我爱学外语 发表于 2024-9-10 11:30:44

《地狱男爵/Hellboy》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


地狱男爵是一个超自然生物,是堕落天使的儿子。 1944 年,他通过神秘仪式来到了我们的世界。第三帝国的神秘主义者长期以来一直试图在战争中获得优势,希望吸引理想的士兵加入法西斯军队的行列。地狱男爵正是他们所需要的人,但他们从未设法使他们的计划成为现实。来自地狱的恶魔落入美国人手中并开始为他们服务,保护世界免受神秘威胁。这次他被派往英国与梅林的妻子面对面。只要与血腥女王战斗就会导致世界末日,而这个怪物一生都在试图避免世界末日。

Hellboy is a supernatural being who is the son of a fallen angel. He came to our world in 1944 as a result of a mystical ritual. The Occultists of the Third Reich had long tried to gain an advantage in the war, hoping to attract the ideal soldier to the ranks of the fascist army. Hellboy was exactly the one they needed, but they never managed to make their plans a reality. The demon from hell fell into the hands of Americans and began to serve them, protecting the world from mysterious threats. This time he is sent to England to meet face to face with Merlin's wife. Just a battle with the Blood Queen will lead to the end of the world, which the monster tried to avoid all his life.




《地狱男爵/Hellboy》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《地狱男爵/Hellboy》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

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