电视剧电影《无处藏身/心囚》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载
雷电交加的雨夜,医学院职工楼,送水工敲响医生张丽家门,被眼前的景象吓呆了,鲜红的血水正从门缝缓缓流到走廊 这是一起恶性凶杀大案,被害人张丽和六岁的女儿小梦在自己家被残忍杀害,家中一片狼藉钱财被劫,场面血腥不忍目睹。现场唯一留下的线索就是张丽临死前在镜子上用血写出了一个字 久安市公安局迅速成立以张东为组长的凶案侦破小组,警方不分昼夜经过艰辛而又缜密的调查,终于将罪犯目标锁定在一高一矮两个神秘男子身上。根据现场遗留烟头,经DNA分析该罪犯是名吸毒人员,通过种种蛛丝马迹,终于确定高个子的犯罪嫌疑人名叫雷彪,但总总迹象又表明雷彪只是一个跟班,他听命于那个小个子同伙。警方发现小个子极为聪明,几次逃脱警方追捕都是精心设计,他到底是谁? 雷彪出现了。张东闻讯带领警员火速赶到雷彪家,却扑了空,雷彪和同伙的确回家拿钱,但已经早一步离开。警员风驰电掣一路追踪,终于在一个僻静的小镇发现雷彪。警察出现在雷彪面前,雷彪惊呆,发疯一样地叫道哥,快逃,我被警察抓了!张东闻声追去,因为顾忌群众安危不敢乱开枪,眼睁睁看着一个矮小精瘦的背影借着人流趁乱逃走张东愤懑不已,发誓一定要将罪犯追捕归案。 审讯室,雷彪闭口不语和警方耍赖。张东根据追踪时留下的印象及雷彪家人的描述,作出小个子的拼图,多方调查,小个子的面目终于渐渐清楚,他叫杨兵,案发前是云山饭店的老板,因赌博欠下巨资。张东等人立即赶到平顺县杨兵的家中了解情况。张东看出杨兵的妻子苗秋云对警方隐瞒杨兵逃亡的很多情况,动之以情晓之以理希望她和警方配合,苗秋云却咬定毫不知情。苗秋云肩挑养家的重担,儿子是个痴呆,女儿幼小,同时又照顾年迈多病的公公,生活压力巨大。警方在他们最需要帮助的时候伸出援手,希望用正义唤起杨家人的觉醒,这让苗秋云陷入矛盾之中 此时杨兵已经消失半年之久。杨家也没有任何异常。张东从平顺县撤离,暗中留下多重暗哨和眼线,紧盯着杨家。 久安市中级人民法院依法对雷彪进行判决。就在这时,杨兵再次出现,他给家里汇了款。此时,苗秋云仍在痛苦中挣扎,她对被害家庭的愧疚,对警方的感激,又希望丈夫平安,这一些都让内心矛盾不堪,苗秋云终于想明白杨兵只有投案自首,才能拯救一切。她向专案组民警交代了隐瞒的事实 张东接到线索,杨兵目前潜藏在宁厦银川市。民警们匆匆赶去抓捕。然而当张东赶到银川,狡猾的杨兵又一次提早离开。 之后杨兵一路惊恐逃窜在贵州湖北山东东北等地,他当过乞丐、民工、地痞为了拿到一个合法的身份,甚至在非法结婚。可无论杨兵怎样躲藏,警方追踪的脚步越来越逼近,这让他惶惶不可终日。杨兵再怎么耍心眼依然逃不过张东的眼力,惊恐之下,他慌不择路骗取一笔钱后偷偷做了整容手术,这一切又被张东查到蛛丝马迹 整容后的杨兵逃往边境小城市,他发誓要以新的面目重新生活,赚大钱成为有钱人,摆脱惊恐的内心折磨。杨兵在一家娱乐城打工,凭着精明能干得到老板赏识,并为重用。这让杨兵看到成功的一线希望。他不择手段苦心钻营渐渐把生意越做越大,一年后竟成为当地的富豪。而警方丝毫没有放松追踪,当杨兵看到出现在小城市里的通缉令,惊恐万状,为了摆脱警方追踪,又生一计,找了个乞丐做替死鬼,让警方以为自己已经在潜逃路上死亡,希望杨兵从此人间蒸发。然而这一切再次被张东识破,他看出这只是杨兵耍的另个花样,张东索性将计就计 虽然整天花天酒地但杨兵仍然难逃犯罪杀人的心理折磨,巨大的惧怕感让他度日如年,时间一久他发现只有苗秋云和孩子才能带给他安全感。 杨兵孤注一掷,在边境做了一系列安排,又派人去老家将苗秋云和孩子劫来,预备逃亡国外。苗秋云见到杨兵声泪俱下,她求杨兵自首。此时杨兵惊恐的状态已接近疯狂,执意要带妻儿逃出境外。就在他们争执不下之时,杨兵惊呆了。 张东正率领警员出现在他的面前。原来警方丝毫没有放松过对杨兵的追踪,张东根据线索已经找到为杨兵整容的医生,对杨兵的新面目尽在把握,同时对苗秋云的一举一动也都在进行暗中控制。 至此,经过警方不懈追踪,血案在身又潜逃三年之久的狡猾罪犯杨兵终于难逃正义的法网。 看管所内,面对张东凛然的目光,杨兵终于低下头,发出最后的忏悔:人不能犯罪,更不能一错再错,否则就是踏上一条不归路。正义必然战胜罪恶。
On the rainy night of Thunderbolt, the employee building of the medical school sounded the doctor Zhang Lijiamen, which was stunned by the scene in front of me. The red blood was slowly flowing from the door seam to the corridor. His six -year -old daughter Xiao Meng was brutally killed in her home, and the wolf was robbed by a piece of wolf in the family. The scene was bloody and could not bear to see it. The only clue left at the scene was that Zhang Li wrote a word on the mirror with a blood on the mirror before his death. The Jiu'an City Public Security Bureau quickly established a murder team with Zhang Dong as the leader of Zhang Dong. Lock the criminal target on two mysterious men in one tall and one dwarf. According to the on -site cigarette butt, the criminal was analyzed by DNA as a drug abuse person. Through various clues, the criminal suspect was finally determined that the criminal suspect was named Lei Biao, but the total sign also showed that Lei Biao was just a follow -up. Essence The police found that the little man was extremely smart, and the police hunting several times were carefully designed. Who is he? Lei Biao appeared. Zhang Dong heard the news that the police officer rushed to Lei Biao's house quickly, but rushed to the air. Lei Biao and his associates did go home to get money, but they had left earlier. Police officers followed all the way, and finally found Lei Biao in a secluded town. The police appeared in front of Lei Biao. Lei Biao was stunned and called Dao Brother like crazy. He was caught by the police! Zhang Dong heard the sound, because he was afraid of the crowd of safety and did not dare to shot. He watched a short and thin back, and escaped Zhang Dong with a disorderly. He vowed to hunt down the criminals. In the interrogation room, Lei Biao closed his mouth and played with the police. According to the impression left during the tracking and the description of Lei Biao's family, Zhang Dong made a small puzzle of the small man. Multiple investigations, the face of the small man was gradually clear. He was named Yang Bing. Before the incident, the owner of the Yunshan Hotel was the owner of the Yunshan Hotel. Occarial money. Zhang Dong and others immediately rushed to the home of Yang Bing, Pingshun County to learn about the situation. Zhang Dong saw that Yang Bing's wife Miao Qiuyun had concealed many situations of Yang Bing's escape from the police. He knew it and hoped that she and the police would cooperate, but Miao Qiuyun stipulated that he did not know. Miao Qiuyun raised her burden of raising her family. His son was a dementia, his daughter was young, and at the same time took care of the father -in -law who was sick, and his life was under great pressure. When they needed help, the police stretched out their hands, hoping to evoke the awakening of the Yang family with justice, which caused Miao Qiuyun to fall into the contradiction at this time. At this time, Yang Bing had disappeared for half a year. The Yang family has no abnormalities. Zhang Dong evacuated from Pingshun County, leaving multiple secret whistles and eyeliners secretly, staring at the Yang family. The Jiu'an Intermediate People's Court sentenced Lei Biao according to law. At this moment, Yang Bing appeared again, and he remitted the money at home. At this time, Miao Qiuyun was still struggling in pain. Her guilt of the victims, gratitude to the police, and hoped that her husband would be safe. Save everything. She explained the fact that Zhang Dong received a clue to the police team, and Yang Bing is currently hidden in Yinchuan City, Ningxia. The police hurried to the arrest. However, when Zhang Dong rushed to Yinchuan, the cunning Yang Bing left early. After that, Yang Bing was frightened all the way and fled in Shandong, Hubei, GuizhouIn northeast and other places, he had been a beggar, migrant workers, and land. In order to get a legal identity, he was even illegally married. But no matter how Yang Bing hid, the pace of the police tracking was getting closer and closer, which made him unsure all day. No matter how much Yang Bing played his eyes, he still couldn't escape Zhang Dong's eyes. In horror, he panicked and cheated for a cosmetic surgery. All this was checked by Zhang Dong after the clues, and Yang Bing fled to a small border city. He Vowing to re -live with a new look, make a lot of money to become a rich person, get rid of the horror torture. Yang Bing worked in a entertainment city, and was reused by his savvy to get the boss. This made Yang Bing see the hope of success. He did not choose to work hard to get the business bigger and bigger, and he became a local rich one year later. The police did not relax at all. When Yang Bing saw a wanted order that appeared in a small city, he was frightened. In order to get rid of the police tracking, he gave birth to a beggar to make a beggar as a dead ghost, so that the police thought he had died on the end of his way. I hope Yang Bing evaporates from now on. However, all this was once again recognized by Zhang Dong. He saw that this was just another trick of Yang Bing. Zhang Dong simply had the psychological torture of Yang Bing, although Yang Bing was still difficult to escape the killing of crimes. After a long time, he found that only Miao Qiuyun and his children could bring him a sense of security. Yang Bing was desperate and made a series of arrangements on the border, and sent someone to his hometown to rob Miao Qiuyun and his children, preparing to escape abroad. When Miao Qiuyun saw Yang Bing's tears, she begged Yang Bing to come first. At this time, Yang Bing's frightened state was close to crazy, and insisted on taking his wife and children to escape abroad. Just when they were arguing, Yang Bing was stunned. Zhang Dongzheng led the police officer to appear in front of him. It turned out that the police had not relaxed the tracking of Yang Bing at all. Zhang Dong had found a doctor who had cosmetic surgery for Yang Bing according to the clues. He was grasping the new face of Yang Bing. At the same time, he was under control over Miao Qiuyun's every move. At this point, after the police's unremitting tracking, the cunning criminals Yang Bing, who had been absconding for three years, finally had a law network that had been absconding for three years. In the management office, in the face of Zhang Dong's gaze, Yang Bing finally lowered his head and issued the final repentance: people cannot sin, let alone mistakes, otherwise they will embark on a no -returning path. Justice must defeat sin.
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