Rastapopoulos and his lieutenant before breaking through the office door in the sight of the criminals bringing Niko and Nushka back from the recaptured tank. Rastapopoulos accuses Tintin of sabotage and gets even by locking Tintin in the same chamber as Niko and Nushka. Soon after, he finds out that there are police boats patrolling the lake's waters, so he decides to evacuate the underwater base and orders the criminals to take the art from his office and the rest of the underwater city to the cave. He then starts flooding the chamber in which Tintin, Niko and Nushka are with water and tells them that in one hour, the rising water will cause a float to press the switch of a device high on the wall, at which point the underwater city will self-destruct.Eventually, Haddock is able to regain some control of Calculus' submarine and bring it to the surface, where he finds a patrol boat with Thomson, Thompson and the Syldavian police chief. Down in the underwater city, with all of the other criminals safely evacuated from their base, Rastapopoulos and his lieutenant board their submarine and use it to leave the base for the final time. Tintin uses Nushka's hairpin to pick the lock of the chamber, allowing them and Niko to escape. They find some life jackets and an airlock. Tintin gets ready to open the airlock's outside gate at the very moment that the base explodes. The patrol boat with Haddock, the detectives and the Syldavian police chief spots Tintin, Niko and Nushka after they reach the lake's surface. The Syldavian police have captured the other criminals, but the mastermind and his lieutenant have already set their submarine on a course for Bordurian waters. Tintin and Haddock eventually commandeer a motorboat to go off in pursuit of Rastapopoulos, reasoning that as they are not Syldavian citizens, they are not bound by the same international conventions that would limit what the local police could do.Meanwhile, Rastapopoulos tries to bypass the border posts by navigating his submarine through a tunnel surrounded by a rocky reef, but realizes too late that he has forgotten to lower the periscope. It strikes one of the reefs and causes the submarine's hull to fracture on the reef on the other side of the tunnel. Forced to take the submarine up to the surface, as soon as the lieutenant tries to leave, he sees what he thinks is the ghost of Tintin. Rastapopoulos has a more rational explanation - Tintin escaped the explosion. The mastermind knocks the gun out of Tintin's hand, but it is caught by Haddock. Tintin, Snowy and Haddock bring Rastapopoulos and his lieutenant back to the patrol boat, where the friends are welcomed by the detectives, Niko, Nushka, Gustav and Calculus, while the Syldavian police arrest Rastapopoulos and the lieutenant and take them to the prison in Klow.When Tintin, Snowy and Haddock return to Calculus' villa, they find several locals who have arrived there in order to celebrate the end of the criminal gang's reign of terror. Some of them offer to teach Tintin how to dance the Blushtika, the national dance of Syldavia. When one of them is revealed to be Bianca Castafiore, Haddock is quick to retreat from the party and finds a place to try and have a quiet moment to drink some whisky, only for the bottle to get shattered by a golf ball hit by the detectives while they are playing golf. Haddock is annoyed by this at first, but he laughs over it along with everyone else.

《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《丁丁历险记/Tintin et le lac aux requins》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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