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[原版] 《果酱/Marmalade》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《果酱/Marmalade》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

男爵(基瑞饰)是一个性情温和但头脑简单的小镇男孩,他被监禁了。得知他的新狱友奥蒂斯(霍奇饰)有很多前科,其中包括多次越狱,巴伦恳求他帮助自己越狱。他说他需要出去,以便第二天下午在一个秘密地点见到他的女朋友。奥蒂斯很不情愿,表示他不相信任何人“甚至连他自己”,但巴伦向他承诺,如果他们能够成功逃脱,他将给他 25 万美元现金。奥蒂斯同意越狱,但询问巴伦怎么有那么多钱。巴伦开始讲述他如何入狱的故事。 在被捕前一段时间,巴伦被解雇了在当地邮局的工作,他需要这份工作来赡养身患绝症的母亲埃达,因为他拒绝剪掉他的长发。回到家后,他在邮箱里发现一封信,说他母亲的药涨价了。他在给她时告知了她这一点给她吃药并喂她月饼。沮丧的他去了当地的一个公园,沮丧地倒在地上。一辆由一位粉红色头发的古怪陌生人(莫罗尼饰)驾驶的汽车停了下来。这名女子表示,她以为自己“偶然发现了一具尸体”,并对男爵实际上还活着表示失望。她问巴伦这个“垃圾小镇”是否有什么可做的,他回答说没有。她加速离开,但当她看到他把一根树枝砸在秋千上时,她又转了回来。她嘲笑他“像木偶一样到处乱晃”,他告诉她,事实上,镇上有很多事情可以做,包括采石场和冰淇淋店。她自我介绍为果酱,并请他带她参观城镇。 在采石场,果酱和男爵交换了生活故事。她告诉他,她一生都在寄养系统中,他告诉她他母亲的病。他还告诉她,他从小就相信他的父亲是一个宇航员因建造火箭而缺席了童年,并在火箭爆炸时死亡。果酱被他的天真逗乐了,问她那天晚上是否可以和他一起住。他带她回家,两人立即陷入了一场激烈的旋风式浪漫。由于家里缺乏收入,巴伦和果酱开始集思广益,想办法负担埃达的药物费用。他建议他们应该出租未使用的卧室,但果酱说服他他们应该抢劫银行。为此,他们制定了一个详尽的计划,包括在几个人流量较少的城镇选择一家银行,并在树林里找一间小屋作为安全屋。他们每个人的脚踝上都有纹身。 Marmalade's 是一颗心,里面有 Baron 的名字,而 Baron's 是一罐果酱,原本打算在标签上印上她的名字,然而纹身师拼错了,漏掉了“r”,所以他们把它改成了 Mama,为了纪念埃达。在此规划过程中,酒吧注意到他母亲的一些药似乎消失了。他还要求果酱告诉他为什么她不再和她的亲生母亲说话。她最初避免回答,但最终透露,她指责她的亲生母亲“没有从她的第一位养父手中拯救[她]”,她暗示养父对她进行性虐待,并表示他有将养子锁在狗笼里的习惯在他的车库里,用他的白色手杖戳他们。她表示她希望一有机会就杀了他,并说她听说他仍然收养孩子。男爵安慰她,提醒她,她称他为“穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士”和她的保护者。后来,两人去一家商店购买抢劫所需的伪装。果酱选择了两个面具,男爵说他们买不起,然而,果酱掏出一把枪,用手枪鞭打了商店的收银员。她试图抢劫收银机,但无法打开它,两人逃跑了。男爵,西明因这起事件而震惊的她告诉果酱,他有一些棒球卡可以出售,他们不需要抢劫银行,但她坚持认为他们应该第二天就这样做。那天晚上,埃达咳嗽了,果酱坚持要治疗。当她尖叫时,巴伦冲过去帮忙,发现他的母亲死在床上。果酱坚称她不知道发生了什么事,并表示她离开房间然后回来发现埃达已经死了。 在监狱里的今天,奥蒂斯向泪眼汪汪的男爵表示哀悼。他说他的母亲也一直患病,他实际上不确定她是否还活着。当巴伦问他们为什么不说话时,奥蒂斯告诉他,他的母亲住在牙买加金斯敦她儿时的家里,他们的“事情很复杂”。不久之后,他们被传唤到监狱餐厅,其他囚犯偷走了巴伦的食物,并将他的脸塞进托盘中,以此为目标。男爵告诉另一名囚犯,他他“辫子里有东西”,这促使另一个人试图打他。然而,奥蒂斯介入,餐厅爆发骚乱。由于奥蒂斯煽动这起事件,他被狱警戴上手铐并护送出房间。在其他囚犯看不见和听不到的地方,人们发现奥蒂斯根本不是一个被监禁的罪犯。事实上,他是一名联邦调查局卧底探员,负责抓捕一名据信是果酱的连环银行抢劫犯。他被指派为男爵的“狱友”,希望操纵他透露果酱的下落,以便她最终能因一系列罪行而被抓获并逮捕。然而,由于Baron还没有透露他和Marmalade见面的地点,Otis建议调查小组允许他为两人假装逃跑,这样他就能无意中将FBI直接引向她。尽管其他一些官员对此犹豫不决,但一致同意该计划将付诸实施。奥蒂斯回到他和男爵的牢房,男爵继续讲述他的故事。在他母亲去世后,男爵再次试图退出抢劫,因为他只同意支付她的药物费用。然而,果酱透露她已经怀孕了,并坚持要继续执行这个计划,以便为自己和孩子建立更好的生活。巴伦态度软化了,尽管他拒绝进入银行并坚持只担任逃跑司机。第二天,他们实施了抢劫,并前往安全屋。巴伦表示,他们偷的钱比他预期的要多得多,并询问果酱如何对银行如此了解以及如何抢劫银行。她透露,她过去曾抢劫过多家银行,但这些事件总是“零钱”。她说,在遇到巴伦之前,她本来打算不再抢劫银行,但为了和他一起开始美好的生活,她决定做最后一份工作。男爵变得不知所措d 离开了房间,但当 Marmalade 走近他并提醒他只有他们两个(事后想起来,还有他们的孩子)“对抗整个世界”时,他们很快就和好了。后来,她让巴伦从车上取来面具,以便他们可以烧掉它们。在取回面具时,男爵在果酱的车里发现了一瓶他母亲的药丸,这表明她就是服用这些药丸并导致埃达死亡的人。巴伦愤怒地拿着果酱抢劫银行时用的枪回到小屋,并用枪指着她,要求知道她为什么要吃药。她坚称自己“拿着它们以防紧急情况”,并且忘记了它们在车里。在对峙期间,警察到达并包围了小屋。男爵惊慌失措,坚持要求他们自首并道歉,但果酱却说服他“分钱逃跑”,并于第二天 3:30 在“th”再次与她会面。男爵同意了,果酱逃跑了。男爵一离开就向警方自首。在监狱里,奥蒂斯告诉男爵他会帮助他越狱。男爵打了一个电话,表面上是给果酱打的,他告诉她,他将按照安排在 3:30 地点与她见面。第二天,他们就开始实施计划,奥蒂斯伪装成洗衣服务员,巴伦则躲在一篮子毛巾和床上用品里。他们计划以将脏衣服运出监狱为幌子离开,然而奥蒂斯被一名不知道他是卧底特工的警卫拦住了。他把装着男爵的篮子推到外面,但自己被捕,直到巴伦乘坐指定的逃亡汽车逃跑,奥蒂斯和其他联邦调查局探员乘坐另一辆车追踪他。他们跟踪他到一家花店,他在那里购买了一束花,然后到一个墓地,他在那里留下了花他们相信什么成为他母亲的坟墓。然后他们跟着他去了一家冰淇淋店,奥蒂斯认为这很可能是他与果酱见面的地方,因为两人经常一起吃冰淇淋。当逃跑的汽车驶出停车场时,联邦调查局展开追捕。然而,当他们最终把车停在路边时,他们发现司机不是巴伦或果酱,而是冰淇淋店的一名员工,他透露巴伦告诉他,如果他开着车绕着街区转一圈并造成了车祸,他可以保留这辆车。巴伦开着另一辆车返回小屋,这辆车在冰淇淋店停车场可见。他从烟囱里取出一袋钱,以及有关之前银行抢劫案的剪报,其中一份揭示了联邦调查局参与解决这些抢劫案的剪报,其中有一张奥蒂斯作为该案特工之一的照片。然后巴伦走进浴室,开始对着镜子剪头发。他穿上裙子,戴上金色假发,设法逃离小镇d 乔装成女人逃避抓捕。与此同时,奥蒂斯透露男爵并不是他看上去那样的笨手笨脚的白痴,他回到墓地调查男爵去过的坟墓。他发现它不属于埃达,而且男爵在那里也没有留下花束,而是一罐果酱,标签上写着妈妈——就像他的纹身一样。奥蒂斯要求再次查看银行的安全照片,并意识到银行劫匪也有同样的纹身。据透露,果酱根本不存在,而这次抢劫(和其他抢劫)是男爵变装所实施的。男爵穿着新衣服出城,走进一家药房,领取一大笔 Pleonexia 药物,这是他的药物。说是让他的母亲活下去,名字是拉姆拉姆(Lamram)。药剂师说巴伦已经买完了他的全部供应,而巴伦则说这些药物是给他的养母的。他把一个瓶子放在镜子前,镜子上显示他养母的名字 - Eda Lamram - 是“橘子酱”。为了追捕巴伦,奥蒂斯和他的同事追踪了他从监狱打给一家名为巴伦制药公司(暗示巴伦是化名)的药品生产公司的电话,并遇到了该公司首席执行官唐·弗兰克尔斯,他透露钱被偷了银行抢劫案就是从他的账户上进行的。奥蒂斯注意到弗兰克尔斯拄着白色手杖行走,并回忆起巴伦故事中有关“果酱”被早期养父虐待的细节。他问弗兰克尔斯是否收养孩子,弗兰克尔斯确认他这样做是为了“把一堆吸毒者拒绝的东西变成某种东西”。奥蒂斯派了一队警官调查弗兰克尔斯的家庭住址,他们在车库里发现了三个狗笼,门外有一罐果酱。奥蒂斯意识到故事的这一部分是真实的,而且巴伦很可能是被虐待的儿童之一,于是奥蒂斯逮捕了弗兰克尔斯。他在汽车后视镜中发现了一块月饼,并意识到这是巴伦的另一张名片,并且他最近肯定在附近。他去了附近的药店,药剂师透露巴伦已经买了药就离开了,说他要去拐角处的旅行社买票。在那里,奥蒂斯收到了一个信封,并得知一名男子不久前曾来过并代表他购买了门票。在信封里,他发现了男爵的一张纸条,上面写着“生活只能向后理解,但必须向前生活。我正在照顾我的母亲。我希望你也能这样做。再见,特工。” ”以及前往牙买加金斯顿探望母亲的头等舱机票。巴伦将车停进疗养院的员工停车位。进入后,他走到前台,在那里工作的护士立即认出了他,并递给他一个写字板和钥匙,表明他也在那里工作。他从一个房间到另一个房间,为居民送去药物,直到到达标记为埃达的房间。他还补充吃完她的药,然后进入房间,他递给埃达一个月饼,两人站在一起,一起望向窗外。

Baron (Keery), a sweet-natured but simple-minded small-town boy is incarcerated. Upon learning that his new cellmate, Otis (Hodge), has an extensive rap sheet including several prison breaks, Baron implores him to help him escape. He states that he needs to get out so that he can meet his girlfriend at an undisclosed spot the following afternoon. Otis is reluctant, stating that he doesn't trust anyone "not even [his] own damn self", however Baron promises him $250,000 cash if they are able to escape successfully. Otis agrees to carry out the prison break, but asks how Baron has that much money. Baron begins to tell the story of how he landed in prison.Some time prior to his arrest, Baron is let go from his job at the local post office, which he needs to support his terminally ill mother, Eda, due to his refusal to cut his long hair. Upon returning home, he finds a letter in the mailbox, stating that his mother's medication has increased in price. He informs her of this as he gives her her pills and feeds her a Moon Pie. Despondent, he goes to a local park, where he throws himself to the ground in frustration. A car, driven by an eccentric stranger with pink hair (Morrone), pulls up. The woman states that she thought she'd "stumbled on a dead body" and expresses disappointment that Baron is, in fact, alive. She asks Baron if there's anything to do in this "shit town", to which he responds that there isn't. She speeds away, but circles back when she sees him smashing a tree branch against the swing set. She teases him for "flailing around like a puppet", and he tells her that there are, in fact, things to do in town, including a quarry and an ice cream shop. She introduces herself as Marmalade, and asks him to show her around town.At the quarry, Marmalade and Baron exchange life stories. She tells him that she has been in the foster care system her entire life and he tells her about his mother's sickness. He also tells her that he grew up believing his father was an astronaut who was absent from his childhood because he was building a rocket and who died when said rocket exploded. Marmalade is amused by his naivety, and asks if she can stay with him that night. He takes her home, and the two immediately fall into an intense whirlwind romance.With a lack of income to the home, Baron and Marmalade begin to brainstorm about ways to afford Eda's medication. He suggests that they should rent out the unused bedroom, but Marmalade convinces him that they should rob a bank instead. They construct an elaborate plan to do so, including selecting a bank a couple of towns over with less foot traffic and locating a cabin in the woods to use as a safe house. They each get a tattoo on their ankles. Marmalade's is a heart with Baron's name in it, and Baron's is a jar of marmalade, intended to have her name on the label, however, the tattooist misspells it, missing the 'r', and so they alter it to say Mama instead, in honor of Eda. During this planning process, Baron notices that some of his mother's pills appear to have vanished. He also asks Marmalade to tell him why she no longer speaks to her biological mother. She initially avoids answering, but eventually reveals that she blames her biological mother for "not saving [her]" from one of her first foster fathers, whom she implies was sexually abusive and states he had a habit of locking his foster children in dog cages in his garage and prodding them with his white cane. She expresses that she wishes she'd killed him when she had the chance, and says that she's heard he still fosters kids. Baron comforts her, reminding her that she'd called him her "knight in shining armor" and her protector.Later, the two go to a store to purchase disguises for the heist. Marmalade selects two masks which Baron states they cannot afford, however, Marmalade pulls out a gun and pistol-whips the store's cashier. She attempts to rob the cash register, however is unable to open it and the pair flee. Baron, seemingly shaken from the incident, tells Marmalade that he has some baseball cards he can sell and they need not rob the bank, but she insists that they should do so the next day. That night, Eda has a coughing fit which Marmalade insists on attending to. When she screams, Baron rushes to help and finds his mother deceased in her bed. Marmalade insists she does not know what happened, and states that she left the room and then returned to find Eda dead.In the present day in prison, Otis extends his condolences to a teary-eyed Baron. He states that his mother has also been sick for his whole life, and that he is actually unsure whether or not she's alive. When Baron asks why they don't talk, Otis informs him that his mother lives in her childhood home of Kingston, Jamaica and that their "shit is complicated". Shortly after, they are summoned to the prison dining hall, where other inmates target Baron by stealing his food and pushing his face into his tray. Baron informs another inmate that he "has something in his braid", which prompts the other man to attempt to hit him. However, Otis intervenes and a riot breaks out in the dining hall. For his part in inciting it, Otis is handcuffed and escorted out of the room by a prison guard.Out of sight and earshot of the other inmates, it is revealed that Otis is not an incarcerated criminal at all. He is, in fact, an undercover FBI agent, working a case to catch a serial bank robber believed to be Marmalade. He was assigned as Baron's "cellmate" in hopes of manipulating him into revealing Marmalade's whereabouts so that she can finally be caught and arrested for her string of crimes. However, as Baron has not yet shared the location of he and Marmalade's meeting spot, Otis suggests that the investigative team allow him to stage a fake escape for the two of them, so that he will inadvertently lead the FBI directly to her. Although some other officers are hesitant about this, it is agreed that this plan will be put into operation. Otis returns to his and Baron's cell, where Baron continues telling his story.Upon his mother's passing, Baron once more attempts to back out of the robbery, as he had only ever agreed to it to afford her medication. However, Marmalade reveals that she is pregnant and insists they go ahead with the plan in order to establish a better life for themselves and their baby. Baron relents, although he refuses to go inside the bank and insists on only being the getaway driver. The next day, they carry out the heist and go to their safe house cabin. Baron expresses that they stole significantly more money than he anticipated and questions Marmalade on how she knows so much about banks and how to rob them. She reveals that she has robbed a number of banks in the past but that those occasions were always "chump change". She says that she had intended to quit robbing banks before meeting Baron, however decided to do one last job in order to start a good life with him. Baron becomes overwhelmed and leaves the room, however they quickly make up when Marmalade approaches him and reminds him that it's just the two of them (and, as an afterthought, their baby) "against the whole wide world". Later, she asks Baron to fetch the masks from the car so that they can burn them. While retrieving the masks, Baron finds a bottle of his mother's pills hidden in Marmalade's car, revealing that she is the one who took them and, consequentially, caused Eda's death. Enraged, Baron goes back into the cabin with the gun that Marmalade used to rob the bank and points it at her, demanding to know why she had the medication. She insists that she was "holding onto them in case of an emergency" and that she forgot that she had them in the car. During the confrontation, the police arrive and surround the cabin. Baron panics, insisting that they hand themselves over and apologise, but Marmalade instead convinces him to "split the money and run", and meet up with her again at 3:30 the following day at "that spot [they] like". Baron agrees and Marmalade flees. Baron hands himself over to the police as soon as she has left.In prison, Otis tells Baron that he will help him escape. Baron makes a phone call, ostensibly to Marmalade, where he tells her that he will meet her at the spot at 3:30 as arranged. They put their plan into motion the next day, with Otis disguising himself as a laundry attendant and Baron hiding inside a basket of towels and bedlinens. The plan is for both of them to leave under the guise of transporting dirty laundry out of the prison, however Otis is stopped by a guard who does not know he is an undercover agent. He wheels the basket containing Baron outside, but is apprehended himself until his fellow FBI officers intervene. Baron escapes in the designated getaway car, and Otis and the other FBI agents track him in a different vehicle. They follow him to a florist, where he purchases a bouquet and then to a cemetery where he leaves the flowers on what they believe to be his mother's grave. They then follow him to an ice cream shop, which Otis believes is likely to be his meeting spot with Marmalade, as the pair often ate ice cream together. When the getaway car pulls out of the parking lot, the FBI pursue. However, when they finally pull the car over, they discover the driver is not Baron or Marmalade, but an employee from the ice cream shop who reveals that Baron had told him he could keep the car if he drove it around the block and caused a distraction.Baron has driven back to the cabin in a different car that was visible in the ice cream shop parking lot. He retrieves the bag of money from inside the chimney, as well as newspaper clippings about the previous bank robberies, including one which reveals the FBI's involvement in solving them, featuring a picture of Otis as one of the agents on the case. Baron then goes to the bathroom and begins cutting his hair off in the mirror. He puts on a dress and a blonde wig and manages to escape town and evade capture disguised as a woman. Meanwhile Otis, releasing that Baron is not the bumbling idiot he seems to be, goes back to cemetery to investigate the grave that Baron had visited. He finds that it does not belong to Eda and that Baron did not leave a bouquet there, but a jar of marmalade with Mama written on the label - like his tattoo. Otis demands to see the security photos from the bank again and realizes that the bank robber has that very same tattoo. It is revealed that Marmalade never existed, and that this robbery (and the others) were carried out by Baron in drag.Out of town and in a new outfit, Baron walks into a pharmacy to collect a large order of Pleonexia, the medication he said was keeping his mother alive, under the name Lamram. The pharmacist states that Baron has bought out his whole supply, and Baron states that the medication is for his foster mom. He places a bottle in front of a mirror revealing that his foster mother's name - Eda Lamram - is 'marmalade' backwards.In pursuit of Baron, Otis and his coworkers trace the call he made from prison to a drug production company named Baron Pharmaceuticals (implying Baron is a pseudonym) and are confronted by the company CEO, Don Frankels, who reveals that the money stolen in the bank robbery was from his account. Otis notices that Frankels walks with a white cane and recalls the detail in Baron's story about "Marmalade" being abused by an early foster father. He asks Frankels if he fosters children, which he confirms that he does so that he can "take a bunch of junkie rejects and turn 'em into something". Otis has a team of officers investigate Frankels' home address, where they find three dog cages inside a garage and a jar of marmalade outside the door. Realising that this part of the story was true and Baron was likely one of the children abused, Otis has Frankels arrested. He finds a Moon Pie tucked into the wing mirror of his car and realises that it is another of Baron's calling cards, and that he must have been nearby recently. He goes to the nearby pharmacy, where the pharmacist reveals that Baron had purchased his pills and left, saying that he was going to buy tickets from the travel agent around the corner. There, Otis is given an envelope and informed that a man had been in shortly before and purchased tickets on his behalf. Inside the envelope, he finds a note from Baron which reads "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. I'm taking care of my mother. I hope you'll do the same. Farewell, Secret Agent." as well as a first class plane ticket to Kingston, Jamaica to visit his mother.Baron pulls into a staff parking space at a nursing home. Upon entering, he approaches the front desk and is immediately recognised by the nurse working there, who hands over a clipboard and keys, revealing that he also works there. He goes room to room, dropping medication off for the residents, until he reaches the room labeled as Eda's. He also replenishes her medication, then enters the room, where he hands Eda a Moon Pie and the two of them stand and look out of the window together.

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