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[原版] 《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

凯莉·利昂 (Kelly Leone) 是当地早间电视脱口秀节目《唤醒密尔沃基》(Wake Up Milwaukee) 的制片人,今年她的重点是改变该节目日益下滑的命运——她的努力得到了回报——但牺牲了与朋友共度的时间。这一次也以牺牲她在芝加哥等更大市场中担任新闻制作人的长期目标为代价。因此,在新年前夜,在她最好的朋友 AJ、丽莎和杰克逊的压力下,她做出了新年决心,答应参加任何要求她参加的社交活动,无论是什么活动,这个决心远远超出了她的范围舒适区通常只做她感到舒服的事情,成功的可能性很高。这个决议的结束日期是一个月后她的三十岁生日。令她懊恼的是,她的制作团队正在为该剧寻找一个延长的新年故事,决定跟随她一个月的时间来完成这一决议。该决议恰逢凯利与汤姆·马龙会面是帝国国家银行地区办事处的营销总监,两人有着直接的相互吸引。虽然汤姆也曾一度将目光投向了像芝加哥这样更大的市场职业,但他决定留在密尔沃基,以履行他的非正式承诺,让他的家人,特别是他的单亲母亲妹妹希拉和公司的生活变得更好。当凯利和汤姆希望走上建立忠诚关系的道路时,一个可能威胁到他们关系的项目出现了,汤姆可能不得不在凯利和他在银行的工作之间做出选择,包括银行客户的福利。 ——哈戈

Kelly Leone, producer at Wake Up Milwaukee, a local morning television talk show, has focused this year on changing what were the declining fortunes of the show - her efforts having paid off - at the expense of spending time with friends. This time has also been at the expense of her longer term goal of a news producer life in a bigger market, like Chicago. As such, on New Year's Eve, she, under pressure from her best friends AJ, Lisa and Jackson, makes the new years resolution to say yes to partake in any social event asked of her, no matter the event, this resolution well outside her comfort zone in generally only doing things in which she is comfortable in a high probability of success. The end date of this resolution is her thirtieth birthday in one month's time. Much to her chagrin, her production team, looking for an extended new years story for the show, decides to follow her on her one month progression on this resolution. This resolution coincides with Kelly meeting Tom Malone, a marketing director at the regional office of Imperium National Bank, the two who have an immediate mutual attraction. While Tom too had at one point set his sights on a a bigger market career like Chicago, he has decided to stay in Milwaukee in his unofficial commitment to making life better for his family, most specifically his single mother sister Sheila, and the company. As Kelly and Tom look to be on the path to a committed relationship, an item comes into view that may threaten their relationship where Tom may have to choose between Kelly and his job at the bank, including the welfare of bank customers. —Huggo

《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《新年决心(电视电影 2021)/A New Year's Resolution (TV Movie 2021)》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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