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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《新四世同堂》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《新四世同堂》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


一九三七年七七事变,侵华日军的铁蹄践踏着北平城,中华民族一百年来蒙受的屈辱达到顶点。沦陷了的小羊圈胡同平静的生活被打乱了,大家一夜之间被迫进入一个梦魇般的世界。  身为四世之尊的祁老太爷是一个倔强、正直、令人尊重的长者,八国联军打进北京的阅历,使他想当然地以为战争不出三月必停。老爷子一心守望四世之家,向来将国将不国放在其次,把他的大寿倒是看得更重要一些。  可是由三孙瑞全宁在国旗下吃糠,也不在太阳旗底下吃肉!一腔热血地率先冲出家门投身革命,到次孙瑞丰两口子在私欲驱使下,从家中分裂开来,投奔他们卖身汉奸的新生活,四世之家第一次出现生离;而后死别也找上门来:与事无争的儿子祁天佑上敬父母下佑子小,是一个正派的生意人,结果反受日本人敲诈勒索,游街示众,受辱到极点,被逼投河自尽;全家的宝贝儿,祁老人的曾孙小妞子在日本投降前夕被活活饿死。同时,贪图安逸享受的瑞丰自做孽不可活,也一命呜乎,四世同堂之家终于瓦解。  祁家老爷子永远也过不上风光的大寿了。  苟活下来的人同样痛苦:长孙祁瑞宣,是一位中学英文教师,长时间在尽孝与尽忠之间因不能两全而徘徊,深陷在偷生的耻辱之中,在极端困难的条件下也不为日寇做事,同贤妻韵梅维持着一家老小生计。  而对政治高度近视的韵梅也是直到北平沦陷,生活的贫困和折磨,让这个纯粹的家庭妇女才走出了家庭,她的心里才开始不再只有小家,还有国家。  和平的时代过去了,就连一向闭门饮酒养花的落拓诗人钱默吟也要站在斗争场上,转变为敢于在敌人鼻子底下拼命的勇士。  小羊圈胡同的小崔、小文、李四大爷和孙七,也都是在临死才惊觉:国破,家必亡的铁理  当然也有人欣喜若狂地趁机当起了汉奸,捞上了官职与油水,大赤包夫妇就是这其中活得出色滋润的一对。听说了钱默吟小儿子钱仲石拉着日本鬼子开车赴崖的殉国之举,大赤包夫妇迈出了当汉奸的第一步,出卖钱默吟,致钱默吟被捕入狱。灾难接踵而至,钱家老大被日本人打死,绝望的钱老太太在儿子坟前触棺身亡,小羊圈第一次大发丧。  大赤包却因告发有功当上了妓女所所长,成为胡同里的西太后,汉奸里的模  范汉奸,风风火火,好不风光,惟一的憾事是巴结日本人没找对主儿,本给日本司令官预备的漂亮女儿招弟被个小小的特高科科长李空山给糟践了,而家中的眼中钉姨太太尤桐芳也一直未从自己眼皮子底下消失。  一心想沾日本人的光谋个一官半职的冠晓荷却没有太太大赤包幸运,以致为了一个小小的官职不惜卖了姨太太尤桐芳。  而最铁杆的汉奸还要数汉奸组织新民会宣传干事蓝东阳,由于其对日本天皇的绝对效忠,甚至被当成标本运往日本研究其基因机理。  汉奸们曾义结金兰,却也脱不过狗咬狗的命运,瑞丰就成为被咬的葬品。  战争激怒了人,也改变了人,将招弟从一个纯洁的姑娘变成了日伪特务,也将矛盾的高第转变为了一个革命者,与瑞全并肩站在一起,并让尤桐芳愤而掏出了炸药扔向了日军  小羊圈胡同的其他人或抗争,或隐忍,或苟且,或偷生,有人认贼作父,有人偷偷骂娘,更多的还是暗暗的反抗  只有在战争面前,人性之花才绽放得如此肆意与浓烈!  本剧深入挖掘中华民族生死存亡之际的文化心理,是一部沦陷区平民心灵史。胡同里形形色色的正邪生存状态,表现出民族存亡之际,真善美与假恶丑的斗争,崇高的民族气节与苟且偷生、助纣为虐、卖国求荣的鲜明对照。也充分说明了一个民族的落后,将会遭到怎样的结局。  忍辱负重的八年,觉醒反抗的八年,终使胡同里的人们彻底懂得国之尊严、民族之尊严、人之尊严。  本剧正是通过这些普通中国人在抗战中的惶惑、偷生、苟安的社会心态与觉醒抗争的精神风貌的描述,在正反两种文化人格类型的比照中寻求着复兴民族、富强国家的理想人格,借以强化民族的生命力。  人性百态,尽在《四世同堂》。  20多年前的《四世同堂》云集了一批实力派演员,如今,由黄磊、蒋勤勤、赵宝刚等主演的新版《四世同堂》将于今晚在CCTV-1首播。  昨日记者专访了该剧的导演汪俊,讲述了剧情背后的故事。  蒋勤勤的照片差点毁了她  汪俊是先看蒋勤勤照片的,可那张照片差点让蒋勤勤演不成韵梅,她的照片,很胖,根本没有苦难的感觉,对用不用她挺犹豫的。后来看本人才放下心来。汪俊还称希望韵梅能再朴素一些,平凡一些,但随即又说,现在这样也不错。她总是家里最忙的一个人,一直不停干活,拿着抹布,连说话时都不抬头看人。以前的蒋勤勤一直是高贵、清纯或刁蛮的,这次很不一样,观众会发现,她彻底沉下来了。  赵宝刚是被忽悠进来的  谈到赵宝刚的参演,汪俊笑称其实赵宝刚只是帮忙,他跟我是好朋友,恰好那段时间他有空,而翻拍经典很多人不愿来,怕被比较,超越不了。直到开机10天,也没有人选,我让他过来试装,是试另外一个角色,后来,我就说你演冠晓荷吧,他穿上那衣服,我们一大堆人起哄说像,他就没法子推了。  说到名导赵宝刚做演员的样子,汪俊表示,他演戏很紧张,最开始还直哆嗦,一看台本就喊‘天,这么多词,要我的命啊’。还有一场活埋戏,戏拍了一上午,他的嘴里、耳朵里全是泥,牙齿全黄了,回去洗了好长时间。我都不忍心了。  而对元秋饰演的大赤包,汪俊也透露,旧版的大赤包太深入人心,我找了斯琴高娃、王姬,她们都觉得挑战太大,不愿意接,最后定了元秋。她很放得开,有母老虎的架势,形象还有些卡通,观众一定会感到惊喜。




In the July 7th incident of 1937, the iron hoof of the Japanese invaders trampled on the city of Peiping, and the humiliation of the Chinese nation over the past century reached its peak. The calm life of the falling lamb circle was disrupted, and everyone was forced to enter a nightmare -like world overnight. As the fourth generation, Mrs. Qi was a stubborn, upright, and respectable elder. The experience of the Eight -Power Allied Forces entered Beijing, so that he would take it for granted that the war would stop in March. The old man watched the home of the fourth generation, and he always put the country in the second place, and he saw his big life more important. However, San Sun Rui Quanning eats bran in the country, and does not eat meat under the sun flag! A bloody rushed out of the house and devoted himself to the revolution. Under the drive of selfish desire, Sun Ruifeng was split from the home and went to the new life of their traitors. Looking for the door: Qi Tianyou, who is not struggling with the matter, respects his parents and his parents. He is a decent businessman. As a result, he was blackmail and extorted by the Japanese. Children, the great -grandson chicks of the old man Qi were starved to death on the eve of the surrender in Japan. At the same time, Ruifeng, who was eager to enjoy the ease, couldn't live, and he was dead. The Qi family will never live a long life of the scenery. The people who survived the same pain: Chang Sun Qixuan, a middle school English teacher, wandered between filial piety and loyalty for a long time. To do things for the Japanese invaders, Tongxian's wife Yunmei maintains a family of young people. The rhyme of high myopia for politics also did not get out of the family until the fall of Peiping, the poverty and torture of life made this pure family woman out of the family, and her heart began to be only a small family, as well as the country. The era of peace has passed, and even the Luo Tuo poet Qian Moyin, who has always closed the door and drinking flowers, has to stand on the struggle field and transform into a warrior who dares to dare to desperately under the nose of the enemy. Xiao Cui, Xiaowen, Uncle Li and Sun Qi of the Lauli Hutong are also shocked by dying: the country breaks, of course, some people who must die of the family also took the opportunity to take the opportunity to become traitors. The official position and oil and water were caught, and the big babes were a pair of moisturizing. I heard that Qian Moyin's youngest son Qian Zhongshi pulled the Japanese devil to drive to the cliff. Essence The disaster followed, and the boss of Qian family was killed by the Japanese. The desperate Mrs. Qian, the old lady touched the coffin in front of her son's grave, and was the first time the lamb rim was killed. Da Chibao became the director of the prostitute because of his success, and became the Queen Mother of the Hutong. The model traitor in the traitor, the wind and the fire, the scenery, the only regret was that the Japanese did not find the right master. The beautiful daughter -in -law prepared by the official was missed by Li Kongshan, the chief of the special Gaogao section, and Mrs. Dai Tongfang in the eyes of her eyes had never disappeared from her eyelids. Guan Xiaohe, who wants to stick to the Japanese who wants to stick to the Japanese who has a half -job and half -job.A little official position did not hesitate to sell his aunt You Tongfang. And the most hardcore traitor also counts the traitor to organize the Xinmin Association to propagate Lan Dongyang. Due to its absolute loyalty to the Emperor of Japan, he was even used as a specimen to work to Japan to study his genetic mechanism. The traitors Zeng Yijin Jin Lan couldn't take off the fate of the dog biting the dog, and Ruifeng became the bite funeral. The war was angry, and it also changed people. The younger brother changed his brother from a pure girl to a Japanese pseudo agent. He also transformed the contradicted Gao Di into a revolutionary, standing alongside Rui Quan, and let You Tongfang Fangfang Fangfang Fangfang Fangfang I took out the explosives and threw it at other people in the Japanese lamb circle hutong or fighting, or tolerated, or sneaky, or sneaky. Some people recognized the thief as the father. Some people secretly scolded the mother. The flowers bloom so wanton and strong! The cultural psychology of the drama in depth the life and death of the Chinese nation is a history of civilians in the occupied area. In the hutong, the state of righteousness and evil survival shows the struggle between the nation's survival, the true, goodness, beauty and false evils, and the lofty national spirit festival with a distinctive control of abuse, helping to abuse, and selling the country. It also fully illustrates the ending of a nation's backwardness. For eight years of humiliation and eight years of awakening resistance, people in the hutong fully understand the dignity of the country, the dignity of the nation, and the dignity of people. This drama is the description of the puzzle, stealing, and peaceful social mentality of these ordinary Chinese people in the Anti -Japanese War, and the spirit of the two cultural personality types in the comparison of the two cultural personality types. Personality to strengthen the vitality of the nation. Humanity is all in the \"Fourth Date\". More than 20 years ago, \"Four of the Four\" gathered a group of powerful actors. Today, the new version of \"Four of the Four\" starring Huang Lei, Jiang Qinqin, and Zhao Baogang will premiere at CCTV -1 tonight. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the director of the play Wang Jun, telling the story behind the plot. Jiang Qinqin's photo almost ruined her Wang Jun to look at Jiang Qinqin's photo first, but the photo almost made Jiang Qinqin play a rhyme. Her photo was very fat, and there was no feeling of suffering at all. Later, I looked down at my own heart. Wang Jun also said that he hoped that Yunmei would be more simple and ordinary, but then said that it is also good now. She is always the busiest person at home. In the past, Jiang Qinqin had always been noble, pure or taller. This time, the audience would find that she was completely sinking. Zhao Baogang was talked about Zhao Baogang's participation in the participation of Zhao Baogang. Wang Jun laughed and said that Zhao Baogang was just helping. He was a good friend with me. During that time, he was free. Can't. Until 10 days of the boot, there was no candidate. I asked him to come over to try the installation. I couldn't push it. When it comes to the appearance of the famous director Zhao Baoang as an actor, Wang Jun said that he acts very muchNervous, at the beginning, I was still stunned, and I shouted at a view of \u0026 lsquo; God, so many words, I asked for my life.There was also a lively buried. After filming in the morning, his mouth and ears were all mud, his teeth were all yellow, and he went back to wash it for a long time.I can't bear it anymore.For the Dachi Bao played by Yuan Qiu, Wang Jun also revealed that the old version of the big red bag was too deeply rooted in the hearts of people. I found Siqin Gaowa and Wang Ji. They all felt that the challenge was too big and unwilling to pick it up. Finally, Yuan Qiu was set.She was very open, with the posture of the mother tiger, and some cartoons, and the audience would be surprised.







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