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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《宝莲灯》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《宝莲灯》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


漂亮善良的三圣母救下书生刘彦昌,二人相爱并生下儿子沉香。三圣母的哥哥二郎神得知,带领天兵天将前来围捕,将三圣母压在了华山之下。紧急之中,三圣母将天地之精华宝莲灯挚与刘彦昌,让其保护刘彦昌父子,逃离二郎神的追杀。  从此刘彦昌父子隐居在刘家村,靠经营灯笼铺为生。十六年过去,沉香长大了。然而沉香胸无大志,整天只知道在镇上和小伙伴一起调皮捣蛋。一日,沉香忽然发现自己身上具有法力,能够穿墙而过,还能凭意志进行一些活动。沉香的法力引来了二郎神和哮天犬。  刘彦昌不得已将真情全部告诉了沉香。原来当年母亲三圣母违反了天条和父亲结合,现在已不知去向,而破坏这个婚姻的正是他舅舅二郎神。  沉香决心救母,他偷偷地离开家,不想却被二郎神捉了去。二郎神恼羞成怒,将三尖两刃枪顶在沉香的脖子上。紧急关头,百花仙子闻讯赶到。她威胁二郎神,假如不放了沉香,就将他暗恋嫦娥之事公之于众。二郎神只好退去。  在二郎神的威逼之下,牛魔王虏走了百花仙子。沉香巧遇小狐狸精小玉,二人天真无邪,互比法力。哮天犬追踪而至,沉香和小玉一起拼命奔逃。眼看哮天犬就要捉住他们了,碰到了小玉的姥姥一只千年老狐狸精。老狐狸精一眼认出了沉香手中的宝莲灯是一件宝贝,于是救了沉香,打发走了哮天犬。  老狐狸精告诉小玉,孙悟空就是当年害死她爹娘的人。要报仇,就必须练成劈天神掌。她同意让小玉跟沉香一起去找他母亲。寻母路上,他们又碰到东海龙王的八太子和从小与沉香指腹为婚的富家小姐丁香,四人结伴而行。  王母娘娘得知沉香之事大怒,在她的鼓惑下,玉帝决定将沉香捉拿归案,打入十八层地狱,永世不得超生。  三圣母把宝莲灯的口诀告诉了沉香,但要他记住,宝莲灯必须依靠仁慈的力量才能驾驭,而且吞下宝莲灯的灯芯,立即就会拥有万年法力。  宝莲灯帮沉香打败了二郎神,看到宝莲灯的威力,沉香惊喜不已  老狐狸精要小玉去偷宝莲灯的灯芯,并以要沉香的命来相威胁,小玉迫不得已盗出宝莲灯灯芯。老狐狸精被梅山兄弟一枪戳死,临终前,姥姥将灯芯强塞入小玉口中。大长功力的小玉羞愧难当,转身离去。  为了沉香,东海小龙女被二郎神一枪刺中,她的魂魄轻轻消散。宝莲灯也被二郎神抢去。  宝莲灯失效了,沉香决意拜斗战胜佛孙悟空为师。猪八戒带着沉香终于找到了孙悟空,但孙悟空已经答应了玉帝不收沉香为徒。孙悟空变成一个猎户唠叨,将沉香引至他的法术密笈宝库,指点沉香去那里学法术和自己比试。沉香给自己取名嘟囔,他逐渐学到了孙悟空的本领。唠叨又把沉香带到离恨天兜率宫,让他去偷吃太上老君的仙丹,拿了太上老君炼丹时劈柴的斧子做武器。体内有了仙丹的作用,沉香的法力大大增长,武功突飞猛进。  小玉练功练得走火入魔动不了,被哮天犬捉住。小玉的手腕被刀划开。鲜血流进了宝莲灯。宝莲灯闪烁起了光线,二郎神大喜。  沉香和丁香成亲,却又念念不忘小玉。丁香失望之极,跳崖自杀。沉香不顾一切要救丁香,将太上老君的仙丹塞进她的口中,丁香还阳了,忽然变得力大无比。  沉香信心百倍地破除了牛魔王父子布下的阵,救下关在摩云岭上的百花仙子。但王母娘娘仍然不放三圣母,沉香大怒,撑断绳子手持斧子,朝玉帝和王母扑了过来。深爱沉香的小玉又赶来救助,被天王刺中负伤。二郎神藏起小玉,用真气帮小玉维持了生命,并使她练成了劈天神掌。二郎神又用宝莲灯制服了孙悟空。他让哮天犬和梅山老四变成玉帝和王母,骗沉香放弃了神的法力。  衣衫褴褛、蓬头垢面、满脸胡须、几乎看不清本相的沉香要饭回到家中。他心灰意冷,放弃了救母的想法。刘彦昌带沉香来到他曾经向孙悟空学艺的地方。刘彦昌告诉儿子,只要有恒心,没有办不到的事情。沉香醒悟过来,重新开始练功。又三年过去了,沉香重新练就了武功,思想上也更加成熟了。  沉香救出孙悟空,请观音给予救治。得救了的孙悟空怒不可遏,要找二郎神算帐。沉香鼓动孙悟空闹上天庭。为了争夺宝莲灯,他们打上了灵霄宝殿。沉香提出要修改天条,否则决不退兵。  观音菩萨驾云而来。她裁决:若沉香能将三圣母从华山救出,陛下和娘娘就可赦免三圣母、修改天规。她让沉香首先去找开天神斧。  沉香、丁香和八太子来到昆仑山寒冰洞前,扣响了洞门。闯过冰神、权神和死神三关,他们终于见到神斧。丁香牺牲自己将身体化入神斧中,帮沉香举起神斧。  复活的小龙女道出所有的秘密。这一切都是二郎神精心设计的,他的目的就是决心将沉香造就成一个能推出新天条的人来。二郎神是在煞费苦心的培养沉香成才呀!沉香得知二郎神的苦心,百感交集,跪倒在舅舅面前。  为了沉香在宝莲灯中开掘仙丹的威力,劈开华山,小玉舍身变成了一粒莲子,落回灯芯的位置,使沉香达到最高境界,人灯合一。  华山被劈成两半。然而被劈开的华山中间有一个嵌有新天条的七彩石,沉香必须在救母亲和毁了新天条之间选择一个。沉香对着三圣母跪了下来,泪水滴进了沸腾的水中,水柱喷向七彩石,新天条出世了。  沉香一家三口终于走到了一起,拥抱在一起。




The beautiful and kind three Virgin saved scholar Liu Yanchang, and the two fell in love and gave birth to their son Agarwood. The third Virgin's brother Erlang learned that he led Tian Bingtian to come to the encirclement and pressed the three Virgin under the Huashan. In the urgent, the three Virgin's essence of the heavens and the earth, Baolian Lantern and Liu Yanchang, let him protect Liu Yanchang's father and son, and escaped the hunting of Erlang God. Since then, Liu Yanchang's father and son lived in Liujia Village, and lived on the lantern. Sixteen years later, Agarwood grew up. However, Agarwood had no ambitions, and only knew that in the town with his friends all day long. One day, Agarwood suddenly found that he had mana, could pass through the wall, and could perform some activities based on your will. Agarwood's mana attracted Erlang God and Xiaotian Dog. Liu Yanchang had to tell all the true feelings. It turned out that the mother of the mother violated the combination of Tianjo and her father at that time. Now she is no longer known, and it is his Erlang God who destroys the marriage. Agarwood was determined to save his mother. He secretly left the house, but he didn't want to be caught by Erlang. The Erlang God was angry and became angry, holding the three -pointed and two -edged guns on the neck of Agarwood. In an emergency, Baihua Fairy arrived. She threatened Erlang God. If she did not let the agarwood, she secretly loved Chang'e. Erlang God had to retreat. Under the intimidation of Erlang God, the cattle demon king walked away with a hundred flower fairy. Agarwood meets the little fox essence Xiaoyu. Xiaotian dogs were tracked, and Agarwood and Xiaoyu fled together. Seeing that Xiaotian dogs were about to catch them, and encountered Xiaoyu's uncle a thousand -year -old fox essence. The old fox essence recognized the treasure lotus lamp in Agarwood at a glance that it was a baby, so he saved Agarwood and passed away. The old fox told Xiaoyu that Sun Wukong was the person who killed her father and mother that year. To revenge, you must practice it into the palm of the heavenly god. She agreed to let Xiaoyu go to his mother with Agarwood. On the road of finding the mother, they met the Eighth Prince of the East China Dragon King and the rich lady Lilac, who had been married with Agarwood from a young age, and went together. The mother -in -law learned that the agarwood was furious. Under her drums, the Jade Emperor decided to bring the Agarwood to the case and enter the eighteen layers of hell. The three virgin told the tactics of Baolian Lantern, but he remembered that the Lotus lamp must rely on the kindness of kindness to control it, and swallowed the core of the Lotus lamp and immediately have thousands of years of mana. Baolian Lantern helped Agarwood defeated the Erlang God, and saw the power of Baolian Lantern. Agarwood was surprised to the old fox essence to steal the core of Baolian lamp and threatened it with the life of Agarwood. Essence The old fox essence was poked by the Meishan brothers as a shot. Before dying, he stuffed the core into Xiaoyukou. Xiaoyu, who was long and long, was ashamed and turned away. For agarwood, the East Sea Little Dragon Girl was stabbed by Erlang God, and her soul dissipated gently. Baolian Lantern was also robbed by Erlang God. The Lotus Lantern was invalid, and Agarwood decided to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong as a teacher. Zhu Bajie finally found Sun Wukong with agarwood, but Sun Wukong had agreed to not accept agarwood as an apprentice. Sun Wukong turned into a hunter, led Agarwood to his treasure house, and pointed at Agarwood to learn spells and trials. AgarwoodMalming himself, he gradually learned Sun Wukong's ability. He also brought Agarwood to the palace of Li Tianduo, and asked him to steal Xian Dan, who had eaten Taishang Laojun. The body has the role of Xian Dan, the mana of agarwood has greatly increased, and martial arts move forward rapidly. Xiaoyu practiced and practiced that she couldn't move into the magic, and was caught by Xiaotian dogs. Xiaoyu's wrist was opened by a knife. The blood flowed into the Lotus Lantern. The Lotus Lantern flashed light, and Erlang was happy. Agarwood and Lilac are married, but they never forget Xiaoyu. Lilac is extremely disappointed and committed suicide. Agarine desperately rescued Lilac, and the fairy Dan of Tai Shang Laojun was stuffed into her mouth. The lilac was returned to the sun, and suddenly it became extremely powerful. Agarwood broke the array of the Niu Devil's father and son, and rescued the Baihua Fairy on the Mo Yunling. However, the mother -in -law still did not let the three virgins go. Agarwood was furious and supported the rope to hold the ax. Xiaoyu, who loves agarwood, came to rescue and was injured by the king's thorn. Erlang God hid Xiaoyu, helped Xiaoyu with Zhenqi to maintain her life, and made her practice into the palm of the heavenly god. Erlang God subdued Sun Wukong again with Baolian Lantern. He made Xiaotian dogs and Meishan's fourth fourth child become Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, deceiving Agarwood to give up God's mana. Agarwood, who is shirts, unkempt, bearded, and almost unclear, to return home. He was discouraged and gave up the idea of \u200b\u200bsaving his mother. Liu Yanchang brought agarwood to the place where he once learned from Sun Wukong. Liu Yanchang told his son that as long as there is perseverance, there is nothing that can't be done. Agarwood woke up and started practicing again. Three years have passed, Agarwood has practiced martial arts again, and her thoughts are even more mature. Agarwood rescued Sun Wukong and asked Guanyin to give treatment. The saved Sun Wukong was furious, looking for Erlang God to calculate. Agarwood encouraged Sun Wukong to make trouble. In order to compete for Baolian Lantern, they hit the Lingxiao Treasure Hall. Agarwood proposed to modify the Tiantian, otherwise it would never retreat. Guanyin Bodhisattva came to the cloud. She ruling: If Agarwood can rescue the three virgins from Huashan, His Majesty and Niangniang can pardon the three virgins and modify the rules of the heavens. She asked Agarwood to go to the heavenly ax first. Agarwood, Lilac and Eight Prince came to the cold ice cave in Kunlun Mountain and buckled the cave door. Through the three levels of the Bing Shen, power and death, they finally saw the ax. Lilac sacrificed himself into his body into the ax, helping Agarwood to raise the ax. The resurrected little dragon girl has all the secrets. All this was carefully designed by Erlang God. His purpose is to determine to make Agarwood a person who can launch a new heavenly bar. Erlang God is working hard to cultivate agarwood! Agarwood learned that Erlang God's painstaking efforts were intersecting, and he fell in front of his uncle. In order to excavate the power of Xiandan in the Lotus Lantern, it split the mountains, and the small jade house turned into a lotus seed, which fell back to the position of the core, so that the agarwood reached the highest level, and the lamp was combined. Huashan was split in half. However, there is a colorful stone in the middle of the split Huashan. Agarwood must choose one between saving his mother and destroying the Xintianbao. Agarwood knelt down at the three virgins, tears dripped into the boiling water, the water column sprayed into colorful stone, and the new heavenly strip was born. AgarThe three mouths finally came together and hugged together.







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