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[BT-4区] 科幻电影《哥斯拉之终极战役 2004》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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科幻电影《哥斯拉之终极战役 2004》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
科幻电影《哥斯拉之终极战役 2004》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《哥斯拉之终极战役》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《哥斯拉终极战役 / 哥吉拉最后战役 / 哥斯拉最后的战斗 / Godzilla: Final Wars》。电影于2004正式上映。这部电影的导演是北村龙平,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部纪录片,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员唐·弗莱 ,  北村一辉 ,  松冈昌宏等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是日本地区。

数年前,人类以超级战舰“轰天号”,在南极击溃“哥吉拉”,并且将“哥吉拉”封印在地底下。但是地球除了“哥吉拉”以外,还有许许多多的怪兽,对各大人类都市虎视眈眈。于是,人类成立了“地球防卫部”,专门对付各种怪兽的入侵。而地球防卫部最强大的成员,就是当年封印哥吉拉的“轰天号”以及其舰长“道格拉斯·戈登上校”。 此外,为了应付怪兽对人类造成的困扰,地球防卫部特别甄选了有特殊能力的人类,这些“超人类”拥有普通人类所没有的“M染色体”,让这些人类拥有比普通人更强大的体能跟敏捷性,以应付怪兽的攻击,其中的佼佼者就是“尾崎真一少尉”。 就在不久之前,人们挖到一个巨大怪物的遗骸,而且怪物拥有机械跟生物的本质,怀疑能够将生物跟机械结合起来的怪物应该来自于外太空。不久,尾崎真一收到来自婴儿岛“小美人”的警告,这个怪物是当年被“魔斯拉”给封印的“盖刚”,盖刚的出现代表着人类的危机。 就在盖刚出土不久,世界各地突然在同一时间,遭受到了各大怪物的攻击,一时之间让地球防卫部忙的焦头烂额。但是突然出现的神秘飞行器,却将这些怪物全部都带走。这些自称“X星人”的外星来访客,声明自己是人类的朋友,要跟人类建立起同盟关系,更声称有一个巨大的星球即将撞上地球。但是在尾崎真一还有道格拉斯等人的调查之下,发现根本就没有神秘星球要撞击地球。而那些怪兽根本就是外星人侵略地球所释放的,X星人根本是要把人类当作粮食来利用。 虽然外星人的真面目被揭穿,但是外星人拥有不可思议的超能力,还有手下听命于外星人的巨大怪物。地球防卫军最后被歼灭,只剩下轰天号还苟延残喘著。此时,道格拉斯想出一个大胆的计策,就是解开南极哥吉拉的封印,让代表地球最强大怪物的哥吉拉,去面对这些外星来的侵略者....

A few years ago, humans used the super battleship "Rang Tian" to defeat "Godzilla" in Antarctica, and sealed "Godzilla" underground. But besides "Godzilla", there are many monsters on the earth, eyeing all major human cities. Therefore, human beings set up the "Earth Defense Department" to deal with the invasion of various monsters. The most powerful members of the Earth Defense Department are the "Boom" and its captain "Colonel Douglas Gordon" who sealed Godzilla back then. In addition, in order to cope with the troubles caused by monsters to humans, the Earth Defense Department has specially selected humans with special abilities. These "superhumans" have the "M chromosome" that ordinary humans do not have, allowing these humans to have stronger physical abilities than ordinary humans. With agility to deal with monster attacks, the best of them is "Second Lieutenant Ozaki Shinichi". Not long ago, people dug up the remains of a huge monster, and the monster had the essence of machinery and biology. It was suspected that the monster that could combine biology and machinery should come from outer space. Soon, Ozaki Shinichi received a warning from the "Little Beauty" on Infant Island. This monster is "Gai Gang" who was sealed by "Mothra" back then. The appearance of Gai Gang represents the crisis of mankind. Not long after Gai was unearthed, all parts of the world were suddenly attacked by various monsters at the same time, which made the Earth Defense Department very busy for a while. But the mysterious aircraft that appeared suddenly took all these monsters away. These alien visitors who call themselves "X-Stars" declare that they are friends of mankind and want to establish an alliance with mankind, and even claim that a huge planet is about to hit the earth. However, under the investigation of Ozaki Shinichi, Douglas and others, it was found that there was no mysterious planet that was about to hit the earth. And those monsters are basically released by the aliens who invaded the earth, and the X-planets basically want to use human beings as food. Although the true face of the aliens has been exposed, the aliens have incredible superpowers, and there are huge monsters under the orders of the aliens. The Earth Defense Force was finally annihilated, leaving only the Hongtian still lingering. At this time, Douglas came up with a bold strategy, which is to unseal the seal of Godzilla in Antarctica, and let Godzilla, who represents the most powerful monster on earth, face these alien invaders...

科幻电影《哥斯拉之终极战役 2004》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载






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