我爱学外语 发表于 2024-6-27 13:17:28

《克拉拉/Clara》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


艾萨克·布鲁诺博士是多伦多安大略大学的天文学家和天体物理学教授,他一直痴迷于发现除了地球之外的宇宙中是否存在生命。这种痴迷一直是他生活中消极的第二十二条军规:在一场悲剧之后,他需要这种专注来填补个人生活中的空白,这场悲剧部分导致了他与天文学家丽贝卡·詹金斯博士的婚姻破裂,同时他也感到沮丧。他感到这种尚未被发现的发现导致他在生活的各个方面表现得不恰当。这种职业行为反过来导致他被大学无限期停职,这也意味着无法获得大学资源或设备,从而阻碍了他的搜寻。这是一个糟糕的时机,因为望远镜技术的进步,例如 TESS,不仅为社区提供了大量数据,而且任何有关生命可能性的证据都将提供利用该技术的机会。在没有太多资源的情况下,他迫切需要帮助,除了提供食宿外,还招聘一名无薪助理。他收到的唯一申请来自克拉拉,她是一位艺术家,不仅没有天体物理学背景,而且几乎没有受过高等教育,更不用说高等教育了,他怀疑她对看似无家可归的食宿更感兴趣。除了她的狗 Eeva 之外,她最珍贵的财产是她随身携带的一系列岩石,这些岩石大部分是她在环游世界时获得的,来自各个大陆并代表了每个大陆。艾萨克最终雇佣了她,理由是她工作努力、学习快。无论艾萨克在克拉拉的帮助下可能会发现什么,也可能找不到什么,作为一名艺术家,她具有敏锐的观察力,从整体上讲,她可能会为他的生活提供更有价值的东西。 ——哈戈

Dr. Isaac Bruno, an astronomer and astrophysics professor at Ontario University in Toronto, has been obsessed with needing to discover that there is life in the cosmos besides on Earth. This obsession has been a negative Catch-22 in his life: he has needed this focus to fill a void in his personal life following a tragedy that partly led to the dissolution of his marriage to fellow astronomer Dr. Rebecca Jenkins, while the frustration he has felt in such a discovery not yet having been made has resulted in him acting inappropriately in all aspects of his life. That professional behavior has in turn led to he being indefinitely suspended from the university, which also means no access to university resources or equipment hindering that search. It is bad timing as advances in telescope technology, such as TESS, not only provides much data to the community, but any evidence as to the possibility of life would provide access to that technology. Desperate for help without many resources, he advertises for an unpaid assistant, beyond the provision of room and board. The only application he receives is from Clara, an artist not only with no astrophysics background but little education let alone at a post-secondary level, she who he suspects is more interested in the room and board in being seemingly homeless. Beyond her dog Eeva, her prized possessions are a collection of rocks she carries with her everywhere, obtained most from her world travels, one from and indicative of each continent. Isaac ends up hiring her on her plea of hard work and learning fast. Regardless of what Isaac may or may not find with Clara's help, she, who has a keen sense of observation being an artist, may provide him with something more valuable for his life in a holistic sense. —Huggo




《克拉拉/Clara》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《克拉拉/Clara》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

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