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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《血色湘西》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《血色湘西》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


该剧以波澜壮阔的湖南抗战历史为背景,讲述了1939-1945年期间,以湘西女子田穗穗、湘西青年石三怒、龙耀文、龙耀武为代表的湖南湘西麻溪铺一带抗日军民,在共产党员童莲的教育、发动、组织、领导下,面对日寇进犯,不分男女老幼,誓死捍卫家园的悲壮故事。全剧跌宕起伏,规模宏大,展现了湘西这片原始而质朴的土地上,人民布满血性与刚烈、敢爱敢恨的独特个性与悍勇民风,讴歌了在中国共产党的领导下,中华民族团结一致、不屈不挠的英勇斗志和爱国主义精神。  1939年,抗日战争转入艰苦的相持阶段,日寇侵略的铁蹄在湖南战场受阻,湖南成为抗日战争正面战场的最前沿。  中共党员童莲受党组织委托,以湖南省抗战救亡慈善总会工作人员的公开身份为掩护,承担了开辟由重庆后方经湘西雪峰山区,向湖南前线运送抗战物资的地下秘密运输线的非凡任务。  湘西雪峰山下,以麻溪铺镇为中心,方圆数十里,古称竿子营,是九弓十七寨竿民世代居住的地方。开榨油坊的田大有带着女儿穗穗,在这里过着平静祥和的山民生活。  麻溪铺迎来了盛大的端午节,龙舟比赛上,穗穗与青年石三怒一见钟情,而麻溪铺镇镇长龙太爷的两个孙子龙耀武与龙耀文也分别喜欢上了穗穗。穗穗却没有想到,石三怒是与竿子营世代冤家的排帮首领麻大拐子的义子。  就在这一天,童莲护送抗战救济物资经过麻溪铺,遭到排帮抢劫,幸得田大有相救,麻大拐子却因此认出了田大有正是十六年前杀死义兄石天保的仇人,他派出义子石三怒半途劫杀田大有,由此也展开了石三怒与穗穗之间一段剪不断、理还乱的恩怨情仇。  童莲以民族大义争取到了竿民对护送抗战物资的支持,但排帮却因与竿子营的世代冤仇,不肯放物资过境。田大有被迫代表竿民与排帮进行天坑赌命,要害时刻,穗穗代替受伤的父亲上场,石三怒不忍下手,排帮输掉比赛。但谁也不知道,负责运送物资的商人汪兆丰其实早与龙太爷合谋,利用这个机会走私大烟。  为了与穗穗的爱情,石三怒离开了排帮,麻大拐子因此更加痛恨田家。就在石三怒与穗穗成亲的这天,他得知过境的抗战物资中夹带有走私的大烟,率排帮帮众下山抢劫,被保护物资的田大有击毙。  惊闻义父被杀,石三怒带排帮人马攻打竿子营,为保护乡亲不受牵连,田大有自尽,穗穗的婚礼骤变家破人亡、恩断情绝的惨剧。  童莲带穗穗离开竿子营,前往长沙,在路上,穗穗第一次看到了三湘大地的抗战烽火,抗战带来的巨大民族创伤深深震撼了她的心。在童莲的安排下,她参加了抗战练习班,学习医护,投身抗战。  在救护国民党新八十六师受伤官兵时,穗穗巧遇了龙耀文,原来他离开竿子营后,参加了这支部队。  在共同的抗战历程中,穗穗与龙耀文也在不断成长。  常德保卫战打响了,新八十六师奉命承担了最艰巨的阻击任务,在童莲、穗穗的努力下,全师官兵的爱国热情被唤醒,师长锁云超与龙耀文带领官兵,英勇作战。  战斗进行到最要害的时刻,一心为排帮扩充实力的石三怒却来到常德,弄走了新八十六师的一批军火,参战的新八十六师损失惨重,穗穗与石三怒也因此更加决裂。  中美联合空军芷江机场决定在麻溪铺设立秘密雷达站,新八十六师残部奉命开往麻溪铺,承担雷达站的保卫任务。穗穗、童莲回到湘西,她们克服重重困难,打破竿民固有的传统观念,最终赢得了全体竿民对抗战的支持,雷达站得以顺利建成。  芷江机场的存在,使日军完全丧失了华中地区的空中优势,处处被动挨打。为了摧毁芷江机场,夺回制空权,1945年4月,日军向湘西发动大规模进攻,中日雪峰山大会战就此打响。  实力弱小的新八十六师奉命开上前线,阻击优势日军,因寡不敌众,全军覆灭。  日军占领了麻溪铺镇,威逼龙太爷与全镇百姓带路前往寻找雷达站,龙太爷宁死不屈,跳天坑自杀。  为保卫雷达站,童莲用自己的行动号召起了九弓十七寨全体竿民,穗穗也上山找到石三怒,动员排帮参战。  往日的恩仇在民族大义前烟消云散,排帮与竿子营组成了联军,层层丛林中,他们以原始的武器和祖传的打猎手段,与武装到牙齿的日寇殊死相争,每一处草丛,每一棵树后,到处都有弓箭、苗刀、鸟铳、竹签和陷阱在等着日军。  男人们举起了鸟枪,妇女们填装着火药  爷爷战死了,孙儿又捡起了鸟铳  儿子战死了,母亲又捡起了刀  一批批竿民倒下,更多的竿民咆哮着冲了上来,不分老幼,不分男女  进犯竿子营的日军部队终被全部歼灭,石三怒、龙耀文与众多竿民也捐躯沙场。  硝烟弥漫的战场,竿子营那粗犷的山野情歌中,一个个女人背着自家男人的遗体,向山下的家园走去



The play is based on the magnificent history of the Hunan Anti -Japanese War. It tells the period from 1939 to 1945, represented by the Western Western Women's Tian Sui, Xiangxi Youth Shi Sannu, Long Yaowen, and Long Yaowu, Hunan, Hunan, the Anti -Japanese military and civilians. Under the education, launch, organization, and leadership of the Communist Party, the Communist Party members, facing the Japanese invasion, regardless of men, women, and children, and vowed to defend the tragic story of their homes. The ups and downs of the whole drama and the scale, showing the original and rustic land of Xiangxi, the people are covered with bloody and rigidity, dare to love and hate. Concern, indomitable heroic fighting spirit and patriotism spirit. In 1939, the Anti -Japanese War turned into a difficult phase. The Japanese invaded iron hoof was blocked in the Hunan battlefield, and Hunan became the forefront of the front battlefield of the Anti -Japanese War. The Communist Party member Tong Lian was commissioned by the party organization to cover the public status of the staff of the Hunan Province's Anti -Japanese War and Salvation Charity Federation. Task. Under Xuefeng Mountain in Xiangxi, the town of Mixi Pu was centered, and the square was dozens of miles. Tian Da, who opened the oil workshop, took his daughter Sui Sui, and lived a peaceful and peaceful mountain people here. Maxi Panel ushered in the grand Dragon Boat Festival. In the dragon boat competition, the ears and the youth Shi Sanwu fell in love at first sight, and Long Yaowu and Long Yaowen, the two grandsons of the mayor of Maxipu Town, also fell in love with Sui Sui. Essence Sui Sui did not expect that Shi Sannu was the righteous son of the row leader Ma Da Tanzi, the leader of the enemy of the pole camp. On this day, Tong Lian escorted the Anti -Japanese War relief supplies passing through Ma Xipu and was robbed by the gang. Fortunately, Tian Da was rescued. Brother Shi Tianbao's enemies, he sent Yizi Shi Sannu halfway to kill Tian Youyou, and thus launched a continuous and chaotic resentment between Shi Sannu and Sui Sui. Tong Lian won the support of the pole people for escorting anti -war supplies with the righteousness of the nation, but the gang was unwilling to put the material to transit because of the grievances with the generations of the pole camp. Tian Da You was forced to represent the died of dwelling with the pilling gang. At the moment of the harm, the ear ears replaced the injured father on the court. Shi Sannu couldn't bear to start and loses the game. But no one knows that Wang Zhaofeng, a businessman responsible for transporting materials, actually conspired with Tai Lord Long and used this opportunity to smuggle the big smoke. In order to love the ear with Sui, Shi Sannu left the row gang, so Ma Da's abductor hated the Tian family even more. On the day Shi Sannu and Sui Sui became married, he learned that he had smuggled smoke in the anti -Japanese warfare supplies, and he helped to help the crowd to rob the mountain. The righteous father was killed, and Shi Sannu took the row of people to attack the pole camp. In order to protect the folks from being involved, Tian Da committed himself, and the ears of the spikes suddenly changed the tragedy of the family. Tong Lian took Sui Sui to leave the pole camp and went to Changsha. On the road, Sui Sui saw the fire of the Anti -Japanese War in Sanxiang for the first time. The huge national trauma brought by the Anti -Japanese War deeply shocked her heart. Under the arrangement of Tonglian, sheParticipated in the Anti -Japanese War Training Class, studied medical care, and joined the War of Resistance. When the Anti -Kuomintang's new eighty -sixth division was injured, the ear encountered Long Yaowen. It turned out that after leaving the pole camp, he participated in the troops. In the common anti -Japanese war, spikes and Long Yaowen are also growing. Changde's defense war started, and the new eighty -sixth division was ordered to undertake the most arduous blocking tasks. With the efforts of Tonglian and Suiyi, the patriotic enthusiasm of the entire division was awakened. British combat. At the most important moment of the battle, Shi Sannu, who had the help of the expansion of the strength, came to Changde and took away a group of military fires of the new eight6th division. Sannu also broke even more. The Sino -US Union Air Force Daijiang Airport decided to set up a secret radar station at Maxi. The ear and Tong Lian returned to Xiangxi. They overcome difficulties and broke the traditional concepts of the pole people. They eventually won the support of all the pole people's anti -Japanese war. The radar station was successfully completed. The existence of Qijiang Airport made the Japanese army completely lose the air advantage of Central China and passively beaten everywhere. In order to destroy the Qijiang Airport and regain air power, in April 1945, the Japanese army launched a large -scale attack on Xiangxi, and the Sino -Japanese Xuefeng Mountain Conference battle started. The new eighty -six divisions with weak strength were ordered to open the front line to block the advantages of the Japanese army. The Japanese army occupied the town of Mixi, and the intimidation of Long Tai and the people in the town led the way to find the radar station. In order to defend the radar station, Tong Lian used his own actions to call for all the people in Jiuchang and Seven Village. The ear ears also went up the mountain to find Shi Sannu and mobilized the ranking to participate in the war. In the past, the revenge disappeared before the national righteousness, and the gang and the pole camp formed the coalition forces. In layers of jungle, they used the original weapons and the ancestral hunting methods to fight with the Japanese invaders armed to the teeth. After each tree, there are bow, arrows, seedling knives, birds, bamboo sticks, and traps waiting for the Japanese army. The men raised the bird gun, the women filled the gunpowder Grandpa and died. The grandson picked up the bird's son and died again. The Japanese forces who rushed up, regardless of the old and young, regardless of the men and women's invasion of the pole camp, were finally annihilated. In the dazzling battlefield, in the rough mountain love song of the pole camp, each woman carrying the body of his man, walking towards the home of the mountains under the mountains.







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