喜剧电影《狗蛋大兵(1996)/Naughty Boys & Soldiers》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/jlp2022-1z/1z/2023/11/1322/2213hucnhbzoax5.jpg喜剧电影《狗蛋大兵(1996)/Naughty Boys & Soldiers》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
电影《狗蛋大兵(1996)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《Naughty Boys & Soldiers》。本片于1996-12-28(台湾)正式上映。本片的片长是90分钟。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是朱延平,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员吴宗宪、翁虹、吴奇隆、郝劭文、张宇豪、杨小黎等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国台湾地区。本片的豆瓣评分是7.7分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是6.8分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。
剧情梗概:狗蛋大兵是一部喜剧片,故事发生在七十年代我国台湾某海防阵地,狗蛋(郝邵文 饰)是村里顽劣的孩子,他整天跟着值星官吴班长(吴宗宪 饰)干着偷鸡摸狗的勾当,过着无忧无虑的日子。由于军纪涣散、表现实在不象话,上司调来了新队长(吴奇隆 饰),新队长誓言三个月改造这群乌合之众。在历经一段令人啼笑皆非的整顿后,军纪果然有了明显提高,并在中美军演中表现突出,虽说以微弱比分输给了美军,但海军司令部高度评价了新队长的带兵经验,连狗蛋的班主后(翁虹 饰)也对其产生了好感。新队长谢绝上峰对他的提拔,说服当将军的父亲,绝定留在这里,父亲最终同意了他的请求。殊不知,吴班长等一干人马恨不得他离开这里,因为大家实在受不了他的魔鬼训练......一句话评论:释放人性,歌颂自由。被骗了19年! 《狗蛋大兵》丑妹被起底竟然是男生。很久没有这样大笑的电影啦!。狗蛋大兵⌒青春是梦,是蝴蝶翅膀伴回忆在飞呀!。那一年的夏天.就只有一次.。加深对海峡对岸的了解。纯真年代机灵小鬼的故事。太多童年的记忆都与这部电影融为一体了。朱延平还是出过好片子的。可以增进大家相互了解。
Goudan Soldier is a comedy film. The story takes place in a coastal defense camp in Taiwan in the 1970s. Goudan (played by Hao Shaowen) is a naughty boy in the village. He follows the duty officer, Squad Leader Wu (played by Wu Zongxian), to steal chickens and dogs all day long. activities and live a carefree life. Due to the lack of military discipline and shameful performance, the superior transferred a new captain (played by Wu Qilong), who vowed to reform this ragtag group of people in three months. After a period of ridiculous rectification, military discipline has indeed been significantly improved, and it performed outstandingly in the Sino-U.S. military exercises. Although it lost to the U.S. military by a narrow margin, the naval command spoke highly of the new captain's experience in leading troops. Even Goudan's class leader Hou (played by Weng Hong) also developed a liking for him. The new captain declined Shangfeng's promotion and persuaded his father, a general, to stay here. His father finally agreed to his request. As everyone knows, Squad Leader Wu and other people want him to leave here, because everyone really can't stand his devilish training... One sentence comment: Release humanity and praise freedom. Been deceived for 19 years! The ugly girl who was teased in "The Dog Dan Soldier" turned out to be a boy. I haven’t had such a laugh-out-loud movie in a long time! . Goudanbing ⌒Youth is a dream, it is butterfly wings flying with memories! . There was only one summer that year. Deepen your understanding of the other side of the strait. The story of a clever kid in the age of innocence. So many childhood memories are integrated into this movie. Zhu Yanping has made good films. It can enhance mutual understanding between everyone.
喜剧电影《狗蛋大兵(1996)/Naughty Boys & Soldiers》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
狗蛋大兵迅雷下载.1996.809.07mb.torrent 【】
狗蛋大兵迅雷下载.1996.870.5mb.torrent 【】
狗蛋大兵.1996.hdtv.080i.国语中字.mp4 【4.02 GB】
狗蛋大兵.naughty boys.&.soldiers.subbed.dvd.x264 【528.57MB】
狗蛋大兵.rmvb 【0.4 GB】
狗蛋大兵 【0.4 GB】
[狗蛋大兵]吴宗宪翁虹吴奇隆喜剧国语DVD.rmvb 【0.4 GB】
狗蛋大兵.flv 【0.2 GB】
狗蛋大兵.rmvb 【0.4 GB】
狗蛋大兵2之超級3等兵.Me.And.You.And.A.Girl.Name.Ugly.1997.VCDRip 【1.0 GB】
狗蛋大兵2.超级三等兵.Naughty.Boys.&.Soldiers.II.1997.SUBBED.VCD. 【0.3 GB】
南方娱乐(bbs.nfyl.net).狗蛋大兵2.超级三等兵.Naughty.Boys.&.Soldiers. 【0.3 GB】
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