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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《大码头》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《大码头》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


二十世纪初叶,一场洪水,滔天而至,文阿陆与母亲在大水中天人永隔,徒留伤悲。三年后,某夜,广州府。月黑风高,华清浴室发生枪战,聚源社义水轩帮主双双死于乱枪之中。小裁缝文阿陆无意中撞见这一幕,平白无故惹上杀身祸,被赶来营救社主却误杀了社主的聚源社三当家于义龙,当场要灭口文阿陆仓惶奔逃,走投无路。幸遇岭南洋学堂女学生宋芳华救助脱离险境。宋芳华刚公演哈姆雷特未卸妆,夜色中被文阿陆误认为俊美少年。文阿陆返回裁缝店,向两小无猜的师父女儿万心莲诉说奇遇,万心莲早已心许文阿陆,对宋芳华心怀感激,催促文阿陆去面谢救命之恩。  他们浑然不知,文阿陆己成了失去帮主的两派江湖好汉追杀的对象!华清浴室那场火并其实都是觊觎社主地位的聚源社二当家陈云生一手策划!他的如意算盘是:一来铲除前堂主,二来陷于义龙为杀害帮主的凶手,再假借惜才为于义龙掩饰真相,以此控制于义龙,除去他顺利接任社主的最大障碍。但闻知当夜命案现场,于义龙放走了目击证人,实在非同小可,立即命人散播谣言,把杀人的黑锅扣到了他暂不知名的目击人身上。一心以为宋芳华是男子的文阿陆前往洋学堂致谢,却相见不相识,失之交臂。文阿陆独特的个性,和狼一般的机敏引起宋芳华极大的好奇和爱好,主动邀约见面。忽见女儿身妆扮的宋芳华,文阿陆来不及吃惊,已为宋芳华的脱俗气质与聪慧开明而仰慕倾倒。一直对宋芳华穷追不舍的洋人马修暗中把文阿陆看作情场对手,势不两立。聚源社原社主独生女儿赵翠儿冲动鲁莽,只身携枪往义水轩为父寻仇,于义龙赶来援救,诱走追兵,身受枪伤,幸遇万心莲援手相救,义龙从此把万心莲放在了心上,也种下了赵翠儿视万心莲为情敌,因妒生恨,不择手段陷害万心莲的诱因。  陈云生如愿坐上大位,锦上添花还吞并了义水轩,因而更加担忧设计铲除前帮主之事东窗发,于是下达江湖追杀令,加紧了对文阿陆的追寻和追杀。 心比天高的文阿陆誓言买一付昂贵的楠木棺材厚葬双亲。海口夸下,才意识到谈何轻易,不服输的性格促使他不要命的找赚钱机会。适逢殷实商人李宝寅家族事业遭遇洋货冲击,奋起抵制反抗。德商花耶洋行大班汉斯首先迎战,以一场拳赛激李宝寅赌输赢。谁知汉斯请来的是美国拳王,李宝寅雇请来的参赛者个个招架不了,被打得七零八落。文阿陆被高额赏金诱惑而来,硬是不屈不挠撑下了全场比赛虽败犹荣,全场观众沸腾!观众席上,宋芳华也为文阿陆的坚韧不屈流下眼泪,假如说,在这之前,文阿陆只是令她好奇,此刻他已掳获了她的心。一夕之间文阿陆成为全羊城传颂的少年英雄。随口一句豪言,文阿陆果真如愿以偿,用楠木棺厚葬了双亲。没想到,给遍寻不着替死鬼的陈云生提供了线索,文阿陆被活捉,押到江边欲执行私刑。幸于义龙及时赶到,看在万心莲的救命之恩上,为文阿陆向陈云生苦苦求情。而文阿陆也义气地没有扯出于义龙杀人之事。赵翠儿己按捺不住,抽刀刺向文阿陆,宋芳华带着警察赶至,陈云生等急作鸟兽散,再次救了文阿陆一命。  经过此番灾难,加之宋芳华的启发,激起文阿陆不甘平庸、不安现状强烈企图。汉斯也看上了这个拳击场上不屈不挠的华人小子,利诱他进入洋行。文阿陆心动,立志苦改头换面,要当人上人。一进洋行,他落到了马修手中,被派去打杂,然而善于把握机会的他,假冒马修竟然谈成一大笔生意。马修当然不会任文阿陆为所欲为,诬陷文阿陆偷窃,把他送上了鞭刑台。为了摧毁文阿陆的自尊,马修扬言只要文阿陆认罪,便可免去皮肉之苦。万心莲力劝文阿陆认罪,宋芳华却认为名誉重于一切。文阿陆选择了捍卫名誉,咬紧牙关忍受了鞭笞撕裂肌肤的疼痛,自此,他和宋芳华的心更近了,而万心莲也察觉到了文阿陆情感的变异,黯然神伤。一波未平一波又起,马修不甘落了下风,故意把文阿陆妆扮成小丑,逼上街做活人广告。文阿陆毅然接受挑战,不畏异样眼光和市民们嘲笑,走街串巷,竟然一炮而红,成功把滞销的留声机推销一空。宋芳华欣喜若狂,为文阿陆成功的第一步兴奋,文阿陆却有更远大的目标:他要更上一层楼出人头地。  赵翠儿父仇未报,满腔怨恨,又发现心爱的于义龙被万心莲迷惑,怒火攻心之际,又受到杨副爷怂恿,前往万裁缝店理论,杨副爷却趁机杀了万师父,掳走万心莲。文阿陆发了疯的四处寻找万心莲,并自责与宋芳华疏远。此时李宝寅的家族事业也陷入困境。汉斯趁机吞并了李宝寅的国货行,并叫文阿陆亲眼目睹整个过程,告诉他这就叫弱肉强食。为了堵住赵翠儿的嘴,陈云生设计让赵翠儿和于义龙成亲,于义龙识破,大发雷霆,赵翠儿道出万心莲被绑,接着更为惊人的是,万心莲竟然是陈云生自婴儿时失散的女儿!万心莲父女重逢,赵翠儿顿时失去利用价值,被杨副爷卖进青楼。听说了万心莲摇身一变成了大小姐,文阿陆失意之余,把精力投入事业,他很快领悟了生存的密诀,利用李宝寅的困境,取得汉斯信任,奇迹般成了广州府的商界名人,并改了个响亮的大号:文洪业。  成功激励文阿陆激流涌进,他锐变成了手段火辣,寸土必争,镏铢必较的强硬商人。碰到利益与情感相冲突,必须有所选择时,他也必然地选择了利益,抛弃了情义,即使竞争对手是宋芳华父亲宋威廉也决不手软!宋芳华为锐变后的文阿陆担忧伤痛,却无力挽回。万心莲被情场失意烧昏了心智,不甘作罢,促使于义龙向文阿陆宋芳华报复,越陷越深。 成功的代价是众叛亲离,文阿陆却义无反顾,在龙争虎斗的成就中寻求刺激和乐趣。汉斯不甘自己创造的工具成了劲敌,借口文阿陆的公司侵占了花耶的的名称,把文阿陆告上法庭。在中国国土上,第一场中、洋两国商人的侵名官司引起社会空前的关注,势单力薄的文阿陆也陷入空前的孤立和无助。饱受情殇的宋芳华挺身而出为文阿陆辩护,并说服李宝寅和华商们站出来证实文阿陆的无辜。汉斯败诉了,文阿陆无罪!  故事到此并未结束。被利益迷了心窍的文阿陆为了永绝后患,利用白俄女商伊娃和汉斯之间的矛盾,巧设计谋,把汉斯的资产一一吞并,汉斯一败涂地,举枪自尽。一向以汉斯为告靠山,对华人作威作福的马修立即臣服于文阿陆脚下!文阿陆功成名就,蓦然回首,顿时感到无限空虚,怅然若失,李宝寅已回乡办学,再也不愿跟他相近,而万心莲痛定思痛,出家修行,不愿回头。面对滚滚珠江,文阿陆越来越思念黯然神伤远去德国的宋芳华。此时,任何成就都不及宋芳华来得重要,他毅然结束了广州的所有事务,把全部财产汇到德国宋芳华的名下,随后踏上了去汉堡的邮轮。世事难料,命运捉弄人!收到文阿陆全部财产之前的宋芳华,在异国他乡艰困的生活。磨练成为一个强大冷漠的求生者,她告诉文阿陆:钱财可以替他赎罪,她受之无愧,可是再多的钱财买不回已逝去的爱情,她接受了钱财,却不收留一无所有的文阿陆。文阿陆无言以对,在宋芳华看破世态炎凉的眼光冷视下,沿着莱茵河独自离去。不久后,他凄然一人,病逝在异国它乡,汉堡的公墓中,留下一个冰冷的石碑.




At the beginning of the twentieth century, a flood was overwhelming. Wen Alu and his mother were separated in the heavens and people in the large water, leaving sadness. Three years later, one night, Guangzhou government. The dark wind was high, and the gunfire in the Huaqing bathroom was in the Huaqing bathroom. The small tailor -made Aku accidentally hit this scene, and the white -blank was causing a killing of the trouble. He was rushed to rescue the owner, but accidentally killed the owner's Juyuan Society San as a family. Essence Fortunately, Song Fanghua, a female student in Nanyang School, rescued from the danger. Song Fanghua just performed Hamlet's unloading of makeup, and Wen Alu was thought to be a handsome boy in the night. Wen Alu returned to the tailor shop and told the encounter to the two young masters and daughter Wan Xinlian. Wan Xinlian had already felt that Wen Aku had a heart, and she was grateful to Song Fanghua. They did not know that Wen Alu Ji became the target of the two factions of the two factions who lost the gang Lord! The fire of Huaqing Bathroom and the second family of Jiyuan Society, who was in the status of the main status of the society, planned! His Ruyi abacus is: Once to eradicate the owner of the front hall, the other is trapped in the murderer of the Yilong to kill the leader, and then borrow it to cover the truth in Yilong, so as to control it to Yilong. obstacle. However, at the scene of the murder case that night, Yu Yilong let go of the witness witness. It was unpredictable. He immediately ordered people to spread rumors and buckled the murderous black pot to his unknown witnesses for the time being. I thought that Song Fanghua was a man, Wena Lu went to Yang School to thank him, but he met and lost each other. Wen Aku's unique personality, and the wolf -like machine sensitivity caused Song Fanghua's great curiosity and hobbies, and took the initiative to invite to meet. Suddenly, when she saw Song Fanghua dressed in her daughter's makeup, Wen Alu was not surprised. She had admired Song Fanghua's refined temperament and intelligence and enlightened. Matthew, who has always been chasing Song Fanghua, regards Wen Alu as an opponent of love fields. Zhao Cui'er, the daughter of the original daughter of Ji Yuanshe, was impulsive and reckless. She only carried a gun to Yishui Xuan for her father. From then on, Long Xinlian was put on his heart, and Zhao Cuier looked at Wan Xinlian as his rival. Because of jealousy and hate, he did not choose to frame Wan Xinlian's incentives. Chen Yunsheng sat in the big position as expected, and the icing on the cake also annexed Yishuixuan, so he was even more worried about the design of the design of the former gang. Therefore, he issued a hunting order in the rivers and lakes, and stepped up his pursuit and hunting. Wena Lu, who is higher than the sky, vowed to buy a expensive Nanmu coffin. Haikou boasted that he realized how easy it was, and the personality of unconvincedness prompted him to find a chance to make money. Coinciding with the strong businessman Li Baoyin's family, he encountered an impact of foreign goods and struggled to resist the resistance. The German business flower Yeroyang Xingbanhaus first faced the battle, stimulating Li Baoyin in a boxing match to lose or lose. Who knew that Hans was invited by the American boxing champion, and the participants hired by Li Baoyin could not fight and were beaten. Wen Alu was seduced by a high bounty, and it was unyielding to support the game, although the game was defeated, the audience boiled! At the audience, Song Fanghua also burst into tears for Wen Alu's tenacity. If it was said that before that, Wen Alu just made her curious. At this moment, heShe has won her heart. Wensuku became a young hero passed on the Yangcheng City overnight. With a word of words, Wen Aluuo really made a pair of people, and buried his parents with a nanmu coffin. Unexpectedly, Chen Yunsheng, who couldn't find the dead ghost, provided clues. Wen Alu was caught alive and escorted to the river to execute the criminal. Fortunately, Yilong arrived in time and looked at Wan Xinlian's life -saving grace. Wen Alu also did not pull out the killing of Yilong. Zhao Cuier couldn't hold back, pumping the knife to Wen Alu, Song Fanghua rushed to the police, Chen Yunsheng and other urgent birds and beasts were scattered, and he rescued Wen Alu again. After this disaster, and the inspiration of Song Fanghua, Wen Alu was unwilling to be unwilling and uneasy. Hans also saw the unyielding Chinese boy in the boxing field, tempting him to enter the foreign bank. Wen A Lu was moving, and he determined to change his head to face his face. As soon as he entered the foreign bank, he fell into the hands of Matthew and was sent to miscellaneous. However, he was good at seizing the opportunity. Of course, Matthew would not Ren Wena Lu to do whatever he wanted, and he stole Wen Alu and sent him to the whipping platform. In order to destroy Wen Aku's self -esteem, Ma Xiu threatened that as long as Wen Alu condemned his sins, he could remove the bitterness of flesh. Wan Xinlian persuaded Wen Alu to confess his sins, but Song Fanghua believed that his reputation was more important than everything. Wen Alu chose to defend his reputation, gritted his teeth and endured the pain of his skin. Since then, his heart and Song Fanghua have closer, and Wan Xinlian also noticed that Wen Alu's emotional mutation was sad. The waves of unproof and waves rose again. Matthew did not fall into the wind. He deliberately dressed Wen Alu makeup as a clown and forced the street to be a living person. Wen Alu Yi accepted the challenge, and he laughed at the citizens without fear of strange eyes. He walked the streets and became popular. Song Fanghua was ecstatic and excited for Wen Alu's success, but Wen Alu has a bigger goal: he wants to go to the top floor. Zhao Cuier's father had not reported, and he was full of resentment. He also found that Yu Yilong, who was beloved by Wan Xinlian, was also encouraged by Deputy Grandpa Yang and went to the theory of Wanli Store. Take away Wanxin Lotus. Wen Alu was looking for Wanxin Lotus everywhere, and blamed himself to alienate Song Fanghua. At this time, Li Baoyin's family career was also in trouble. Hans took the opportunity to annex Li Baoyin's domestic cargo bank, and asked Wen Alu to witness the whole process, telling him that it was called weak meat and strong food. In order to block Zhao Cuier's mouth, Chen Yunsheng designed to make Zhao Cuier and Yu Yilong a relative. Yu Yilong knew it and became furious. The daughter who is out of time! Wan Xinlian's father and daughter met again, and Zhao Cuier suddenly lost its value and was sold by Vice Grandpa Yang into the Qinglou. I heard that Wan Xinlian shook into a young lady, and when Wen Alu was frustrated, he put his energy into his career. He quickly realized the secrets of survival and used Li Baoyin's dilemma to gain the trust of Hans. The business celebrities have changed a loud big size: Wen Hongye. Successfully inspired Wen Alu to flow in.When the interest conflicts with emotions, he must choose the interests and abandon his emotions when he must choose. After Song Fanghua's sharp change, Wen Alu was worried about the pain, but he could not recover. Wan Xinlian was frustrated by the love field and fainted his mind. The price of success was betrayal, but Wena Lu was recklessly, seeking excitement and fun in the achievements of the dragon fighting tiger. Hans was unwilling to create a tool for himself. The excuse of Wen Alu's company invaded Huaye's name and brought Wen Alu to court. In China's land, the lawsuits of business people in the first and foreign businessmen have attracted unprecedented concern, and Wen Alu, who is weak, also falls into unprecedented isolation and helplessness. Song Fanghua, who was affectionate, came forward to defend Wen Alu, and persuaded Li Baoyin and Chinese businessmen to stand up to confirm the innocence of Wen Alu. Hans was defeated, Wen Alu was not guilty! The story is not over. In order to be overwhelmed by the interests of the interests, in order to live forever, he used the contradiction between the Belarusian female business, Eva and Hans, and cleverly designed to swallow Hans' assets one by one. Matthew, who has always used Hans as a backing and a blessing to the Chinese, immediately surrendered at the foot of Wen Ah! Wen Along became famous, and suddenly looked back, and suddenly felt infinitely empty. If he lost, Li Baoyin had returned to his hometown to run a school, and he no longer wanted to be similar to him. In the face of the rolling Pearl River, Wen Alu was increasingly sorrowful and sad to go to Germany Song Fanghua. At this time, any achievement was not as important as Song Fanghua. He resolutely ended all the affairs of Guangzhou, remitted all the property to the name of Song Fanghua, Germany, and then set foot on the cruise ship to the burger. The world is unexpected, fate teases people! Song Fanghua, before receiving the entire property of Wen Aku, was in a difficult life in a foreign country. Holding into a powerful and indifferent survivor, she told Wen Alu: Money can be atonement for him, she is well received, but no matter how much money is bought, she has not returned to love. Wena Lu. Wen Alu was speechless, and he left alone under the cold eyes of Song Fanghua's cold eyes, and left alone along the Rhine. Soon after, he was alone, and he died in a foreign country. In the cemetery of the burger, a cold stone monument was left.







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