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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《上将许世友》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《上将许世友》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


1985年10月22日下午3时左右,南京军区现任和前任领导,都匆匆赶往军区总院。共和国的开国元勋,1955年的中国人民解放军三星上将、前中共中心政治局委员、南京军区司令员、中共中心顾问委员会副主任许世友将军与世长辞。在生命的最后时刻,他奇迹般地死而复生,在弥留的最后一刻,将军的神思飞进了那血雨腥风的岁月。  年轻的许世友凭着自己高超的武功,逃脱了李静轩反动民团对农民协会血腥镇压的虎口,被迫从戎,在军阀吴佩孚的军队混口饭吃。在队伍里,他结识了共产党员胡德奎。在反动军阀的大清洗中,从枪口下救出了胡德奎,并参加了有名的黄麻起义。起义失败后,他冒死回到老家看望自己的老母亲。李静轩反动民团正在疯狂地迫害他的一家,许母一家相依为命备受煎熬。许世友丢下了母亲、妻子、儿子率领农民杀出重围,参加了刚刚组建的中国工农红军。  许世友一到部队,赶上了围攻段家畈李静轩的反动民团。李静轩气焰嚣张,部队进攻受阻,许世友按捺不住内心强烈的复仇心理。团长王树声一声令下,他手举大刀,冲进了段家畈,刀劈了李静轩。战斗中胡德奎身负重伤,等他从民团手中搜回药来,胡德奎已经牺牲。许世友悲痛欲绝,归罪于卫生员李海东,被王树声关了禁闭。  许世友接替胡德奎担任了排长,李海东也被分配到他们排任副排长,他拒不接受,鲁莽行事,被下了枪。正赶上部队要进攻花园镇,已经离队的许世友与部队展开了一场无声的急行军。他的倔犟和任性,王树声也无可奈何。在捣毁花园镇的战斗中,李海东牺牲在敌人的包围之中,许世友大显神威又建奇功。  许家洼,反动民团疯狂地报复。许母为了保全许家后代,违心地逼许妻朱锡明改嫁。  张国焘进入苏区,许世友的奇异引起了他的关注,并产生了浓厚的爱好。  此时鄂豫皖苏区已经进入了一个前所未有的革命高潮。攻黄安、打潢光,克新集,取得了一连串的胜利。许世友在这些战争中也屡屡立功,步步升迁。然而,张国焘开始全面肃反,红色恐怖葬送了这些革命成果,仗越打越糟糕。许世友亲自招来的文书李全有只因给地主算过几回帐,保卫局要抓去审查。许世友与搜查队发生了激烈的冲突。当他看到大批的军政干部被杀,连徐向前的夫人都被捕时,他迷惘了。情绪极端之坏,酒越喝越多,也不答应部下议论纷纷。  在军政干部会上,因为不许带枪,许世友与保卫人员剑拔弩张,险些酿出一场祸殃。  苏区越来越小,国民党大规模的围攻越来越紧,战斗也越来越残酷。红四方面军在去留决策上发生了激烈的交锋。许世友的三十四团浴血奋战,紧急中许世友果断地使用看押的审干队。枪林弹雨之下,审干队全部牺牲和李全有的遇难,许世友悲愤满怀。  红四方面军被迫退出鄂豫皖苏区突围。部队向川陕转移中,全军被国民党军围堵在漫川关,弹尽粮绝、人困马乏。许世友接受了突击队的任务,他杀了自己的战马,身先士卒,勇猛拼杀,投入了一连串空前激烈的苦战,突破了敌人三十万大军铁壁合围,为全军打开了通路。  1933年川陕苏区挫败敌人三路围攻后,许世友任第九军副军长兼第25师师长。红四方面军在川陕边境立住了足。激发了许世友的豪性,在和川陕游击队的会合中,许世友把王维舟灌得烂醉。校场比武的擂台上,许世友漂亮潇洒的招式制服了刺客,机智地保卫了苏区领导。  敌人的六路围攻开始了,他指挥三个团参加有名的万源保卫战,坚守大面山。许世友严厉地撒了团长张万林的职,摔了他送来的两瓶酒。战斗到白刃化,部队几乎顶不住了,他坚持你顶,就顶着了,八角帽往下一拉,高举一把红缨大刀,亲自带领敢死队反击,和敌人由军官组成的敢死队较上了劲。大刀在他手上神出鬼没,舞起来真到了针插不进水泼不进的境界,就像飞花摘叶,战场上敌人人头纷纷落地。在这次规模最长,也最为激烈的防御中,许世友打出了威风。团长张万林和众多将士血洒疆场,许世友感到深深地内疚。  为了策应中心红军北上,红四方面军发动了西渡嘉陵江的战争。与中心红军会合。与此同时,张国焘统治下的红色恐怖、人人自危的严酷政治斗争的阴影还笼罩着部队上下,许世友与曾中生神秘地会面。  战争胜利的喜悦,许世友接受了战友们的安排,相中了红军女战士李明珍,并相爱结了婚。新婚仪式上,他先拜娘,令人哗然。第一天,他迟到了,自罚扛炮。在这期间的恩爱生活中,他也从不答应妻子介入他的政治生活。  长征中,张国焘自恃人多势众,与中心发生重大分歧,搞分裂主义。茫然中的许世友闻知曾中生被害,心灵受到强烈震撼。他强忍悲痛接受任了骑兵军师长的任命。由于部队新组建,军纪较为混乱,为了整顿军纪,他用驳壳枪甩手一枪,子弹打飞了排头兵的帽子,他自己的乡友和老部下为之愕然。部队面貌焕然一新。第三次过草地,他指挥骑兵部队担任前卫,逢山开路、遇水搭桥、筹粮筹款,沿途进行频繁的战斗。  红军三大主力会师陕北,许世友进了陕北中国人民抗日红军大学学习。由于张国焘的错误,他受到牵连,经历了人生最严重的一次考验,差点丢了脑袋。因为反张国焘路线的一些过火言语和过激行为,使许世友陷于极度的苦闷之中,尤其是西路军失败以后,他对反张国焘的熟悉基本上动摇了,自己跳了出来,酿成一个大事件。他联络了一些原红四方面军的旧部,预备逃回川陕根据地打游击,以此来证实自己革命的决心。这就是有名的拖枪逃跑事件。东窗事发,他们被逮捕了,预备接受最严厉的制裁。这时与毛主席演了一场不打不相识的悲喜剧。同时他最心爱的人,剪烂了给他新织的毛衣,递给他一封绝交信,许世友心灰意凉、悲痛万分。生死关头,毛泽东要见他,他竟敢提出要带枪见毛泽东。毛泽东不仅答应把枪还给他,还亲自帮他压上子弹。毛泽东主席的真诚和坦荡,使他心悦诚服,热泪盈眶。从此,他忠心耿耿地跟随毛主席,南征北战。  随后,他开赴抗日前线,任三八六旅副旅长,与陈赓一道,在香河崮打了一个漂亮的伏击战,歼灭日本鬼子一个加强中队。  紧接着受中心委派,开辟山东抗日根据地。临行前,许世友断然拒绝了与李明珍的爱情。从警卫员手中要回了自己的小酒壶,把警卫员留下,踏上了征程。  许世友到了胶东根据地后,形势极为严重,部队几乎无立足之地。在就职演说上,许世友响当当地说,我来胶东是打仗的,太平我不来,我来不太平。一口气吼出七个打字,要打出山东新局面。披坚执锐、说打就打。十六团打旺远,他亲自坐镇,但只说了三句话,看了一夜三国;打灵山,他事无巨细,把聂凤智从病床上拉下来,指挥作战。他率领军民与日、伪、顽在渤海之滨和清河两岸开了激烈的斗争,把胶东大大小小二十多个各式各样的伪司令一扫而光,根据地的地盘越打越大,打出了一个崭新的局面。  打下汉奸赵保原的老巢万第之后,在军民庆胜利的祝捷声中,在副司令吴克华和后勤部长高大山的张罗下,他和农家姑娘田普相识,就是她吧!一锤定音,举行了简单而又别致的婚礼。  解放战争中,他任九纵司令,率部保卫胶东,转战齐鲁大地,取得了一系列辉煌的战绩。又升任山东兵团司令,使胶东成为稳固的根据地后方。  济南战争开始了,离总攻还有五天,毛泽东在延安运筹帷幄、调兵遣将之时,脑海里不止一次浮现出前线那个不是和尚的许和尚,毛泽东亲自点了他的将。许世友如同猛虎出山,急风急火地赶到前线。  在战争中,面对这个城防坚固的庞然大物,许世友提出牛刀子战术要抓住敌人的要害部位,集中兵力火力,杀出一条血路,像一把铎利的尖刀,直插敌人心脏。经过几天的激战,双方形成僵局,战斗到了白热化,许世友果断地支持聂凤智坚持最后一瞬间,决定一鼓作气继续攻击。九纵首长登上城楼。彻底歼灭守军11万,活捉王耀武,攻占了济南府。这是许世友军事生涯中一篇最为自得的杰作。  在以后的历史重大转折关头,许世友发挥了重大的作用,实现了他活着尽忠,忠于毛主席,死了尽孝,为老母亲看坟的诺言。写下了辉煌的革命人生,建立了不可磨灭的历史功勋。  该剧将撷取许世友将军革命生涯中一个个动人的故事,象串珍珠一样从一个个侧面缀出将军轰轰烈烈的瑰丽人生。把许世友这个本身就具有独特经历、非凡性格的传奇将军活脱脱地展示在荧屏上。




At around 3 pm on October 22, 1985, the current and former leaders of the Nanjing Military Region rushed to the General Court of the Military Region. The founding generals of the Republic, Samsung, General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1955, member of the Political Bureau of the former CPC Central Center, commander of the Nanjing Military Region, and deputy director of the CPC Central Consultant Committee, General Xu Shiyou and the captain of the world. At the last moment of life, he died miraculously, and at the last moment he died, the general's thoughts flew into the bloody years. With his superb martial arts, the young Xu Shiyou escaped Li Jingxuan's reactionary tiger's mouth to the bloody suppression of the Farmers Association. In the team, he met the Communist Party member Hu Dekui. In the large cleaning of the reaction warlord, Hu Dekui was rescued from the muzzle and participated in the famous jute uprising. After the uprising failed, he returned to his hometown to visit his old mother. Li Jingxuan's reactionary group was madly persecuted his family, and Xu's family was suffering. Xu Shiyou left his mother, wife, and son to lead farmers to kill the siege and participate in the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army who just formed. As soon as Xu Shiyou arrived in the army, he caught up with the reactionary group of Li Jingxuan, who was besieging Duan Jiayu. Li Jingxuan was arrogant, the troops were blocked, and Xu Shiyou couldn't hold back the strong revenge. At the order of the leader Wang Shu, he lifted his sword and rushed into Duan Jiayu, and the knife chopped Li Jingxuan. In the battle, Hu Dekui was seriously injured. When he found the medicine from the group, Hu Dekui had sacrificed. Xu Shiyou was distraught and was convicted of Li Haidong by the health officer, and Wang Shusheng was closed. Xu Shiyou replaced Hu Dekui as the leader, and Li Haidong was also assigned to the deputy commander of the line. He refused to accept it, acting recklessly, and was shot. It was catching up with the army to attack Garden Town, and Xu Shiyou, who had left the team, and the army launched a silent emergency army. His stubborn and willfulness, Wang Shusheng was helpless. In destroying the battle in Garden Town, Li Haidong sacrificed in the surrounding of the enemy, and Xu Shiyou showed his great power. Xu Jiawa retaliated wildly. In order to preserve the descendants of the Xu family, Xu mother forced Xu's wife Zhu Ximing to remarry. Zhang Guozhang's enters the Soviet area, Xu Shiyou's strangeness aroused his attention and had a strong hobby. At this time, the Hubei -Henan and Anhui District had entered an unprecedented revolutionary climax. Attacking Huang An, Danhuang, and a new collection, achieved a series of victories. Xu Shiyou has repeatedly made great achievements in these wars and promoted step by step. However, Zhang Guozhang began to fight against each other. Red terror was buried in these revolutionary achievements, and the battle was worse. Li Quanyou, a document recruited by Xu Shiyou himself, has only given the landlord several accounts, and the Security Bureau will capture the review. Xu Shiyou and the search team had a fierce conflict. When he saw a large number of military and political cadres being killed and even Xu Qianqian's wife was arrested, he was confused. The emotional is extremely bad, and the more wine is drinking, and the more discussions are promised. At the Military and Political Cadre Association, Xu Shiyou and the defenders were not allowed to bring a gun, which almost made a disaster. The Soviet Area is getting smaller and smaller, the Kuomintang's large -scale belocation is getting tighter, and the battle is becoming more and more cruel. The Red Fourth Army is going to leave decisionsThere was a fierce confrontation. Xu Shiyou's thirty -four regiments fought in blood, and Xu Shiyou decisively used the trial team. Under the rain of gunfire, all the victims of the trial team sacrificed and Li Quanyou, Xu Shiyou was full of sadness. The Red Fourth Army was forced to withdraw from Hubei, Henan, Anhui, and Soviet District. In the transfer of the troops towards Sichuan and Shaanxi, the entire army was surrounded by the Kuomintang army in Manchuanguan, and the food was spatially stunned. Xu Shiyou accepted the mission of the commando. He killed his war horses, soldiers first, fighting bravely, devoted a series of unprecedented and fierce suffering, breaking through the 300,000 army of the enemy's iron wall, and opened the path for the entire army. After the Sichuan Shaanxi and the Soviet Union frustrated the enemy's three -way siege in 1933, Xu Shiyou served as the deputy commander of the Ninth Army and the 25th Division. The Red Fourth Army stood at the Sichuan -Shaanxi border. It inspired Xu Shiyou's pride. In the meeting with the Sichuan -Shaanxi guerrillas, Xu Shiyou drunk Wang Weizhou. On the platform of the school farm, Xu Shiyou's beautiful and smart moves uniformed the assassin and witly defended the leaders of the Soviet area. The sixth road siege of the enemy began. He commanded the three regiments to participate in the famous Wanyuan defense war and adhered to the big mountains. Xu Shiyou strictly sprinkled Zhang Wanlin, the head of the regiment, and fell to the two bottles of wine he sent. When the battle was turned into Bai Blade, the troops could hardly hold it. He insisted on your top, and he stood up. The octagonal hat was pulled down, holding a big red knife, and personally led the death team to counterattack. Strong. The big knife was in his hands, and the dancing was really up to the state where the needle was inserted into the water, just like flying flowers picking leaves, and the enemy's heads on the battlefield landed. In the longest and most fierce defense this time, Xu Shiyou played prestige. The head of the regiment Zhang Wanlin and many generals sprinkled the bloody field, Xu Shiyou felt deeply guilty. In order to respond to the north of the Red Army of the Center, the Red Fourth Army launched the west of the Jialing River. Combat with the Central Red Army. At the same time, the shadow of the red terror and the harsh political struggle under the rule of Zhang Guozhang's rule of people also shrouded the army up and down, and Xu Shiyou met with Zeng Zhongsheng mysteriously. The joy of the victory of the war, Xu Shiyou accepted the arrangements of his comrades, and he met Li Mingzhen, the Red Army Women's Warrior, and married each other. At the wedding ceremony, he worshiped his mother first, which was uproar. On the first day, he was late and punished himself. In the love life during this period, he never promised his wife to intervene in his political life. In the Long March, Zhang Guozhang was so popular, with major differences with the center, and engaging in divisionism. Xu Shiyou heard that Zeng Zhong was killed, and his soul was strongly shocked. He tolerated his grief and accepted the appointment of the Cavalry Army Division. Due to the new formation of the troops, the military discipline was more chaotic. In order to rectify the military discipline, he shot his hand with a shell gun and shot the hat of the pioneers. The troops have a new look. For the third time, he commanded the cavalry forces to serve as a avant -garde. The three main forces of the Red Army divided northern Shaanxi, and Xu Shiyou entered the northern Shaanxi People's Anti -Japanese Red Army University. Due to Zhang Guozhang's mistakes, he was implicated and experienced the worst test of life, and almost lost his head. Because of the oppositeSome of the overwhelming words and excessive flowers on the line of Zhang Guozhang made Xu Shiyou get in extreme distress. Especially after the Western Army failed, he was basically shaken by his familiarity with anti -Guozhang, and he jumped out and caused a big event. He contacted the old departments of the Four Fourth Army, and prepared to escape from Sichuan and Shaanxi to fight guerrillas to confirm his determination to revolution. This is the famous dragging and escape incident. The East Window was arrested and prepared to accept the most severe sanctions. At this time, he played a tragedy and comedy without knowing each other. At the same time, his beloved person cut the sweater that was newly knitted and handed him a mess. Xu Shiyou was so cold and sad. At the moment of life and death, Mao Zedong wanted to see him, and he dared to bring a gun to see Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong not only promised to return the gun to him, but also helped him put on the bullet himself. The sincerity and frankness of Chairman Mao Zedong made him feel sincere and tears. Since then, he has followed Chairman Mao faithfully and war in the south. Subsequently, he went to the front line of the Anti -Japanese War, served as the deputy brigade of the 38th and 6th brigade, and played a beautiful ambush war with Chen Yan in Xiangheji to annihilate the Japanese devil to strengthen the squadron. Immediately after being appointed by the center, the Shandong Anti -Japanese Base was opened. Before leaving, Xu Shiyou declined his love with Li Mingzhen. From the guard's hands, he had to return to his small jug, left the guards, and set foot on the journey. After Xu Shiyou reached the Bidong base, the situation was extremely serious, and the troops had almost no foothold. In the inauguration speech, Xu Shiyou said that I came to Jiaodong to fight. He roared out seven typing in one breath and wanted to play a new situation in Shandong. Pan Jian persisted, just tapping. The sixteen regiments were fighting far away. He sat in the town himself, but only said three sentences and looked at the Three Kingdoms overnight; he had nothing to do with Nie Fengzhi, and pulled Nie Fengzhi from the bed to direct the battle. He led a fierce struggle with the Japanese, pseudo, and stubborn on the coast of the Bohai Sea and the Qinghe River. A brand new situation was played. After the traitor Zhao Baoyuan's old nest Wan Yi, in the wishes of the victory of the military and civilians, under the Zhang Luo of the deputy commander Wu Kehua and the Logistics Minister Takayama, he met with the farmer's girl Tian Pu, it was her! A simple and chic wedding was held. During the war of liberation, he served as commander of Nine verticals, led the Ministry to defend Jiaodong, moved to Qilu land, and achieved a series of brilliant records. He is also promoted to the commander of the Shandong Corps, making Jiaodong behind a solid base. When the Jinan War began, there were five days before the overall attack. When Mao Zedong planned and transferred the troops in Yan'an, the front line appeared more than once in his mind. The front line was not a monk Xu monk. Xu Shiyou rushed to the front like a tiger out of the mountain. In the war, in the face of this solidity of the city, Xu Shiyou proposed that the cattle knife tactics must seize the enemy's key parts, focus on the firepower, kill a blood path, like a Duo Li's sharp knife, and insert the enemy's heart. After a few days of fierce battles, the two sides formed a deadlock, the battle was hot, and Xu Shiyou decisively supportedNie Fengzhi insisted on the last moment and decided to continue his attack.Nine vertical heads boarded the tower.Throughout the annihilation of 110,000 defenders, captured Wang Yaowu alive, and captured Jinan government.This is the most contented masterpiece in Xu Shiyou's military career.At the time of a major turning point in the future, Xu Shiyou played a significant role, realizing that he was alive, loyal to Chairman Mao, died of filial piety, and watched the grave for his old mother.Write a brilliant revolutionary life and established an indelible historical merit.The play will capture the moving stories in the revolutionary career of General Xu Shiyou, and the magnificent life of the generals will be decorated from the sides like pearls.Xu Shiyou, a legendary general with unique experience and extraordinary personality on the screen.







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