剧情梗概:围城是一部剧情片,抗战初期,外国留学生方鸿渐(陈道明 饰)回到了祖国。方鸿渐其实是在国外混了几年,一个学位没取得,最后没法才买了个学位归国的。出身封建家庭的鸿渐家里早给他订了亲,只是未婚妻没来得及和他结婚就逝世了。鸿渐回国后一直居住在丈人的家里,丈人颇有些能耐,为他谋了一份不错的职业。女 博士苏文纨一直对鸿渐有好感,而鸿渐迷恋的却是在苏小姐家里第一次拜访认识的唐小姐。随后,鸿渐与唐小姐渐渐打得火热,然而丈人家看出了他和唐小姐的往来,渐渐冷落了他,而后鸿渐和唐小姐亦因误会而结束。 失恋后的鸿渐和当时同样追求苏小姐失败的留学生赵辛楣(英达 饰)成了莫逆,二人同时受到了内地的三闾大学的聘请。于是两位好友一起上路了,前往三闾大学去开展他们的新生活。一句话评论:不能承受的生命之怅。围城里到底是什么。碎话围城。爱方鸿渐的,只有苏文纨。那时的陈道明真好啊。少有的没糟蹋原著的电视剧之一。人的心要死多少次才会不想哭。以前看不懂的方鸿渐。围城。城中的人想走出去,城外的人想走进来。
The siege is a plot. In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Fang Hongjian (Chen Daoming), a foreign student, returned to the motherland. Fang Hongjian actually mixed abroad for a few years. A degree was not obtained. In the end, he could not buy a degree to return to China. Hongjian, who was born in the feudal family, booked a relative for him, but his fiancee died before he had no time to marry him. After returning to China, Hongjian has been living in the house of Zhangren. The Zhangren is quite capable and seek a good career for him. Dr. Su Wenzhang has always had a good opinion of Hong Jian, but Hong Jian was obsessed with the first visit to Miss Su's house. Subsequently, Hong Jian and Miss Tang gradually fought. However, the Zhang people saw that he and Miss Tang had gone, and gradually left him, and then Hongjian and Miss Tang ended because of misunderstanding. After falling in love, Hong Jian and Zhao Xinxuan (Yingda), who was also pursuing Miss Su at the time, became Mo Ni. The two were also hired by Sanzheng University in the Mainland. So the two friends went on the road together and went to Sanyu University to start their new life. Comment in one sentence: the unbearable life. What exactly is the siege. Broken words. Only Su Wenzhang. Chen Daoming at that time was nice. One of the rare TV series that has not ruined the original book. How many times the person's heart will not want to cry. Fang Hongjian, who couldn't understand before. siege. People in the city want to go out, people outside the city want to come in.
围城.全10集.1990.国语无字£CMCT风潇潇 【6.83GB】
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