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纪录片《黑色出租车会议美国 Black Cab Sessions USA 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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纪录片《黑色出租车会议美国  Black Cab Sessions USA 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

纪录片《黑色出租车会议美国  Black Cab Sessions USA 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Black Cab Sessions USA

一般信息:由Chris Pattinson主办的艺术纪录片,由频道4在2011年 - 英语叙述

信息一首歌。一次。一辆驾驶室。黑色出租车会议于2007年开始,为受众提供有替代的有光泽促销的观众,​​这些促销让他们更接近现场表演的魔法和亲密关系。车轮上的移动录制工作室,完整的令人惊讶和换档的vista。以杰克白色,米姆福德和儿子,根源和布莱恩·威尔逊,并打破了Lianne Le Havas和Michael Kiwanuka等职业的乐谱,该系列捕获了世界各地的音乐爱好者的想象力Music.With 200多个会议和超过4000万有机的在线景观,仪表仍在运行.Black驾驶室:美国是一系列六个播放系列,占据池塘的黑色驾驶室课程格式ND探讨了六个城市的音乐文化(纽约,新奥尔良,费城,孟菲斯,雅典,纳什维尔)。该系列中包含的艺术家是Spank Rock,早晨的弯道,冲出,Caitlin Rose,Jack White,那些达林,考特尼Tidwell,Sharon Van Etten,Suzanne Vega,Roots,磷光,John传奇,以及更多.Black驾驶室:美国由Love Live TV Ltd / Babel Networks Ltd的电影开发用于广播,并通过BBC全球和运河+和英国通过频道的频道分发,遭受各种问题的城市正在寻找音乐的新力量。民间歌手Meg Baird坐在后排座位,让我们到一个受欢迎的纪录商店。早晨弯道,孙子,读彩虹,雨机,调,塑料少和粉煤币k也在场景上。我们还去rap Battle.New Orleans飓风卡特里娜在2005年严重摧毁新奥尔良,占据了近2,000人的生命。然而,通过圣餐精神和音乐的治疗力量,事情正在改善。我们遇到了几个Treme系列的音乐家,包括歌手John Boutten,他们在带吉他手桑切斯的吉他手的后面执行。布鲁斯歌手约翰托马斯国王将我们带到他的家里被卡特里娜摧毁,唱着威士忌歌曲。还包括漫门区短,他的导师狼,搓垫布,以及着名的重生吹嘘乐队及其成员小号手Kermit Ruffins。单簧管家Michael White博士给出了他的技能样本。我们还了解狂欢节印第安人,看看流行嘻哈的热门嘻哈爆炸。 DJ Jubil.EE和Bounce Star Big Friedia告诉更多。佐治亚州的雅典雅典被称为REM和B52乐队的家乡。人均音乐家比美国任何其他城市更多。许多人来到雅典学习大学并播放音乐。它居住在昂贵的工作和播放音乐中是便宜的。创造自由是周围的。我们与辉格夫和死亡的联邦,支持莱昂国王和REM的乐队。秘密松鼠是一个相当原来的演出场所。另一个传奇的地方是格鲁吉亚剧院。 (它于2009年烧毁,但在2011年重新开放。)我们还在橙色双胞胎社区闲逛。威尼斯的下沉,安静的蹄,爬行动物,洗掉也在后座上表演.Memphis摇篮,流行音乐的母亲。 Elvis,B.B. King,Isaac Hayes,Stax RECORDS ......但是今天的孟菲斯更长的孟菲斯是值得的电影制作人很幸运,发现仍然是一个原始的三角洲布鲁斯人,rl boyce。我们还符合Bosco Delrey,被描述为垃圾Can-ellvis。 Goner唱片商店是城市音乐的基石。孟菲斯摇滚乐场景的领先人物之一是阿里贾鳟鱼。我们访问传奇的阳光工作室。奇迹在约翰尼现金吉他脖子上举行的奇迹是什么?吉他手Skipp Pitts讲述了Isaac Hayes Shaft Riff的故事。车库乐队哀悼者是孟菲斯的希望。我们记得淹死在密西西比河的歌手杰夫堡德利。 CaS骑士还包括Troubadour Harlan T Bobo,Caitlin从Nashville和Justin Townes earle上升。我们参观了开放式嗨音调咖啡馆,埃尔维斯最终为他的空手道老师买了。最后,福音布鲁斯艺术家Rev.John Wilkins唱歌并将我们带到他的教堂.Nashville只有很少的城市名称是一个品牌。纳什维尔,“音乐城市美国”,是商业乡村音乐的中心,但在表面下还有一个完全不同的音乐场景。驾驶室拿起Eettes的Folkduo Kort和摇滚乐队。 Heypenny乐队带我们参加罗伯特的音乐会。还包括那些达尔林和丹尼尔·普吉尔,他们向我们展示了他们的演出酒窖。 Grimeys唱片商店是独立场景的中心。还有她的乐队的良好浊音,也可以乘坐搭车。这一集的高潮是当杰克白和万达杰克逊是第一位女rocagily歌手时,在驾驶室里唱双簧。新人克车的最后一点是大苹果,在那里我们甚至可以找到一个乡村歌手,皮革制品修补Johnny Corndawg。吉他手Aaron Dessner国家推荐歌手沙龙vanEten参加。我们在创意Williamsburg地区进行旅游。丙烯酸群带是布鲁克林当地人。 Suzanne Vega讲述了Tom's Diner的故事,唱歌我的名字是Luka。 Rosanne现金奇迹纽约对她的意义为什么。多个格莱美冠军约翰传奇坐在后座上,以及传奇的rooots.technical specs视频编解码器:x264 cabac main@l3.1video比特率:2 647 kbpsvideo分辨率:1280x720video宽高比:16:9帧每秒: 25.000 FPSaudio Codec:AAC(LC)音频比特率:128 KB / S VBR 48000 HzAudio流:2Audio语言:英语运行时每部分:27分钟/平均部件:6型尺寸:493 MB  -  566 MBSource:Web-Dlcapper:DocFreak08

【Black Cab Sessions USA,Blondie的纽约,出生于狂野:美国岩石的黄金时代,纪录片,伟大的美国岩石国歌在BBC,纽约岩石(BBC),纽约岩石(BBC),REM BBC,吉他riff的喜悦,旧灰色哨子测试:70年代的金(BBC),侧索的故事】


Black Cab Sessions USA,Blondie's New York,Born to be Wild: The Golden Age of American Rock,Documentary,Great American Rock Anthems Turn it up to 11,Great Guitar Riffs at the BBC,New York Rock (BBC),REM at the BBC,The Joy of the Guitar Riff,The Old Grey Whistle Test: 70's Gold (BBC),The Story of the Sideman

Arts,Chris Pattinson,Channel 4,2011,English

General Information:
Arts Documentary hosted by Chris Pattinson, published by Channel 4 in 2011- English narration

One Song. One Take. One Cab. Black Cab Sessions started in 2007 to provide audiences with an alternative to glossy promos, something that brought them closer to the magic and intimacy of a live performance. A mobile recording studio on wheels, complete with a constantly surprising and shifting vista.
Featuring musical legends such as Jack White, Mumford and Sons, the Roots and Brian Wilson and breaking the careers of up and comers like Lianne Le Havas and Michael Kiwanuka, the series captured the imagination of music lovers around the world for the original way it presented music.
With over 200 sessions and over 40 million organic online views, the meter is still running.
Black Cabs: USA is a six part broadcast series that takes the Black Cab Sessions format across the pond and explores the musical culture of six cities (New York, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Memphis, Athens, Nashville). Artists included in the series are Spank Rock, The Morning Benders, Washed Out, Caitlin Rose, Jack White, Those Darlins, Courtney Tidwell, Sharon Van Etten, Suzanne Vega, The Roots, Phosphorescent, John Legend, and more.
Black Cabs: USA was developed for broadcast by Just So Films with Love Live TV Ltd/Babel Networks Ltd and distributed globally by BBC Worldwide and Canal+ and in the UK by Channel 4

A city suffering from various problems is looking for new power in music. Folk singer Meg Baird sings in the back seat and takes us to a popular record store. The Morning Benders, Grandchildren, Reading Rainbow, Rain Machine, Tone Trump, Plastic Little and Spank Rock are also on the scene. We also go to rap battle.

New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina was badly destroying New Orleans in 2005 and took nearly 2,000 lives. However, things are improving by the spirit of communion and the healing power of music. We meet several musicians of Treme series, including singer John Boutten, who performs at the back of a cab with guitarist Paul Sanchez. Blues singer John Thomas King takes us to his home destroyed by Katrina and sings a whiskey song. Also included is Trombone Short, his mentor Wolf, the Washboard Chaz, and the famous Rebirth Brazz Band and its member trumpeter Kermit Ruffins. Clarinetist Dr. Michael White gives a sample of his skills. We also learn about the Mardi Gras Indians and see what is popular hip hop bounce where bums spin wildly. DJ Jubilee and bounce star Big Freedia tell more.

Athens, Georgia is known as hometown of the REM and B52 bands. There are more musicians per capita than any other city in the US. Many come to Athens to study at the university and play music. It is inexpensive to reside, live by odd jobs and play music. Freedom of creation is around. We meet with The Whigs and Dead Confederate, support bands of Kings of Leon and REM. Secret Squirrel is a rather original gig venue. Another legendary place is the Georgia Theater. (It burned in 2009 but was reopened in 2011.) We also hang out in the Orange Twin community. Venice's Sinking, Quiet Hooves, Reptar and Washed Out are also performing on the back seat.

Cradle of Blues, mother of popular music. Elvis, B.B. King, Isaac Hayes, Stax Records... But is today's Memphis any longer worth its old reputation? Filmmakers are lucky, finding still an original delta blues man, RL Boyce. We also meet Bosco Delrey, described as garbage can-Elvis. The Goner record store is the cornerstone of city's music. One of the leading characters of Memphis rock scene is Alicja Trout. We pay a visit to the legendary Sun Studio. What wonders did the dollar bill on Johnny Cash's guitar neck? A former Stax star, guitarist Skipp Pitts tells the story of Isaac Hayes Shaft riff. The Garage band The Oblivians is one of the Memphis hopes. We remember the singer Jeff Buckley who drowned in the Mississippi River. Cab riders include also the troubadour Harlan T Bobo, Caitlin Rose from Nashville and Justin Townes Earle. We visit in the open-minded Hi Tone Cafe, which Elvis eventually bought for his karate teacher. Finally, Gospel-blues artist Rev. John Wilkins sings and takes us to his church.

Only few cities name is a brand. Nashville, "Music City USA", is the center of the commercial country music, but under the surface there is also a completely different music scene. The folkduo Kort and the rock band The Ettes are picked up by the cab. The Heypenny band takes us to concert place Robert's. Also included are Those Darlins and Daniel Pujol, who show us their gig cellar. The Grimeys record store is the center of indie scene. The fine voiced Tristen with her band is also picked up for a ride. The culmination of the episode is when Jack White and Wanda Jackson, the first female rockabilly singer, sing a duet in the cab.

New York
The final point of the cab ride is Big Apple, where we even find a country singer, leatherwork tinkering Johnny Corndawg. Guitarist Aaron Dessner of The National recommends the singer Sharon van Etten to take part. We make a tour in the creative Williamsburg area. The Acrylics band are Brooklyn locals. Suzanne Vega tells the story of Tom's Diner and sings My Name is Luka. Rosanne Cash wonders what New York means to her. Multiple Grammy winner John Legend sits to perform in the back seat, as well as the legendary The Roots.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC Main@L3.1
Video Bitrate: 2 647 Kbps
Video Resolution: 1280x720
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps
Audio Codec: AAC (LC)
Audio Bitrate: 128 kb/s VBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 27 min/average
Number Of Parts: 6
Part Size: 493 MB - 566 MB
Source: WEB-DL
Capper: DocFreak08


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