小小白 发表于 2021-9-1 10:40:24

纪录片《Balletboyz:年轻人 Balletboyz: Young Men 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


纪录片《Balletboyz:年轻人Balletboyz: Young Men 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Balletboyz: Young Men

一般信息:由BBC发布的Michael Nunn和William Trevitt主持的艺术纪录片 - 英语叙述

信息一群年轻人通过不分青红皂白的战争斗争来汇集,以维持他们的人类在无休止的战斗和死亡周期中。这部电影没有言语的音乐和编舞的强大组合是一个沉浸式情感之旅,进入了人类体验极端的年轻人面临的现实。这些年轻人以无数的方式屈服于他们情况的恐怖。无情,不分青红皂白的战争使其精神和身体造成的造成这些同志,因为他们努力存活一天的毁灭,只是为了唤醒另一个人的致命威胁。基于萨德勒的井中首选的同名阶段的同名阶段生产。伦敦剧院,2015年,由Ivan Perez编排,委托得分Composer Keaton Henson.Technical Specs Video Codec:X264 Cabac High@l4.1视频比特率:CRF 21(〜2856Kbps)视频分辨率:1920x852视频纵横比:2.25:1帧速率:25 fps音频编解码器:AAC-LC音频比特率: q = 0.45 VBR 48KHz(〜144kbps)音频通道:2运行时间:59分钟数零件:1份尺寸:1.24 GB源:HDTV编码:Jungleboy

【Balletboyz:年轻人,美国芭蕾舞剧院:历史,美丽出生:Matthew Bourne的睡美人,芭蕾舞队的黑暗骑士:Sir Kenneth Macmillan,Balletboyz豪华,来自萨德勒的井的Betrofenheit,跳舞的和平,跳舞Nutcracker:在皇家芭蕾舞中跳舞,跳来胡桃夹子:在皇家芭蕾舞队(BBC)内,达尔威尔的芭蕾舞女演员女士,纪录片】

【艺术,Michael Nunn,William Trevitt,BBC,2016,英语】

Balletboyz: Young Men,American Ballet Theatre: A History,A Beauty is Born: Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty,Ballet's Dark Knight: Sir Kenneth Macmillan,BalletBoyz Deluxe,Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells,Dancing for Peace,Dancing the Nutcracker: Inside the Royal Ballet,Dancing the Nutcracker: Inside the Royal Ballet (BBC),Darcey's Ballerina Heroines,Documentary

Arts,Michael Nunn,William Trevitt,BBC,2016,English

General Information:
Arts Documentary hosted by Michael Nunn and William Trevitt, published by BBC in 2016- English narration

A group of young men brought together by the indiscriminate brutality of war struggle to maintain their humanity in an unending cycle of combat and death. A potent combination of music and choreography, this film without words is an immersive emotional journey into the reality facing young men at the extremes of human experience.
These young men succumb to the terror of their situation in a myriad of ways. The ruthless, indiscriminate brutality of war takes its mental and bodily toll on these comrades, as they struggle to survive one day's destruction, only to wake to another's mortal threats.
Based on the hugely successful stage production of the same name that premiered at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London, in 2015, it is choreographed by Ivan Perez with a commissioned score by composer Keaton Henson.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4.1
Video Bitrate: CRF 21 (~2856Kbps)
Video Resolution: 1920x852
Video Aspect Ratio: 2.25:1
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Audio Bitrate: Q=0.45 VBR 48KHz (~144Kbps)
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 59 mins
Number of Parts: 1
Part Size: 1.24 GB
Source: HDTV
Encoded by: JungleBoy


纪录片《Balletboyz:年轻人Balletboyz: Young Men 》 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


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