我爱学外语 发表于 2024-6-27 13:15:35

《我美丽的破碎大脑/My Beautiful Broken Brain》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


《我美丽的破碎大脑》讲述了 34 岁的 Lotje Sodderland 在经历了一次改变生活的出血性中风后,对自己大脑的复杂性、脆弱性和奇妙性的个人探索。恢复意识到一个陌生的世界——洛杰被扔进了一个扭曲现实的新存在,在那里语言没有任何意义,她的感官知觉已经变得面目全非。这是一个开创性科学研究的故事,目的是看看她的大脑是否会恢复——其结果是无人能预测的。这是一部关于希望、变革和人类心灵的无限力量的电影。

MY BEAUTIFUL BROKEN BRAIN is 34 year old Lotje Sodderland's personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of her own brain following a life changing hemorrhagic stroke. Regaining consciousness to an alien world - Lotje was thrown into a new existence of distorted reality where words held no meaning and where her sensory perception had changed beyond recognition. This a story of pioneering scientific research to see if her brain might recover - with outcomes that no one could have predicted. It is a film about hope, transformation and the limitless power of the human mind.




《我美丽的破碎大脑/My Beautiful Broken Brain》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《我美丽的破碎大脑/My Beautiful Broken Brain》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

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