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[原版] 《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

席德·卡特(席德·詹姆斯饰)是一个犯罪团伙的狡猾头目,该犯罪团伙成员包括长发滴水厄尼·布拉格(伯纳德·布莱斯劳饰)、厚脸皮的弗雷迪(比尔·梅纳德饰)和席德诚实的儿子西里尔(肯尼思·科普饰),他不想要过着犯罪的生活,但在情感上被他父亲勒索,让他同意他抢劫 Finisham 妇产医院库存避孕药的计划。西里尔不情愿地伪装成一名新护士来洗劫医院和战利品,但他是被认为是刚到的一批新护士实习生之一,并被分配与身材匀称、金发碧眼的护士苏珊·鲍尔(芭芭拉·温莎饰)同一个房间。不幸的是,西里尔还引起了医院洛萨里奥普罗德医生(特里·斯科特饰)的注意。普罗德医生因偷看实习护士而臭名昭著,护士长一直在监视着普罗德医生,她想把护士们从普罗德医生不必要的挑衅中拯救出来。伯纳德·卡廷爵士(肯尼思·威廉姆斯饰)是医院的疑病症登记员。塔尔坚信自己正在经历变性,然而当他咨询疯狂的 F.A. 古德医生(查尔斯·霍特雷饰)时,古德说出了精神病学的胡言乱语,说卡汀只是想证明自己的男子气概,而卡汀意识到他爱上了护士长(海蒂·雅克饰)。 另一方面,护士长在病房里要应付的事情绰绰有余,还有贪吃的泰迪夫人(琼·西姆斯饰),她似乎对吃东西比生孩子更感兴趣,还有她长期受苦受难的英国铁路工人当西里尔回到普罗德的房间拿医院地图时,普罗德试图亲密,却被撞到了房间的另一边。当可爱的电影明星简·达林(瓦莱丽·莱昂饰)开始生孩子时,普罗德和西里尔接到紧急通知,但当西里尔在救护车上把普罗德撞倒时,他被迫处理女演员的三胞胎的出生。然而,简·达林对西里尔很满意,并称赞“新的然而,苏珊揭开了西里尔的伪装,但由于她深爱着他,所以没有透露真相。伯纳德试图通过与护士长发生性关系来“证明自己的男子气概” ,但她拒绝,除非伯纳德求婚,但伯纳德不愿意这样做。伯纳德发现古德博士藏在女护士长的橱柜里。古德博士和女护士长每周约会在她的房间里一起看电视剧,而女护士长把古德博士藏了起来,当她听到伯纳德医生来到她的房间时。伯纳德医生自然认为护士长拒绝了他,因为她与古德有染。西里尔设法把计划拿到医院,并把它们传递给希德。希德明白了药丸在医院的地下室里,进入地下室的唯一方法是通过前门。席德在报纸上发现了西里尔的照片(被描述为英雄)并决定去医院看望他。西里尔告诉希德苏珊知道一切他们的计划 & Sid 决定在当天晚上执行该计划。希德在医院里被护士长追赶,她认为希德试图强迫护士西里尔。 修女(杰基·派珀饰)拼命维持病房秩序,而卡汀的秘书班克斯小姐(帕齐·罗兰兹饰)则让她的雇主留在医院里。查了一下,但没有什么能冷却他压抑已久的想要证明自己是个男人的欲望,而他的目标就是护士长。犯罪团伙唐乔装打扮——希德装扮成外国“日瓦戈医生”,厄尼装扮成一位满怀期待的妈妈。他们以紧急分娩为由进入医院。希德和弗雷迪必须进入护士长的房间才能取回地下室医疗店的钥匙。但他们被伯纳德博士发现了,伯纳德博士再次认为护士长有外遇,而且是一个性恶魔。护士长让伯纳德医生相信这些人很可疑,并命令锁上医院的门。席德等人偷走了药丸,但无法逃脱。医疗阶层威胁要报警当希德揭露当天的女主角是一名男性时,医院意识到,如果有人发现,他们将遭受全国性的羞辱。西里尔与他身材匀称的护士结婚,苏珊和护士长终于找到了她的医生。

Sid Carter (Sid James) is the cunning head of a criminal gang that includes the long-haired drip Ernie Bragg (Bernard Bresslaw), the cheeky Freddy (Bill Maynard) and Sid's honest son, Cyril (Kenneth Cope), who does not want to live a life of crime but is emotionally blackmailed by his father into going along with his scheme to rob Finisham Maternity Hospital for its stock of contraceptive pills.Cyril reluctantly disguises himself as a new nurse to case the hospital and the booty, however he is assumed to be one of a batch of new student nurses who have just arrived, and is assigned the same room as the shapely, blonde nurse, Susan Ball (Barbara Windsor). Unfortunately for Cyril, he also catches the eye of the hospital Lothario, Dr. Prodd (Terry Scott.). Dr Prodd is infamous for ogling the student nurses & is under constant watch from the matron who wants to save the nurses from Dr Prodd's unwanted advances.Sir Bernard Cutting (Kenneth Williams), the hypochondriac registrar of the hospital, is convinced he's undergoing a sex change, however when he consults the nutty Dr F.A. Goode (Charles Hawtrey), Goode dishes out psychiatric Mumbo Jumbo, stating that Cutting merely wants to prove his manhood, and Cutting realizes he is in love with Matron (Hattie Jacques).Matron, on the other hand, has more than enough to contend with on the wards, with the gluttonous Mrs Tidey (Joan Sims) who seems more interested in eating than producing a baby and her long-suffering British Rail worker husband (Kenneth Connor) who continually hangs around the waiting room.When Cyril goes back to Prodd's room to get a map of the hospital, Prodd attempts to get intimate, only to be knocked across the room. Prodd and Cyril are called out on an emergency when lovely film star Jane Darling (Valerie Leon) begins to have her baby, but as Cyril knocks Prodd out in the ambulance, he is forced to deal with the actress's triplets being born. However, Jane Darling is delighted with Cyril, and hails "the nurse" a heroine for her efforts, bringing fame to the hospital. However, Susan uncovers Cyril's disguise, but as she is in love with him, she does not reveal the truth.Bernard tries to "prove his manhood" by having sex with Matron, but she refuses unless Bernard proposes marriage, which Bernard is unwilling to do. Bernard finds Dr Goode hiding inside the Matron's cupboard. Dr Goode & Matron had a weekly appointment to watch a TV serial together in her room, & Matron had hidden Dr Goode, when she heard Dr Bernard coming to her room. Dr Bernard naturally believed that Matron had refused him as she was having an affair with Goode.Cyril manages to get hold of the plans to the hospital & passes them on to Sid. Sid figures out that the pills are in the basement of the hospital and that the only way to get into the basement is via the front door.Sid finds Cyril's pictures in the papers (being described as a hero) & decides to visit him in the hospital. Cyril tells Sid that Susan knows all about their plan & Sid decides to execute the plan the same evening. Sid is chased around the hospital by Matron, who thinks Sid has attempted to force himself upon nurse Cyril.The Sister (Jacki Piper) desperately tries to keep the ward in order, while Cutting's secretary, Miss Banks (Patsy Rowlands) keeps her employer in check, but nothing can cool his pent-up desire to prove himself as a man, and it's Matron who's in his sights. The criminal gang don disguises - Sid dresses as the foreign "Dr Zhivago" and Ernie as a heavily expectant mum. They enter the hospital citing an emergency delivery. Sid & Freddy have to enter the Matron's room to retrieve the keys to the basement medical store. But they are found by Dr Bernard, who again thinks that Matron is having an affair & is a sex fiend. The Matron convinces Dr Bernard that the men are suspicious & orders the doors to the hospital locked. Sid & co have stolen the pills, but can't escape.The medical hierarchy's threat to call the police is halted when Sid reveals the heroine of the day is a man, and the hospital realize they would suffer nationwide humiliation if anyone found out. Cyril weds his shapely nurse, Susan and Matron finally gets her doctor.

《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《继续做护士长/Carry on Matron》(1972) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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