小小白 发表于 2023-11-13 22:39:27

动作电影《黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸(1994)/ 黃飛鴻之五龍城殲霸/黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸 / 黄飞鸿5 / Once Upon a Time in China V》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

动作电影《黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸(1994)/ 黃飛鴻之五龍城殲霸/黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸 / 黄飞鸿5 / Once Upon a Time in China V》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸(1994)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《黃飛鴻之五龍城殲霸》,《黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸 》,《 黄飞鸿5 》,《 Once Upon a Time in China V》。本片于1994-11-17(中国香港)正式上映。本片的片长是101分钟。本片的发行语言是粤语。本片导演是徐克,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员赵文卓、关之琳、莫少聪、郑则仕、郭晋安、熊欣欣、王静莹、谭炳文、刘洵、易天雄、吕少玲、张铁林、黄沾等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国香港地区。本片的豆瓣评分是6.8分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是6.1分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸是一部动作片,八国联军入京,朝廷出奔,举国局势一度混乱。黄飞鸿(赵文卓 饰)与父亲黄麒英(刘询 饰)、十四姨(王静莹 饰)、徒弟梁宽(莫少聪 饰)、鬼脚七(熊欣欣 饰)一行人南下番禹,欲与十三姨(关之琳 饰)、猪肉荣(郑则仕 饰)、牙擦苏(郭晋安 饰)汇合。师徒于路同担心海盗夺粮的南粤米仓发生误会,两帮人不打不相识,黄飞鸿助其将盗米贼扭送衙门,惊觉盗米竟是差役领班谢四(张铁林 饰)指使。原来南海海盗趁局势混乱,活动频繁,使番禹一地早无官员统制,差役不得已靠偷盗维持口粮。黄飞鸿有感谢四等人忠义,遂放弃赴港计划,与当地海盗单眼英、张云麟、张保仔等人展开连场搏杀……                                                                    本片是徐克执导黄飞鸿系列的第五部。Brand new epic adventure set during a tumultuous time in China, when left without a leader, the cavalry is attacked by the powerful allies and pirate bands. A martial arts master, Wong ...一句话评论:诡异,血腥的群魔乱舞。功夫枪战片。中式美学弄丢了。黄飞鸿是李连杰演艺生涯里的重要标签,换其他谁演都是一份尴尬。初雪谈电影香港大导演徐克之思远篇。可能是李连杰的黄飞鸿太过完美,赵文卓演得再好都有点山寨的感觉。这部几乎所有的人都回归了,就差了李连杰和歌神,但是总体零碎,有点乱,不过忧国忧民的家国情怀还是主题,不错。。黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸。被低估的作品。延续黄飞鸿。电影『黄飞鸿之五龙城歼霸』观随感记。


Once Upon a Time Part 5: Dragon City is an action movie. The Eight-Nation Allied Forces enter Beijing, the imperial court flees, and the country is once in chaos. Huang Feihong (played by Zhao Wenzhuo), his father Huang Qiying (played by Liu Xun), his fourteenth aunt (played by Wang Jingying), his apprentice Liang Kuan (played by Mo Shaocong), and Gui Jiaoqi (played by Xiong Xinxin) went south to Panyu to meet his thirteenth aunt (played by Wang Jingying). Guan Zhilin (played by Guan Zhilin), Zhu Zhurong (played by Zheng Zeshi), and Yaca Su (played by Guo Jinan) gather together. Master and apprentice have a misunderstanding when Lu and Lu are worried about pirates stealing grain from the Nanyue rice warehouse. The two gangs don't know each other before fighting. Huang Feihong helps him to turn the rice thieves into the Yamen. He is shocked to realize that the rice theft is actually ordered by the foreman Xie Si (played by Zhang Tielin). . It turns out that pirates in the South China Sea took advantage of the chaos and moved frequently, leaving Panyu without official control for a long time. The officers had to rely on stealing to maintain their rations. Wong Fei Hung was grateful for the loyalty of the four men, so he gave up his plan to go to Hong Kong and started a series of battles with local pirates Dan Yanying, Zhang Yunlin, Zhang Baozai and others... This film is the fifth part of the Wong Fei Hung series directed by Tsui Hark. Brand new epic adventure set during a tumultuous time in China, when left without a leader, the cavalry is attacked by the powerful allies and pirate bands. A martial arts master, Wong...One sentence review: Weird, bloody chaos of demons. Kung fu gun fight movie. Chinese aesthetics are lost. Huang Feihong is an important label in Jet Li's acting career. It would be embarrassing for anyone else to play the role. Chu Xue talks about the film "Reminiscences of the Great Hong Kong Director Tsui Hak-chi". Maybe it's because Jet Li's Once Upon a Time is too perfect, and Zhao Wenzhuo's performance feels a bit like a copycat no matter how good he is. Almost everyone in this film has returned, except for Jet Li and the singer, but overall it is fragmented and a bit messy. However, the theme of caring about the country and the people is still the theme, which is good. . Once Upon a Time in the City Part 5: Dragon City Annihilates the Tyrant. Underrated work. Continuation of Once Upon a Time. Thoughts on watching the movie "Once Upon a Time in the City of Five Dragons".

动作电影《黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸(1994)/ 黃飛鴻之五龍城殲霸/黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸 / 黄飞鸿5 / Once Upon a Time in China V》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


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once.upon.a.time.in.china.v.1994.cc.bluray.1080p.x265.1 【6.1GB】
黄飞鸿系列之五龙城歼霸.1994£九洲客£scg-cmct 960*460p 粤语 内嵌简体中文.rmvb 【】
黄飞鸿之五·龙城歼霸.once.upon.a.time.in.china.ⅴ.1994.美版蓝光.bd1080 【2.75GB】
黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸.1994.bd1080p.国粤双语中字.mp4 【】
once.upon.a.time.in.china.v.1994.cc.bluray.1080p.ac3.2a 【7.7GB】
黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸[国粤配音+中文字幕].once.upon.a.time.in.china.v.1994. 【4.99GB】
黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸.国英双语.简繁国配字幕once upon a time in china v 1994【】
黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸迅雷下载.1994.1.45gb.torrent 【1.45GB】
黄飞鸿之五:龙城歼霸once upon a time in china v 1994 nf web-dl 10 【2.22GB】
【HDRip 720p】
【10.28 GB】
黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸[国粤双语] 【1.46 GB】
黄飞鸿之龙城歼霸(除盗).国语中字.HD720.MFL.mkv 【1.68 GB】
Wong Fei Hung Zhi Wu, Long Cheng Jian Ba (199 【395.89MB】
L Ultimo Combattimento Di Wong - Once Upon a Time in Ch 【713.57MB】
Once.Upon.a.Time.in.China.V.1994.DVDRip.Xvid.AC3- 【1.46 GB】
Once.Upon.a.Time.in.China.V.1994.iNT.DVDRip.x264.DualAu 【1.38GB】
Once.Upon.a.Time.in.China.V.1994.VHSRip.DivX.Subbed 【0.68GB】


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oyhtlhabc 发表于 2024-2-5 10:10:00

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