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[原版] 《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

冲田哲夫是一名前商人,他的制造公司因破产而破产,一年前与妻子和儿子分居。为了维持收支平衡并重新开始,他与活动人士古贺胜和他的前雇员大城宏合作,精心策划了向政府勒索金钱的阴谋。光 109 是一列从东京到博多的高速 0 系子弹头列车,载有 1,500 名乘客。火车出发后不久,冲田通知铁路安全负责人宫下,称车上安放了一枚炸弹,如果火车速度低于 80 公里/小时,就会爆炸。为了证明炸弹的有效性,冲田告诉宫下,从夕张开往追分的 5790 号货运列车上也放置了一枚类似的炸弹。当 5790 号货运列车确实发生爆炸时,新干线列车长仓持通知光 109 号列车长青木不要将列车减速到 120 公里/小时以下,而车上的安保人员则在寻找炸弹,从而延误了前往博多的行程三个小时。回到东京的警察的任务是要么先找到炸弹袭击者,要么先找到炸弹。回到Hikari 109 车上,乘客开始感到疲倦,并在安全人员进行第二次搜查时要求火车停下来。在旅途中,仓持必须与青木协调确定火车的速度和位置,以避免迎面而来的交通,同时保证火车免受速度敏感雷管的伤害。冲田再次致电国铁当局;这次,他索要一个铝制手提箱价值500万美元,以换取Hikari 109乘客的安全。当首相准备赎金时,警方在 5790 号货运列车出发前在夕张站发现了装有古贺指纹的香烟盒,从而找到了第一个线索。 与此同时,当列车经过名古屋时,光 109 号上的乘客开始恐慌,一位名叫平尾和子(Kazuko Hirao)的怀孕乘客即将分娩。作为安顿乘客的一种手段,联合工程师菊池告诉告诉他们船上有炸弹。当国家铁路官员意识到炸弹附着在火车的一个车轮上时,他们更加不屑一顾。冲田再次打电话给官员,让他们通过直升机将钱向北发送并降落在赖居高中。随后,携带手提箱的仙田警官奉命渡过荒川;到达岩手后,行李箱被大城用绳子拉上悬崖。然而,当警察对附近慢跑的大学柔道队大喊大叫时,大城被迫放弃案件并撤退。大城骑着摩托车逃跑,发现自己被几辆警车尾随,直到他与一辆警车相撞,撞上灯柱后身亡。当火车经过新大阪时,一名商人威胁要拉开紧急门锁,乘客们再次陷入恐慌。 ;当他们从广播中听到大城的死讯时,他们的情绪更加恶化。与此同时,警方找到了古贺,但尽管在行动中打伤了他,但未能逮捕他。追赶。古贺一瘸一拐地回到冲田的藏身处去治疗枪伤。冲田考虑放弃他的任务,因为他未能阻止任何流血事件,但古贺说服他继续下去。当警方追查到炸弹零件是冲田位于志村的前公司时,冲田又打了一个电话,告诉宫下在 10 分钟内将钱投到神田高速公路旁的一辆废弃卡车上。警察按照指示行事后,冲田带着手提箱逃跑了。回到火车上,和子因流产失去了孩子,需要输血。冲田随后给宫下打电话,让他​​去新桥的太阳广场咖啡馆领取炸弹的示意图。不幸的是,当警察到达时,咖啡馆已被大火烧毁。当警察包围冲田的藏身处时,古贺没有自首,而是用一根炸药引爆了自己。在没有其他选择的情况下,仓持在电视上呼吁冲田帮助他们拆除炸弹。上在火车上,被捕后被押送的冲田前同伙藤雄真司透露,冲田正在使用假名离开日本。在高速摄像机的帮助下,新干线当局成功找到了第二节车厢下方的炸弹。仓持将信息转达给青木,并派出救援列车提供焊接设备,在炸弹所在位置切出一个检修孔。青木成功拆除了炸弹,但当局怀疑第二枚炸弹位于火车下方的其他地方。尽管如此,政府还是下令停止火车。青木顺利阻止了光 109。当仓持离开主控制室恢复冷静时,他发现电视上仍在播放他的呼吁。宫下解释说,这是警方对冲田设下的陷阱的一部分。仓持因当天局势的压力而辞职。 与此同时,在羽田机场,冲田准备登机,但他的飞机当他的前妻富田泰子和儿子健一发现他时,一切都结束了。他在试图逃离机场时被枪杀。

Tetsuo Okita is a former businessman who lost his manufacturing company to bankruptcy and separated from his wife and son a year earlier. Desperate to make ends meet and start over, he collaborates with activist Masaru Koga and his former employee Hiroshi Oshiro in an elaborate plot to extort money from the government.Hikari 109 is a high-speed 0 series bullet train carrying 1,500 passengers from Tokyo to Hakata. Shortly after the train's departure, railway security head Miyashita is notified by Okita that a bomb has been planted aboard and will explode if the train slows down below 80 km/h. As proof of the bomb's efficiency, Okita tells Miyashita that a similar bomb has been placed on freight train 5790 bound from Yubari to Oiwake. When freight train 5790 indeed explodes, Hikari 109's conductor Aoki is informed by Shinkansen director Kuramochi not to slow down the train below 120 km/h while the security personnel aboard the train search for the bomb - thus delaying the trip to Hakata by three hours. Police officials back in Tokyo are tasked to either find the bomber or the bomb first.Back aboard Hikari 109, passengers start becoming weary and demand the train stop when security does a second search. For the duration of the journey, Kuramochi must coordinate with Aoki on timing the train's speed and position to avoid incoming traffic while keeping it safe from the speed-sensitive detonator. Okita calls the National Railway authorities again; this time, he demands US$5 million in an aluminium suitcase in exchange for the safety of Hikari 109's passengers. As the Prime Minister prepares the ransom, police find their first lead when a cigarette pack containing fingerprints of Koga are found at Yubari station prior to freight train 5790's departure.Meanwhile, passengers aboard Hikari 109 start to panic when the train passes through Nagoya, with a pregnant passenger named Kazuko Hirao going into labour. As a means of settling down the passengers, co-engineer Kikuchi tells them of the bomb on board. National Railway officials are in further disdain when they realize that the bomb is attached to one of the train's wheels. Okita once more calls the officials and tells them to send the money northbound via helicopter and land at Yorii High School. Officer Senda, who carries the suitcase, is then instructed to cross the Arakawa River; upon reaching Iwate, the suitcase is roped and pulled up a cliff by Oshiro. However, Oshiro is forced to drop the case and retreat when police yell at a university judo team jogging nearby. Fleeing via motorcycle, Oshiro finds himself tailed by several squad cars until he collides with one and is killed after hitting a light post.The passengers once again panic when a businessman threatens to pull the emergency door latch open as the train passes through Shin-Osaka; they are further exacerbated when they hear of Oshiro's death on the radio. Meanwhile, police locate Koga, but fail to arrest him, despite wounding him during the chase. Koga limps back into Okita's hideout to have his gunshot wound tended. Okita ponders on giving up his mission, as he has failed to prevent any bloodshed, but Koga convinces him to carry on. As the police trace the bomb parts to Okita's former company in Shimura, Okita makes another phone call and tells Miyashita to drop the money at an abandoned truck by the Kanda motorway in 10 minutes. After the police do as instructed, Okita takes the suitcase and makes his getaway. Back aboard the train, Kazuko loses her baby in a miscarriage and is in need of a blood transfusion. Okita then calls Miyashita and tells him to pick up a diagram of the bomb at Sun Plaza cafe in Shinbashi. Unfortunately, the cafe is destroyed by fire by the time police arrive. When the police surround Okita's hideout, Koga blows himself up with a stick of dynamite rather than turn himself in.With no other options left, Kuramochi goes on television to make an appeal for Okita to help them disable the bomb. On the train, Shinji Fujio, a former accomplice of Okita being escorted after his arrest, reveals that Okita is on his way out of Japan using a false name. With the help of high-speed cameras, the Shinkansen authorities manage to locate the bomb underneath the second coach. Kuramochi relays the information to Aoki and sends a rescue train to provide welding equipment to cut an access hole where the bomb is. Aoki succeeds in defusing the bomb, but the authorities suspect a second bomb is located elsewhere underneath the train. Despite this, the government gives the order to stop the train. Aoki manages to stop Hikari 109 without incident. As Kuramochi leaves the main control room to regain his composure, he discovers that his appeal is still being broadcast on TV. Miyashita explains that this is part of the police's trap for Okita. Overwhelmed by the pressure of the day's situation, Kuramochi resigns from his position.Meanwhile, at Haneda Airport, Okita prepares to board his flight, but his cover is blown when his ex-wife Yasuko Tomita and son Kenichi spot him. He is shot dead while attempting to escape outside the airport.

《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《子弹头列车/Bullet Train》(1975) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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