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【蓝光|原盘|收藏】《玩具总动员Toy Story (1995) [》[4K][2160P][2.33GB][美国]


【蓝光|原盘|收藏】《玩具总动员Toy Story (1995) [》[美国]

更新日期:2025-03-10 09:03:37
又名:反斗奇兵(港) / 玩具的故事

小主人家境富裕,拥有一屋的玩具。其中他最爱的是牛仔玩偶胡迪,胡迪因此成为众玩具的“老大”。当小主人出门在外时,一屋的玩具自成世界,过着自己的生活。一天,小主人带回了一个新的玩意:太空战警巴斯光年。巴斯光年长相新奇,功能先进,令小主人爱不释手,威胁到了胡迪的地位。胡迪千方百计要赶走巴斯,一不小心二人一起掉出了房间窗口外,邻居的恶狗在狂吠,邻居的小孩是一个玩具虐待狂,胡迪巴斯能不能化敌为友,消灾解难?A little boy named Andy loves to be in his room, playing with his toys, especially his doll named "Woody". But, what do the toys do when Andy is not with them, they come to life. Woody believes that he has life (as a toy) good. However, he must worry about Andy's family moving, and what Woody does not know is about Andy's birthday party. Woody does not realize that Andy's mother gave him an action figure known as Buzz Lightyear, who does not believe that he is a toy, and quickly becomes Andy's new favorite toy. Woody, who is now consumed with jealousy, tries to get rid of Buzz. Then, both Woody and Buzz are now lost. They must find a way to get back to Andy before he moves without them, but they will have to pass through a ruthless toy killer, Sid Phillips.

【蓝光|原盘|收藏】《玩具总动员Toy Story (1995) [》[美国]

【蓝光|原盘|收藏】《玩具总动员Toy Story (1995) [》[美国]

Toy Story (1995)


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