小小白 发表于 2022-8-17 05:59:54

纪录电影《待业青年(2010)/No Country for Young Man》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

纪录电影《待业青年(2010)/No Country for Young Man》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《待业青年(2010)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《No Country for Young Man》。本片于2010-02-10正式上映。本片的片长是180分钟。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是张内咸,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员吉硕、郭雪萌等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。本片的豆瓣评分是8.2分,在IMDB上,同样是这个原因,暂时也还没有人打出分数。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:待业青年是一部纪录片片,大学生小吉(吉硕 饰)有着不安份的内心,面临毕业的他做出一个惊人决定——退学。因为他厌倦了学校的种种不合常理的现象。在几年的大学生涯里,他对周围的人和事甚至对自己的人生都产生了怀疑,人究竟为什么活着?这个问题始终困扰着他。他感觉每个人都生活在一个早就被制定的牢笼里,人人都缺乏独立的人格和尊严,生活的轨迹是社会和父母早就规划好的,那么我们来到这个世界上到底是为什么。思虑良久,他决定要用一年时间探讨下一步的人生之路。他拿起了DV,走向浩淼的大千社会,去观察记录周围人们的生活状态,重新思考青春的含义......一句话评论:理想的背后。JUST DO IT。不要变成没希望的傻叉啊。感受生命中被压抑的那份纯粹。人总要经历过才会成长。我没有那操蛋的理想。。梦想和现实无关,梦想和它还存不存在有关。谁都来看看吧。这个世界从来不是为年轻人设计的。我是待业青年--28岁了。


The youth of the job is a documentary. The college student Xiaoji (Ji Shuo) has an unwavering heart. When he graduates, he makes an amazing decision -dropping out. Because he was tired of the unreasonable phenomenon of school. In his college career for several years, he even doubted the people and things around him. Why is he alive? This problem always plagued him. He feels that everyone lives in a cage that has long been formulated. Everyone lacks independent personality and dignity. The trajectory of life is planned by society and parents for a long time, so we come to this world why. For a long time, he decided to discuss the next life of the next step in one year. He picked up the DV, walked towards the vast thousand society, observed the life status of people around, and rethinking the meaning of youth ... A word comment: Behind the ideal. Just do it. Don't become a silly fork without hope. Feel the purity that is suppressed in life. People have to experience before they grow. I don't have the ideal of fucking. Essence Dream has nothing to do with reality, and dreams are not related to it. Let's take a look. This world has never been designed for young people. I am a young man-28 years old.

纪录电影《待业青年(2010)/No Country for Young Man》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


待业青年 【0.9 GB】
待业青年 【0.9 GB】
待业青年 【0.9 GB】
[待业青年].No.Country.For.Young.Man.2010.DVDRip.X264-张内咸.mk 【0.7 GB】
[待业青年].No.Country.For.Young.Man.2010.DVDRip.X264-张内咸.mk 【2.1 GB】
待业青年 【701.7 MB】
待业青年 【701.7 MB】
[待业青年][江海互动论坛www.70king.com].rmvb 【968.4 MB】
待业青年 【2.1 GB】
待业青年 【968.6 MB】
待业青年2.12G 【2.1 GB】
[待业青年].No.Country.For.Young.Man.2010.DVDRip.X264-张内咸.mk 【2.1 GB】


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199527 发表于 2023-11-18 07:13:33

mjc2000168 发表于 2023-11-10 14:48:37

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