电视剧电影《苍天》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载
1939年冬,盘踞在陕甘地区的土匪武装,发动叛乱。根据党中心和毛主席的指示,马专员带领八路军工作队去平叛。马专员赶到铺子村时,村庄一片火海,农协会成员汪娥娥丈夫阿宝被残酷杀害、汪娥娥被土匪强奸,马专员从火中救出汪娥娥孩子铁蛋,马上组织村民转移。延安警卫连长张志青奉命带领小分队前来接应马专员,马专员带领众乡亲进行了艰难困苦的转移。土匪韩少山等追赶紧迫,为不拖累大家,车大娘撞石身亡。国民党军队陈占山部派人前来接应马专员,马专员誓死不抛弃老百姓。为掩护群众转移,八路军战士赵直,被土匪抓住活活烧死,马专员悲痛欲绝。在支援部队的帮助下,八路军终于歼灭了土匪,打死匪首王老五,完成了转移群众的任务。 在平叛过程中,国民党陈占山部队错抓了一些被土匪裹挟的无辜农民。为解救这些农民,马专员在群众帮助下,调查取证。参谋长何朔干扰马专员办案,派人残酷殴打牛宽儿等人,让他们写下了自愿参加暴匪的招供书,威胁诱骗村民们做伪证,打死不听话的刘保命,追杀掩埋刘保命的赵德运,赵德运被迫逃走。马专员来找赵德运,救了重病在身的赵父。汪娥娥跟踪赵妻,发现了躲在山洞里的赵德运。赵德运在马专员感化下,说出了带土匪抓走无辜农民的实事真相。马专员与何朔进行了激烈的辩论,何朔百般狡辩,马专员拿出有力证据,赵德运和被殴致死的刘保命尸体的出现以及屈打成招者彻底翻供等,使何朔诡计败露。真相大白,陈占山十分愧疚。被裹挟农民得到释放,牛宽儿等人积极参加了八路军,张志青带领他们奔赴抗日前线。 马专员去延安汇报工作归来,碰到从延安来陇东法庭工作的大学生李春晓,二人成为知音。汪娥娥加入革命队伍,成为法庭工作人员。李春晓按马专员的要求,到村子里办农民学习识字班,讲解法律知识。马专员、石大洪、赵开等走出法庭,到村子里办案,改变几千年来沿袭的坐堂办案作风。张志青主动和上级请求回到法庭,他见到汪娥娥惊喜异常。 马专员接手一个国民党的法庭这里仍沿用着旧衙门的那一套,封三厚告赌馆被吊打;陈兰兰告与丈夫离婚竟不予立案。陈兰兰丈夫为吸毒竟将女儿卖掉换大烟。马专员和汪娥娥救下绝望上吊的陈兰兰。张志青要去抄赌馆,被汪娥娥死死拦住。马专员深入调查,许多人讲述了赌馆和烟馆的种种祸害。为找到罪魁祸首,马专员和李春晓乔装改扮进入赌馆,彻底摸清了我边区政府内物资科长潘志国勾结国民党司法处长顾鹏飞进行贩毒和开设赌馆的内幕。马专员们当场揭穿赌馆坑人的诡计。顾鹏飞和潘志国被抓获,并查出许多烟土和金银首饰等赌资。依照边区法律,潘志国被执行了死刑,惩治了党内的腐败分子,陕甘地区开展了轰轰烈烈的戒烟戒赌运动。马专员带领乡亲们烧掉旧法庭的刑具,砸掉跪石,宣告与旧的司法制度决裂,群众拍手称快。 杨发云和王统一因土地归属问题发生纠纷,马专员进行了调查访问,丈量杨、王两家的土地,查看他们的原始地契和界石,了解到真实情况。马专员说服王统一了结上辈人的恩怨;群众大会上,杨王两家终于和解。 郭族长带领郭氏家族阻止李翠姑再嫁。张志青、汪娥娥调解未果。汪娥娥回来路上,被土匪抓走。张志青和马专员赶去相救。马专员开枪打死韩少山,救出汪娥娥。汪娥娥的举动感动了郭族长和郭氏家族,他们扭转了观念,同意翠姑再嫁。 在新婚姻法鼓舞下,刘巧儿要自己找婆家。刘巧儿对赵柱子说她已经和赵喜财退了婚,赵柱子说他就是赵喜财。刘巧儿拽赵柱子去找她爹说清楚要复婚。不料正碰到朱昌福给巧儿家送彩礼,赵柱子误会了刘巧儿,刘巧儿哭着走在河边。刘彦贵的彩礼钱被土匪劫走。刘彦贵绝望地喝了卤水。巧儿母女将他救起。巧儿父母跪着请求刘巧儿嫁给朱昌福。刘巧儿无奈答应了。朱昌福娶亲路上,赵柱抢了花轿。刘巧儿为走新婚姻的路,找到马专员。马专员看到刘巧儿婚姻案是一起涉及到边区新的婚姻条例的案子,意义重大,便亲自从县裁判处翻阅案件。经过深入调查了解,多方听取群众意见,马专员终于重新宣判刘巧儿的案子,并借机宣传婚姻自主,反对封建买卖婚姻制度。奶奶庙前,宣判会开得十分出色,群众踊跃发言,充分体现了马专员的审判方式。会上,两对亲人公布结婚:刘巧儿与赵柱、翠姑与王来顺,马专员亲自给他们颁发了边区的结婚证。 抗战胜利,汪娥娥与张志青喜结良缘。敌人飞机轰炸,张志青受了伤。因张志青贫血,马专员卖血给张志青买补品,被也卖血给张志青看病的汪娥娥发现。 苏大娘跑到法院喊冤,说三个儿子都被冤枉了,马专员等非常重视,展开了深入细致的调查,查出了这起案件的主谋是孔县长的儿子孔达一所为。就在孔达一预备对孙秀莲杀人灭口之时,张志青和汪娥娥赶到了。 全国解放在即,刘部长找到马专员,让他争取陈占山部队和平起义。马专员派汪娥娥给陈占山送信。何朔收到胡宗南的密电,严防陈占山投敌。马专员拜访陈占山,说服他弃暗投明。何朔欲谋害陈占山,事情暴露,陈占山公布起义。李春晓回到高等法院,马专员让她说服她的老师楚汉唐等一批西北大学的法学专家教授留下来,楚汉唐和众教授接受了马专员的建议,决定留下来为新中国司法建设做贡献。中华人民共和国成立,法庭所有人员伏在地上倾听礼炮声。在大气磅礴的安塞腰鼓中,马专员与大家共同欢庆共和国的成立。伴随新中国成立,汪娥娥生下孩子。李春晓被调回北京参加最高人民法院成立筹建工作。 最高人民法院成立,在陕甘高等法院的欢庆会上,汪娥娥宣读了给最高法院的贺信,马专员作了感人至深的发言,大家一起为新中国干杯张志青病重中,听得两村百姓因饮水问题发生械斗,他奋不顾身前去阻止,在现场病情忽然发作,被担架抬回。弥留之际,张志青戴上红军帽,听着汪娥娥唱着《兰花花》离去 新中国成立后,马专员调任最高人民法院工作,在离开陕甘地区的这天,成百上千的老百姓为他送别,从山崖上垂下一条百丈条幅,上书百姓青天四字,马专员向他深深爱着的乡亲们庄重敬礼
In the winter of 1939, the bandits in the Shaanxi -Gansu were armed and launched a rebellion. According to the instructions of the Party Center and Chairman Mao, Commissioner Malaysia led the Eighth Route Army team to rebel. When Commissioner Ma rushed to Shopzi Village, the village was a sea of \u200b\u200bfire, and the member of the Agricultural Association, Wang E''e's husband Abao, was brutally killed, and Wang E''en was raped by the bandits. Commissioner Ma rescued Wang E''er's iron egg from the fire and immediately organized villagers to transfer. Zhang Zhiqing, the commander of the Yan'an Guard, was ordered to lead the team to take over the Commissioner Ma. Commissioner Ma led the folks for a difficult and difficult transfer. The bandit Han Shaoshan and others chased the urgency. In order not to drag everyone, the car of the car hit the stone. The Kuomintang army Chen Zhanshan sent people to come to respond to Commissioner Ma, and Commissioner Ma vowed not to abandon the people. In order to cover the transfer of the masses, Zhao Zhi, a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, was caught by the bandits and burned to death. Commissioner Ma was distraught. With the help of the support forces, the Eighth Route Army finally annihilated the bandits, killed the bandit king, and completed the task of transferring the masses. During the rebellion, the Kuomintang Chen Zhanshan troops missed some innocent farmers wrapped by bandits. In order to rescue these farmers, the Commissioner Malaysia investigated and obtained evidence with the help of the masses. The chief of staff He Shuo interfere with the commissioner of the horse to handle the case, sent someone to cruelly beat the Niu Guan'er and others, and let them write the confession of voluntary participation in the violence, threatening to deceive the villagers to do pseudo -testimonia, kill the disobedient Liu Bao's life Zhao Deyun, Liu Bao's life, was forced to escape. Commissioner Ma came to Zhao Deyun and saved Zhao's father who was seriously ill. Wang E'e followed Zhao's wife and found Zhao Deyun hiding in the cave. Under the influence of Commissioner Malaysia, Zhao Deyun talked about the truth about the truth of taking bandits to catch innocent farmers. Commissioner Ma and He Shuo had a fierce debate. He Shuo was like a quibble, and Commissioner Ma took out strong evidence. The appearance of Zhao Deyun and the death of Liu Bao, who was beaten and killed, and bent into the recruitment. The truth was white, and Chen Zhan Shan was very guilty. The farmers were released, and Niu Magic and others actively participated in the Eighth Route Army. Zhang Zhiqing led them to the front line of the Anti -Japanese War. Commissioner Ma went to Yan'an to report back to work. Li Chunxiao, a college student who worked from the Longdong Court of Yan'an, became a conscience. Wang E'e joined the revolutionary team and became a court staff. Li Chunxiao went to the village to run farmers to learn literacy classes in accordance with the requirements of Commissioner Ma to explain legal knowledge. Commissioner Ma, Shi Dahong, Zhao Kai, etc. walked out of the court, went to the village to handle the case, and changed the style of sitting in church for thousands of years. Zhang Zhiqing took the initiative to return to the court with his superiors, and he saw Wang E''e's surprise. Commissioner Ma took over a Kuomintang court still used the set of the old yamen. Chen Lanlan's husband sold his daughter to the big smoke for drug use. Commissioner Ma and Wang E'e rescued Chen Lanlan hanging from despair. Zhang Zhiqing was going to copy the gambling hall and was stopped by Wang E''e. Commissioner Malaysia investigated in -depth investigation, and many people talked about the various calamities of gambling halls and tobacco halls. In order to find the culprit, Commissioner Ma and Li Chunxiao pretended to be a gambling hall, and completely figured out that Pan Zhiguo, chief of the materials chief of the government in our border government, colluded with the inside story of drug trafficking and opening a gambling hall. Commissioners in Ma exposed the tricks of gambling pits on the spot. Gu PengFei and Pan Zhiguo were arrested and found many gambling funds such as tobacco and gold and silver jewelry. According to the law of the border area, Pan Zhiguo was executed and punished the corrupt elements within the party. The Shaanxi -Gansu area carried out a vigorous quit quit and gambling campaign. Commissioner Ma led the folks to burn the torture of the old courts, smashed the kneeling stones, and announced that they would break with the old judicial system. Disputes of Yang Fayun and Wang Unified due to the issue of land ownership, Commissioner Ma conducted an investigation and interview, measured the land of Yang and Wang, checked their original land deeds and boundary stones, and learned the real situation. Commissioner Ma persuaded Wang to unify the grievances of the generations; at the mass meeting, the two Yang Wang finally reconciled. The commander of the Guo family led the Guo family to stop Li Cuigu from marrying again. Zhang Zhiqing and Wang E'e's mediation failed. On the way back, Wang E'e was caught by the bandits. Zhang Zhiqing and Commissioner Ma rushed to rescue each other. Commissioner Ma shot and killed Han Shaoshan and rescued Wang'e. Wang E''e's move moved the family of Director Guo and the Guo family. They reversed their concepts and agreed with Cui to marry again. Under the encouragement of the new marriage law, Liu Qianer wanted to find his wife's house. Liu Qianer told Zhao Zhuzi that she had retired with Zhao Xicai, and Zhao Zhuzi said that he was Zhao Xicai. Liu Qianer dragged Zhao Zhuzi to find her father and explained to remarry. Unexpectedly, she was encountered by Zhu Changfu to give Qiao'er's house a gift. Zhao Zhuzi misunderstood Liu Qianer, and Liu Qianer cried and walked by the river. Liu Yangui's colorful money was taken away by the bandits. Liu Yangui drank the brine desperately. Qiaoer mother and daughter rescued him. Qiao'er's parents kneeled and asked Liu Qianer to marry Zhu Changfu. Liu Qianer agreed. Zhu Changfu marries on his own way, Zhao Zhu grabbed the sedan. Liu Qianer found a horse commissioner to go for a new marriage. Commissioner Ma saw that the marriage case of Liu Qianer was a case involving a new marriage regulations in the border area, which was of great significance, so he personally rolled the case from the county's decision. After in -depth investigation and understanding, many parties listened to the opinions of the masses, and Commissioner Ma finally re -sentenced Liu Qianer's case, took the opportunity to promote marriage autonomy, and opposed the feudal trading marriage system. In front of the grandmother's temple, the sentence was very good, and the masses spoke enthusiastically, which fully reflected the judgment method of Commissioner Malaysia. At the meeting, the two pairs of relatives announced their marriage: Liu Qianer, Zhao Zhu, Cui Aunt, and Wang Laishun, Commissioner Ma personally issued a marriage certificate in the border area. In the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang E'e and Zhang Zhiqing fought together. The enemy plane bombed and Zhang Zhiqing was injured. Due to Zhang Zhiqing anemia, Commissioner Ma sold blood to buy supplements to Zhang Zhiqing, and was also found to have blood for Zhang Zhiqing to see a doctor. Aunt Su ran to the court to shout that the three sons were wronged. Commissioner Ma attached great importance to it. He launched a deep and detailed investigation and found out that the mastermind of the case was Kong Da Yi, the son of the county magistrate. When Kong Da was preparing to kill Sun Xiulian, Zhang Zhiqing and Wang E'e arrived. The nation's liberation is imminent, and Minister Liu found the Commissioner Ma and asked him to fight for the peaceful uprising of the Chen Zhanshan troops. Commissioner Ma sent a letter to Chen Zhan Shan. He Shuo received Hu Zongnan's secret electricity to prevent Chen Zhanshan from investing in the enemy. Commissioner Ma visited Chen Zhanshan and convinced him to abandon the darkness. He Shuo wanted to murder Chen Zhanshan, the incident was exposed, and Chen Zhan Shan announced the uprising. Li Chunxiao returned to the High Court, and Commissioner Ma asked her to convince her teacher Chu Hantang and other a group of legal experts from Northwestern University to teachAfter leaving, Chu, Han Tang and Professor Professor accepted the suggestion of Commissioner Ma, and decided to stay to contribute to the judicial construction of New China. The People's Republic of China was established, and all the staff of the courts listened to the sound of ceremony. In the magnificent Ansai waist drums, Commissioner Ma and everyone celebrate the establishment of the Republic. With the founding of the New China, Wang E'e gave birth to a child. Li Chunxiao was transferred back to Beijing to participate in the Supreme People's Court to establish a preparation. The Supreme People's Court was established. At the celebration meeting of the Shaanxi and Gansu High Court, Wang E'e read out congratulatory letters to the Supreme Court. Commissioner Ma made a touching speech. The people had a fight for drinking water. He did not care about him to stop him. He suddenly occurred at the scene and was lifted back by the stretcher. At the time of dying, Zhang Zhiqing put on a red military hat and listened to Wang E''e singing \"Orchid Flowers\" to leave the New China. Commissioner Ma was transferred to the Supreme People's Court to work. On the day of leaving Shaanxi and Gansu, hundreds of people were He said goodbye, hanging a hundred bands from the cliff, the book of the people on the book, the four characters of the people in Qingtian, the Commissioner Ma saluted the folks he loved deeply.
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