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纪录片《漫画书保密 Comic Book Confidential 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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纪录片《漫画书保密  Comic Book Confidential 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

纪录片《漫画书保密  Comic Book Confidential 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Comic Book Confidential

一般信息:1988年由Sphinx Productions发表的艺术纪录片 - 英语叙述

信息漫画机密 - 从美国队长到Mad Magazinea电影由Ron Mann的电影“基本观看任何有兴趣的人开发漫画和地带卡通”这个经典Ron Mann纪录片22款最重要的艺术家在北方漫画书中工作22美国今天。借助采访,历史镜头和最先进的动画,它追溯了令人难以置信的流行漫画媒介的创造性发展。从杰克·克拉比的美国船长通过疯狂的杂志,到了“60年代的地下运动”,随着它的“任何事情”的漫画家,漫画书的机密也将这个故事更新到80年代,当漫画爆炸到这么多类型的类型和款式即使是我们的超级英雄也不能再跟不上来。随着:将eisneR,Robert Crumb,Al Feldstein,Harvey Pekar,Gilbert Shelton,Lynda Barry,Stan Lee,Victor Moscosco和许多其他人。评价:漫画书保密是罗恩曼的纪录片,ron Mann是罗恩曼的纪录片,ron mann检查了自从他们的美国漫画书籍的现象在1930年代取决于现在(当时是1980年代后期)。电影通过一系列优质访谈解释媒体的历史,如William M.盖斯(EC的创始人)漫画和疯狂的杂志),杰克基比(美国船长的创造者),并将eisner(精神的创造者)。这些纪录片还考察了许多争议,在包括美国政府在内的许多日期,包括美国政府,漫画书可能是下降的争论国家青年的堕落。电影触及超级英雄类型(与Marvel Stan Lee采访),但主要侧重于外人和地下漫画演变。与r. crumb有很多很好的采访(Zap !,自然,弗里茨猫),艺术斯佩格尔曼(未加工,毛斯),吉尔伯特·谢尔顿(神话般的毛茸茸的Freak Brothers)和Harvey Pekar(美国辉煌)。还有审查妇女在漫画书中的作用与Lynda Barry(Ernie Pook的Comeek)和Shary Flenniken(小跑和Bonnie)。这部电影还与一些比较新的面孔访问了艺术形式,就像Jaime Hernandez(爱和火箭),Frank Miller(Watchmen)和Sue Coe(如何在南非犯下自杀)。面试很棒,并在一起并列并列很好艺术家工作的例子,经常被艺术家自己叙述。漫画书的粉丝肯定会享受这次旅行,通过多样化的漫画世界。 - 虽然加拿大的功能电影行业通常在助焊剂中,我们的骨干一直是纪录片和工业电影制作。在这个传统中继续是过去20年来最着名的加拿大纪录片制造商罗恩曼恩。他的1988年电影漫画书保密甚至赢得了一个Genie奖,仍然是他最好的工作,包括其他像扭曲和草地这样的纪录片。漫画书保密的是什么符合花纲,这是它是绝对的低眉头主题。虽然每年在加拿大生产数百名纪录片,但很少敢于社会或政治主题摇摆。事实t.Hat Mann显然对Zap漫画更感兴趣而不是Zapatista,可以被视为加拿大纪录片制作主流的颠覆性。这部电影是我见过的最全面的研究之一,我见过漫画行业 - 它更好比大多数关于这个问题的书。它的主要优点是,它优雅地从超级英雄地下漫画,“附庸风雅”漫画和回跳MAD提供过去70年整个漫画industry.Interview驱动的概述,该片在1933年开始与著名连环画是第一本现代漫画书。从那里简单地讨论了超级英雄漫画和战后犯罪和恐怖出版物的起源。威廉盖恩斯有一个冗长的讨论,最具影响力的文化生产商o在过去的50年里,他用他的欧共体(娱乐漫画)线促进了年轻思想,其中包括来自Crypt和两个拳头故事的故事。这是弗雷德里克博士对漫画暴力的攻击,这导致了自我强加的“漫画代码”。反漫画电影,人们燃烧的漫画,甚至威廉盖恩斯的证词,有剪辑。自我审查委员会最终导致了杰克基比的超级英雄文艺复兴时期。从那里,这部电影看起来是盖恩的下一个出版物,疯狂的杂志,作为旧金山地下综合赛的父亲。我们看到了几个电影剪辑的有影响力的艺术家,如罗伯特碎屑和西班牙。对地下和版权侵权的讨论导致了电影的最终三分之一“现代”替代漫画场景,与毛斯,爱和火箭和原料等书籍。本节最有趣的方面之一是曼恩有许多艺术家叙述他们的条带。特别好的是Harvey Pekar的叙述,关于窃取美国辉煌的爵士乐记录,但我最喜欢的部分是比尔格里菲斯穿着他的创作,Zippy The Pinhead,为丁东购物购物。我喜欢漫画的机密是关于传统加拿大的信息纪录片风格通过消除语音,并向每个人的“章节”添加动画介绍。所有这些都是以不剥夺观众的风格,但提供了对经常被忽视的艺术形式的无偏见讨论和年表调查。不幸的是,自影片WAS于1988年完成,许多加拿大更新的漫画人才,如Joe Matt,Julie Doucet和Seth只是略微太晚了。也许是一个漫画书保密II:加拿大版本将是为了? -Technical Specs视频编解码器:XVID ISO MPEG-4Video Bitrate:1147 kbpsvideo分辨率:704x544视频宽高比:1.294:每秒1帧:25.000audio编解码器:0x2000(Dolby AC3)Ac3Audio Bitrate:128KB / S CBR 48000 HzAudio流:2Audio语言:英镑每部分:1:25:15个零件:1尺寸:822,601,040 Bytessubtitles:NORIPPER:DocFreak08

【漫画书保密,蚂蚁男子:血腥的漫画,英国最危险的歌曲,面包屑,探索牧群,纪录片,Frazetta:绘画与火,无光,欢迎来到明天的世界,好的ol'Charles Schulz,好吗?小猫迷住了世界】


Comic Book Confidential,Ant-Man: Behind the Scenes,Bloody Cartoons,Britain's Most Dangerous Songs,Crumb,Discovering Herge,Documentary,Frazetta: Painting with Fire,Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow,Good Ol' Charles Schulz,How Hello Kitty Charmed the World

Arts,Sphinx Productions,1988,English

General Information:
Arts Documentary published by Sphinx Productions in 1988- English narration

A Film by Ron Mann
This classic Ron Mann documentary profiles 22 of the most significant artists working in comic books in North America today. With interviews, historical footage and state-of-the-art animation, it traces the creative development of the incredibly popular comic medium. From Jack Kirby's Captain America via the irreverence of Mad Magazine, to the underground movement of the ' 60s, with it's "anything goes" cartoonists, Comic Book Confidential also updates the story to the ' 80s, when comics exploded into so many genres and styles that even our superheroes can't keep up with them anymore. With: Will Eisner, Robert Crumb, Al Feldstein, Harvey Pekar, Gilbert Shelton, Lynda Barry, Stan Lee, Victor Moscosco and many others.
- Comic Book Confidential is documentary by Ron Mann that examines the phenomenon of comic books in the United States since their inception in the 1930's up to the present (which at the time was the late 1980's).
The film does a nice job of explaining the history of the medium through an array of quality interviews with comic pioneers like William M. Gaines (founder of EC Comics and MAD Magazine), Jack Kirby (creator of Captain America) and Will Eisner (creator of The Spirit). The documentary also examines much of the controversy that surrounded comic books in their early days when many, including the US government, were of a mind that comic books could be the downfall of the nation's youth.
The film touches on the super hero genre (with interviews with Marvel's Stan Lee) but mainly focuses on the outsiders and underground comic evolution. There are many great interviews with R. Crumb (Zap!, Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat), Art Spiegelman (RAW, Maus), Gilbert Shelton (The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers) and Harvey Pekar (American Splendor). There is also an examination of the role of women in comic books with the likes of Lynda Barry (Ernie Pook's Comeek) and Shary Flenniken (Trots and Bonnie). The film also visits with some then relatively new faces to the art form like Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets), Frank Miller (The Watchmen) and Sue Coe (How to Commit Suicide in South Africa).
The interviews are fantastic and are juxtaposed together nicely with examples of the artist's work, often narrated by the artist themselves. Fans of comic books will definitely enjoy this trip through the diverse and wonderful world of comics. -
- While Canada's feature film industry is usually in flux, our backbone has always been documentaries and industrial filmmaking. Continuing in this tradition is Ron Mann, the most famous Canadian documentary maker of the last 20 years. His 1988 film Comic Book Confidential even won a Genie award, and still stands out as his best work, which includes other documentaries like Twist and Grass. What qualifies Comic Book Confidential as Canuxploitation is it's decidedly low-brow subject matter. While hundreds of documentaries are produced every year in Canada, few dare to waver from social or political topics. The fact that Mann is apparently more interested in Zap Comics than the Zapatista, can be seen as subversive to the mainstream of Canadian documentary film making.
This movie is one of the most comprehensive studies I have ever seen of the comic book industry-- it's even better than most books on the subject. It's main strength is that it gracefully jumps from super heroes to underground comics, "arty" comics and back to MAD to provide an overview of the last 70 years of the whole comic book industry.
Interview driven, the film begins in 1933 with Famous Funnies, the first modern comic book. From there it briefly discusses the origins of superhero comics and the post-war crime and horror publications. There is a lengthy discussion with William Gaines, one of the most influential cultural producers of the past 50 years who fueled young minds with his EC (Entertaining Comics) line that included such titles as Tales From The Crypt and Two Fisted Tales. This branches into Dr Frederic Wertham's attack on comic book violence, which led to the self imposed "Comics Code." There are clips from anti-comic book films, people burning comics, and even William Gaines' testimony to the Supreme court. The self-censorship board eventually led to a superhero renaissance spearheaded by Jack Kirby.
From there, the film looks at Gaines' next publication, MAD magazine, as the father of the San Francisco underground comix scene. We see several film clips of influential artists like Robert Crumb and Spain. The discussion of the underground and copyright infringement leads to the final third of the film, the "modern" alternative comics scene, with books like Maus, Love & Rockets and Raw. One of the most interesting aspects of this section is that Mann had many of the artists narrate their strips. Particularly good is Harvey Pekar's narration about stealing jazz records from American Splendor, but my favourite segment is Bill Griffith dressed up as his creation, Zippy the Pinhead, shopping for Ding Dongs.
What I like about Comic Book Confidential is that it updates the traditional Canadian documentary style by eliminating the voice-overs, and adding animated introductions to each of it's "chapters." All of this is delivered in a style that does not pander to the audience, but provides an unbiased discussion and chronological survey of an often ignored art form. Unfortunately, since the film was completed in 1988, many of Canada's more recent comic talents like Joe Matt, Julie Doucet and Seth were just slightly too late to be featured. Perhaps a Comic Book Confidential II: Canadian Edition would be in order? -

Technical Specs
Video Codec: XviD ISO MPEG-4
Video Bitrate: 1147 kbps
Video Resolution: 704x544
Video Aspect Ratio: 1.294:1
Frames Per Second: 25.000
Audio Codec: 0x2000 (Dolby AC3) AC3
Audio Bitrate: 128kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 1:25:15
Number Of Parts: 1
Part Size: 822,601,040 Bytes
Subtitles: no
Ripped by: DocFreak08


纪录片《漫画书保密  Comic Book Confidential 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载




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