小小白 发表于 2023-11-13 22:45:32

喜剧情色历史电影《一乐也(1973)/ 一樂也/The Happiest Moment》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

喜剧情色历史电影《一乐也(1973)/ 一樂也/The Happiest Moment》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《一乐也(1973)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《一樂也》,《The Happiest Moment》。本片于1973-11-08(中国香港)正式上映。本片的片长是94分钟。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是李翰祥,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员许冠文、胡锦、谷峰、恬妮、詹森等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国香港地区。本片的豆瓣评分是6.5分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是6.9分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:一乐也是一部喜剧,情色,历史片,民国时期,世道纷扰,兵荒马乱,各种各样稀奇古怪的事情层出不穷:                                                                    商会会长任洛天(许冠文 饰)年过半百,色心不减,为求与妓女小红春宵缠绵而高价求购印度春药,不想乐极生悲,做了花下风流鬼;警察局督察长(许冠文 饰)横征暴敛,贪得无厌,不仅将医院做成买卖铺,还盘剥妓女间老弱病残,东窗事发后脚底抹油,溜之大吉;年过古稀的老太太傅于氏(许冠文 饰)胃口不适,偏偏戒不了口腹之欲,无奈何最终上了手术台,更遭遇马虎大夫,只得连番开膛破肚,叫苦不迭;理发馆一乐也的小伙计小六(许冠文 饰)愚钝可爱,时而惹得师娘(胡锦 饰)暴跳如雷,时而令师傅哭笑不得,由此上演无数搞笑且惊悚的市井闹剧……一句话评论:分身术。


Yile is also a comedy, erotic, and historical film. During the Republic of China, the world was in turmoil, the war was chaotic, and all kinds of strange and weird things happened one after another: Ren Luotian (played by Xu Guanwen), the president of the Chamber of Commerce, was over fifty years old, and his lust was not diminished. In order to have a romantic relationship with the prostitute Xiao Hong, he bought Indian aphrodisiacs at a high price. Not wanting to be extremely happy and miserable, he became a romantic ghost under the flowers; the police inspector general (played by Xu Guanwen) extorted money and was greedy. He not only turned the hospital into a trading shop, but also exploited the prostitutes' bosses. Weak and sick, after the Dong Chuang incident, he rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and ran away; Fu Yushi (Xu Guanwen), an old lady who is over seventy years old, has a bad appetite, but she can't stop her cravings. She has no choice but to end up on the operating table, and even encounters a sloppy doctor. He was disemboweled and complained incessantly; Xiao Liu (played by Xu Guanwen), a happy boy in the barber shop, was cute and stupid, sometimes making the master's wife (played by Hu Jin) furious, sometimes making the master dumbfounded, and countless funny and terrifying stories were staged. A farce in the city... One sentence comment: The art of clones.

喜剧情色历史电影《一乐也(1973)/ 一樂也/The Happiest Moment》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


kuvun.org.the.happiest.moment.1973.1080p.catchplay.web- 【2.74GB】
第一流氓@18P2P一乐也AVI 【704 MB】
一乐也1973国粤.简繁英.MFL.mkv 【0.96GB】


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